Chapter-55.1 About Time: Part 2

2101 Words

"I was being followed?" I whispered. He nodded his head. "Yes," he snapped, almost making me jump. "And had I not gotten to him in time, Gordon would be taking your head as soon as he got back from his trip." "I...why would someone follow me?" I mumbled. "Why do you think?" Braiden exclaimed. "Alana, at what point did you forget that Voss had started suspecting you?" "He is just a stupid wolf," I grumbled, irritated at the idea that the asshole would dare send his men after me. Probably was letting his dog, Alexis, keep an eye on me too. "And this is exactly the thing that is wrong," he almost shouted. "You are so wrapped up in your thirst for revenge that you don't even realize the hole you are digging for yourself! How would you have explained to Gordon when he asked you about why

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