Chapter-56 New York: Part 1

3161 Words

Rose Noah was a bit silent as he drove us to New York, lost deep in some thoughts. However, regardless, he was still holding my hand on his lap, idly grazing my skin with his thumb while his one hand held onto the wheel. I watched him silently and he just seemed so...surreal. Today, he wore a white shirt and some kind of pants with lots of pockets. As always, he had one of his expensive watches on that was engraved with his initials, all of it completed with his dizzying scent. We were headed to the city alone. Logan and Cora left early because Cora had to look at some last-minute stuff with her best friend May. Asher will be joining us tomorrow at the opening because he had some pack things to take care of. I have obviously never been to anywhere outside the Eclipse Moon and now Gray

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