Chapter-46 Struggle

2233 Words

"Alpha Go...Gordon Vance," she said, her eyes darkening. "He wa...was the one I ra...ran fr...from. He is th...the who...whose ch...child I am ca...carrying. He is th...the one who...whose mark wan...wanted to hi...hide." "Wh...what?" Noel whispered while I blankly stared at Rose. And that was all I could do. I think it has been more than five minutes since those words left her mouth but I was just too shocked, too frozen to respond. "Go...Gordon is your mate?" I finally pushed the words out of my lips. "Gordon Vance?" "Yes," she whispered. "Go...Gordon Va...Vance. The ma...mark is his. This is his," I simply had no idea what to say. My brain felt like it had frozen or something. " that's not possible," Noel growled. "No! No! She is my mate! She is

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