Bullying her

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Chapter 11 The sound of the footsteps descending the staircase pulls her attention, and she tilts her head to see Trevor walking into the living room. As if she suddenly becomes invisible, he ignores her and walks over to sit on the couch, whilst maintaining a straight face. Having her around is already irritating him, and he can't help having second thoughts about his decision. Maybe employing her here is a bad idea in the first place. "Good evening, sir," She greets him politely. "Patty!" He ignores her greetings and calls out to their maid instead. Not that he needs her greetings anyway, so she can save them for whoever needs them. "Sir!" Patty's voice sounds from the corridor, followed by her footsteps until she finally shows up in the living room. "Show her to her room," He says to her, and with that, he walks over to the exit door and strides out of the house. Nadia Brandon Seriously, this guy is arrogant for giving me that glare and not even replying to my greetings. I'm already having a feeling that I made a bad decision in the first place and I can't regretting it now. I watch as he strides out of the living room, and I can't just help the deep sigh that escapes my lips. I think I'm in a real deep mess right now. Turning around to face the Patty girl, I find her glaring daggers at me like she will kill me anytime soon. Someone should please tell this girl that I hate her as much as she hates me, so she better stop giving me that stupid look. She has been a bad b***h from the first day that I was here. And I was thinking that she'll be someone important, maybe one of the twin's girlfriends, but turns out that she's just an ordinary maid like myself. If she thinks she can bully me, then that'll be in her wildest dream. She rolls her eyes and starts walking away while I trail behind her, dragging my bag behind me. After walking me through the hallway for what seems like an eternity, we finally stop in front of a door and I conclude that it must be my room. She turns and faces me while having a deadly glare on her face. My stay here is going to be fun, especially when there's someone to annoy here all day. "Hey, stop making that face. Didn't your doctor tell you that frowning your face makes you have wrinkles and reduces your beauty? Not that you're beautiful, but ruining your ugly face, don't you think it'll make you look more horrible than this?" I smirk at her, and she gasps. Don't blame me for being like this. Recalling the way she spoke to me the other day, I see this as payback. I'm a cute easygoing girl, but I have a bad b***h living inside me which you can never imagine. Finally dragging my bag into the room, my mouth drops open in shock at the sight that welcomes me. It's my first time seeing such a large and beautiful room all my life. The only place I get to see this type of room is in movies, and never anywhere. It's like heaven on earth. Throwing myself on the soft bed, it bounces me up and I land on my back again. This feels so good. It's my first time getting to be on a bed this big and beautiful, and I must confess that it feels so great. Sitting up on the bed, I glance around the room, and I must confess that it's really beautiful. The large room is painted white, the curtains look extremely beautiful. After I arrange my clothes in the closet, I further head to the bathroom to freshen up before I take a walk in the house. Since it's my first day here, I think I need to get familiar with things here. Maybe it would've been a good idea if that Patty girl can take me around, but it's obvious that she's not even going to give that a chance. I am even more shocked and wowed at the sight of the bathroom. It's large and beautiful with a beautiful bathtub to compliment it. After I have my bath, I walk back into my room and get dressed before I head downstairs to make something to eat. I know this is too fast considering that I haven't even been shown around, but the hunger in me won't just let me be. I will collapse if I don't eat anything. The kitchen is easy to locate as it's just behind the living room. It's not an exception when it comes to beauty, so I don't see any reason to admire it anymore. I pick out two packs of noodles from the cabinet that has labels on them, and I set to cook immediately. It takes me less than fifteen minutes to make the noodles, after which I serve myself and amble to the dining room to enjoy my meal. Although I know that I'm going to be going through many challenges here, that won't stop me from enjoying myself. Having all my attention on the meal and enjoying every bit of it, the footsteps drawing close to me pull my attention, but I remain focused on my food. I don't need to check out who it is. I already know that it's Patty, judging from her cologne. "What the heck!" She shrieks, and I sigh briefly. What's wrong with her now?
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