Chapter-81 Back To The Cave

2319 Words

There was one thing I was absolutely sure of: Rose's screams were going to haunt me for a long, long time. Her soft voice was no longer soft and her stutter was making it even harder for her. Her body trembled in my arms as if someone was passing bolts of electric shock through her as she almost tore apart her clothes, covered in blood. My heart sank for her and I couldn't fathom how worse it could get. I mean wasn't this enough already? " are hu...hurt," Rose said in garbled words, blinking through her tears. I think my jaw hit the floor as I stared at her pain-etched face. She really wasn't worried about me while she was well on her way to dying from toxic, unbearable pain, was she? "She is not going to die!" Noel snapped. "We won't let her! We are going to hold her throu

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