The Bracelet

1041 Words
I closed my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks, my body trembling slightly. I wasn't sure how long I stayed there, just crying, but I came off it with my eyes stinging lightly. Suddenly, I caught sight of the bracelet Fabian had let go of. For a while, I just stared at it, before I slowly went down, then picked the bracelet, my fingers clasping over it. Slowly, I folded it in my hand, then stood again, sniffing hard. I glanced at the mirror to make sure I didn't look like I felt, then slowly walked out of the room. To my surprise, Fabian was standing by the door, his hands in his pocket, his eyes closed as he leaned back on the wall. I instinctively took a step back, and the sudden movement caused him to open his eyes. He turned to me, his eyes darkening a bit. But I swear I saw it. The little quiver in his lips. The glassy layer covering his blue eyes, and the stiffness in his shoulders. "Fabian..." "The event downstairs requires us to kiss. I told them you are dizzy, so it's cancelled." My lips parted in surprise, as he peeled himself off the wall, then turned away. "Fabian." "Act the role of the forced wife, Aurora. You are confusing me." "Confusing you? Fabian, you are the one who tried to kiss me twice!" "And what is wrong? What is wrong with me kissing you, you are going to be my wife." "Have you heard of consent?" I asked, my chest heaving. "We both know we don't want this. So why...he would you try to cross the lines?" He swallowed, then looked at me. "The lines? What lines? The lines you put between us eight years ago or...or the lines I am somehow supposed to contend with now?" "Why are you so obsessed with eight years ago? You should have moved on from that..." "I did not!" He yelled, his eyes wide with feral anger. "I did not move on, and I had no intentions to. I do not fail. I never do. How come I keep failing with you? I am never invisible, how come you never see me?" My breath hitched, my eyes blinking rapidly, my chest heaving. I was grateful we would have to go round to be directly above the event center, or we would be making a scene right here. "I am not a conquest." "Oh you are," he said, his eyes darting across both of mine. "You are a conquest. For the highest bidder, for the fastest man. You are for the taking by the first to put it all at risk." I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks now. I took a step forward, my eyes boring into his. "I...yes, maybe. For the fastest man to reach my heart. Not for the first man to try to kiss me.. Not for the first man to dump money on me for a night." He watched me for a long moment, an inexplicable expression passing his eyes. Slowly, he broke into a smile. One of those smiles that showed his sharp canines. One of those smiles that spoke of pure evil. "Fine," he said, nodding. "Keep your heart open, then, Aurora. Don't be a hypocrite." I swallowed, as he walked past me, his cologne whiffing past me, the material of his suit lightly brushing me. I turned to him, his bracelet still clasped in my hand as I watched him walk away, leaving the event all together. The rest of the event seemed to blur away, between the greetings and the inquiries about my health, I found myself completely zoned out. I met none of Fabian's friends, but Gerald assured me he had absolutely none. It was rather weird, but since I wasn't so good at socializing myself, I wasn't one to judge. "Aurora?" I sighed at the mention of my name. The ceremony had come to an end, and the hall was now mostly empty. Gerald smiled a little apologetically. "I am sorry, you seem tired." "It is fine. Is there something I can do for you?" He shrugged. "Your dad left already. I told him to let you stay here in the hotel, so we have the photoshoot tomorrow morning." I nodded. I do remember seeing clothes meant for the photoshoot. "Alright. But, I forgot to..." "Don't worry. Everything is taken care of. Someone will come get you to your room now." I gave a small smile, grateful for the fact that he hadn't mentioned sharing with Fabian. Although I don't see the point. He could just go home. And I might be the last person he wants to see right now. "Thank you." He gave a warm smile. "I am just glad Fabian seems comfortable with the entire thing. I was scared he would pass out." I turned to him. "Pass out?" He laughed. "Well, yes. He can't...stand wedding related events." My brows furrowed as my mind reeled. He had indeed clutched my hand extra tight as we descended, and kept drinking I thought he would pass out from the alcohol. "Can I ask why?" I saw Gerald stiffen a little, before he smiled. "It is not important really. He probably already outgrew it seeing how seamless today was." I nodded again, my curiosity nowhere near satisfied. I just wasn't curious enough to ask Fabian, or even see him. Especially with what had happened earlier. "So, I...Fabian dropped his bracelet." Gerald stopped walking, and he turned to me as I stretched my hand to him. "This..." "It looked valuable, so I...decided to bring it." Gerald watched the bracelet, but made no move to take it. I moved closer, and he seemed to take a good look at it. "I thought it was yours?" He asked, his brows furrowed as he met my eyes. "What?" He shook his head. "I mean...I am pretty sure that is yours. The bracelet I mean." I shook my head. "No, Fabian dropped it in the room and..." Gerald shrugged. "I don't know, Aurora. But it was custom made. For you. He must have dropped it mistakenly." I swallowed, my eyes dropping to the gold bracelet. For me? How?
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