Chapter 19 Reversed Roles

3723 Words

Oh god help me. After the crazy showdown earlier, I cannot afford to deal with my parents. And especially my father. I remember how he dealt with Cora. There is no f*****g way I would let him do the same thing to Rose. She does not have the strength to fight them. My father was hard-headed and downright obnoxious, his life revolving around rules and so-called reputation and status. Resultantly, most of his decisions have cost the pack dearly in the past few years. He was in no place to comment on Rose, so he had better not try. "You gotta help me," I hissed, running my fingers through my hair. "Rose is not in the place to deal with anymore nonsense and neither am I," "Just get back. Ash and I will try to find a way to solve this later," Logan assured. "Don't worry, we got you," I

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