
1494 Words
I watched Fabian as he weaved through the crowd for a fleeting moment, before he slowly retreated, his glass, like a trusty companion, glued to his fingers. At some point, I knew he had drank himself to a point where he was barely hanging on. "Aurora." I turned to my dad, who gave a small smile, then held both hands in his. His hands were cool to the touch, and I felt myself relax a bit. "Dad. Are you enjoying it?" He shrugged. "I guess it is fine." I nodded. "We will be fine, right?" "I and your mother, yes. You need to tell me if you will be, though." I forced a small smile, the corner of my eyes catching a glimpse of Fabian. He was slowly ascending the stairs, his hand gripping the railing. He staggered a bit, and his bracelet came off his wrist. I watched the shimmering gold fall to the floor beneath, and he stopped, then gave a long sigh. He turned, and his eyes suddenly found mine. They were dark, unexpressive. He looked like he hid more than I cared to know. I just hoped he would be good enough to just let me be. His eyes held mine for longer than I had intended to let the eye contact last, and I only felt my father let go of my hands as someone pulled him away. I said nothing to his hurried apologies, and I felt my breath hitch with a good dose of hate. Slowly, Fabian's jaw clenched, and he turned away, like he had decided the entire thing, me, the party and his bracelet were not worth it. I watched his back as he ascended the stairs, then disappeared into one of the rooms located upstairs. I gave a sigh, my eyes closing. It was taking me a bit of time to adjust to the idea that most likely, for the rest of my life, I would be married to Fabian Stone. I gave a long sigh, then sat back, the ceremony falling behind me as I buried my face in my hands. Like if I stayed there long enough, if I covered my face a little longer, I would be back in my quiet little world, far away from the danger I am currently engaged to. "Aurora?" I sighed into my palm, then slowly stood up. An elderly woman followed by Gerald was looking at me. Her eyes carried a curiosity that showed through her kind smile, and I immediately smiled. "She is Fabian's favorite aunt. She makes the best cinnamon rolls." She rolled her eyes at Gerald, before pulling me into a hug. "Call me Meghan." "Nice to meet you," I said, and her smile brightened. "Be good to my Fabian." I nodded slowly. I sure hoped someone was asking him to be good to me too. Because I sure as hell needed it. "I will try my best." She smiled again, then looked around. "I don't see Fabian anywhere." I swallowed. "He...he went up. Probably a bit tired." She smiled. "Could you get him for me?" Gerald nodded in support. My fists clenched, as it seemed like a ploy to have me in the same space as him. It didn't sit well with me, when I was just trying to run from him. "Yes, you should, Aurora. It is almost time for the last event." The last event? I wasn't aware of anything like that. They didn't give me a chance to ask, however, as they immediately got caught up in a conversation about something I couldn't wrap my head around. I slowly walked away towards the long stairs, then took the first step, before I stopped, suddenly remembering something. I turned to the floor, and sure enough, Fabian's bracelet was on the floor. Against rationality, I retraced my steps, then walked to it, my hand holding my dress. I leaned to pick it up, my eyes lingering on the gold ornament. It felt cold in my fingers, and I let my fingers skim over the front of it. It was the pencil sketch of a woman, her fingers in her hair, her eyes closed. I could not tell who she was. Maybe a first love? Could someone as uncommitted and free as Fabian have a woman he was willing to carry on his bracelet? I wondered if it was just how the bracelet came, and it had no significance to him. Slowly, I turned it, my eyes thin as I read the word engraved into the back. Dawn. My eyes squinted as I tried to analyze the meaning. Was her name dawn? Or... I suddenly heard the first chords of a song. I turned, and I could see them getting ready for whatever that event was. Slowly, I sat up, clasping the bracelet in my hand, then went up the stairs. I checked the first room, and it was empty. I walked over to the second room, and it was empty too. I had started to walk out, when I heard the sound of the faucet. I stopped, waiting by the door, hoping it was Fabian, so I would have this done and over with and I could go home. The bathroom door opened, and Fabian slowly stepped out. His hair was lightly damp, and his jacket was nowhere. His tie was loose, his sleeves rolled up. His hair fell lightly across his eyes, and they added darkness to them. I unconsciously took a step back, and swallowed. He turned to me, his down turned eyes taking on an even darker gaze. "What are you doing here?" I swallowed. "I..." I trailed off. Eight years and I still get tongue tied around him. "Aunt Meghan asked me to get you." He said nothing, then slowly walked to the couch. "Also...you dropped your bracelet earlier." He stopped tweaking his jacket, then turned to me. I stretched my hand out, and let the bracelet dangle on the very edge of my longest finger. He looked at it, like he was contemplating not getting it. It probably would have been the easier option for both of us. Slowly, he started to walk towards me. I took another step back, and my back hit the door, my chest lightly heaving. He didn't stop, or care that I probably looked like I wanted to chicken out of giving him the bracelet all together. His fingers lightly grazed mine as he took it off, then raised his eyes to me. I swallowed hard. "I...I will go down and wait." I turned sharply, but was violently cut off my escape route when Fabian's arm came in front of me, his hand dabbing on the wall behind me. "What..." I started to say, but his fingers slowly reached up my chin. My eyes met his as his fingers lightly reached up to cup the side of my face. He gave a small smile, then shook his head. "You weren't cheap at all." He sounded drunk, and his cologne was doing a heavy job of masking the alcohol, but when he was this close, I could still get a whiff. "You...you are drunk." "I know," he answered, his eyes darkening as he leaned to me. My breath hitched as his fingers raised my face to give him more access, and he leaned further. "Fabian." He didn't reply, and I swallowed, moving away as much as I could. He moved further, and I realized, he was determined to go through with that kiss. "Fabian." My voice was desperate now, and I put my hand on his chest, pushing as hard ad I could. But he was stronger, and he leaned further, his fingers tightening around my waist. "Fabian!" I yelled this time, my eyes blurry with tears, and before I could think of it, I turned, my hand slapping his right cheek. He stumbled back, his face swerving to the left, his eyes wide. His hair fell in thin, wet strands in front of him, and his lips parted, his breathing rather labored. My eyes went wide as I watched him, tears lightly blurring my vision of him. His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, then looked up, his hand reaching up to cup his cheek. He looked shocked, and the hurt filled his eyes. Slowly, anger reached his features, and his teeth lightly gritted. "Eight years...and I still haven't learned your price." I swallowed, trying hard to catch my breath. "Fabian, I..." He took a step forward. "Am I still not paying enough? Or...am I that loathsome?" He didn't wait for me to answer it however, before he turned, letting go of the bracelet where he had been standing. He grabbed his jacket, and I moved away from the door as he walked past me, then walked away, leaving the door slightly ajar. Like he was letting me choose to hide away in that room, or come down to him.
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