Chapter-82 The Fated Heir

2479 Words

It almost felt like I was in some kind of slow motion movie as suddenly the peace within the cave turned into chaos. Astraea was barking orders, the other witches were running out and about, Sabrina was at my side holding onto Rose as she muttered something in a distant language I didn't understand. And Rose...I wasn't sure about her. With every passing seconds her screams were turning louder and ghastlier. Her eyes were red. Like vampire-kind red while her hair was an array of black mess. Her forehead was marred with sweat as she thrashed around, looking wild and crazy. "What the f**k is going on?" I exclaimed. "She is going into labor, dumbass," Sabrina grimaced. "It's not going to be pretty, alpha. So, better brace yourself." My mouth went dry, and I remembered what Logan told m

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