Chapter 56

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Aurora/ Rory Pov: As usual I got up early, and did my morning routine as usual. The most happiest thing for me in these days were the things, that I get to enjoy in the Night howlers pack. Like having a hot water to take bath in the morning, having a big, and spacious room with a walk-in closet, and bathroom, cooking foods for the people I like the most, and them eating the foods that I cook with so much delight, and then them praising the taste of the foods that I had made for them, and giving compliments with a big smile on their faces, from bottom of their hearts. Zara, and Clint were the ones who were more expressive in their words regarding the taste of the foods. And Clint even gave me a nickname, “food fairy”. Well… . These things might look like so petty, and some may even think that I was being childish, but I don’t think so. The above said things might matter a very little or even does not matter to others, but for me, it does. Only the ones who have went through my past experiences might agree with me and will be able to understand that these little things can bring immense amount of happiness. All the little things, the values of those things could only be realised by someone like me, who did not had anything for myself to begin with. Even a small smile with genuine affection, makes me feel wanted, and it was like my life matters now. And I will be always grateful to these people, who gave that warmth to me. I can already feel that this pack was becoming my new home now, which I used to wish to have in the past, with these lovely people around me slowly becoming the most important people, taking up certain important places in both my heart, and life. And the most important thing was the job, that I do in the play school. Dear moon goddess… this was the first time I was being with the kids, and taking care of them. But like I was afraid, I did not mess things up as it was my first time, and I even started liking the job very much. It was mainly because of the naughty, and cheerful cute kids. Those cute little pups were so adorable, that I love them to the core, from the bottom of my heart. Their innocent looking faces, and pure naïve smiles that comes straight from their hearts, without any pretense, and fake feeling, makes my day nowadays, and it makes it easier for me to forget the old injures, that I had got from my old pack. After quickly changing my dress for the day, I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone. “good morning, Mrs. Jimmie”, I greeted her, who was in the kitchen, preparing the ingredients that are needed for making the breakfast. “good morning, dear. How did you sleep? “, Mrs. Jimmie asked me, while washing the vegetables. “it was so good. I had a peaceful sleep”, I replied to her happily, and then started helping her in sorting out the vegetables, and began to make the breakfast. I went to the play school, after having the breakfast with everyone. And I gradually started getting used to this sort of environment, where I can have meals with everyone, sitting in the same table, and making little conversations here, and there in the middle of the eating. Unlike in the past, where I was all alone, with no one to talk to me, and having only the four sides of the wall in the room as my companion. I enjoyed all these happy little moments, that I get to have in this new home of mine, and ate my breakfast with a small smile plastered on my face constantly. The moment I entered the school room, all the kids made some happy squeal sounds, and smiled at me brightly, making something to bloom deep inside of me. It was like a drop of rainfall that fell on the land, which was dry, and barren for years, making it fertile, and useful to grow something new. I have this sudden urge of overflowing emotions, deep inside of me, on seeing all these lovely kids, who were having all smiles on their faces for me. They became one of my sources of happiness, apart from Zara, and Casey. I settled at a place in the room, and then started playing with them, and took care of them. Soon it became evening, as the sun went down quickly, and it was time for the parents to come, and pick up their little kids. When every kid was picked up by their respective parents, I bid my farewell to my co workers in the school, the other ladies in the pack. When I was going back to the pack house, all of a sudden, a loud ringing sound of the bell was heard all around the pack, making me to stand still in my steps. Only after a few minutes, like a light bulb that went off, I suddenly realised that it was the sound of the warning bell of the Night howlers pack, that Casey had told me about casually on the other day. 'So the pack was under an attack right now’, I thought, and was scared internally. When I was faced with such a sudden event, in my anxious state, I failed to act fast, and the moment I turned back to go back to the play school for taking shelter, as the pack house was a little far away from where I was standing right now, I saw a scene that made the blood in my body to turn ice cold till the very last bit of drop. I saw a terrifying looking large rogue wolf running towards in a certain direction, and more particularly, that rogue Wolf’s target was a little kid. When I took a second glance at the little kid, I quickly realised that the kid was Jimmy, one of the kids, I was taking care of in the play school. Without wasting any more time, I ran towards the little kid, as fast as I could run with my untrained weak body. I don’t know what I was doing, or what I am going to do, the next moment. But my body reacted more fast than my brain, and I was already moving towards the little kid. All I felt at that instant, was an sudden urge, or a strong, and deep emotion, which burst within me, making me to wanting to save that little kid's life. I wanted to protect that little kid's life at all costs. That was what that ran through my mind, at that time. So without thinking twice, I ran as fast as I can, and on the way, I subconsciously picked up a solid rock like stone. Just when the rogue wolf reached the little kid, and just a little feet away from the kid, I threw the rock like stone I picked up from the ground, towards the rogue wolf, with all the strength I could muster from my entire body. The rock like stone squarely hit on the face of the rogue wolf, making it to lose its balance, and topple over, and made the rogue wolf to roll on the other side towards several feet away from the little kid. Taking it as my only shot to make a quick run, I quickly picked up the crying little boy, and ran as fast as I can towards the school building, in front of me. But to my bad luck, as always, the rogue wolf ran faster than me, and blocked my path leading to the play school. I skidded in my steps to stop running, and held the kid, and hugged the little kid to me very firmly. The rogue wolf shook its head, to see clearly, and growled at me angrily. And as if it’s not enough, it snapped it’s teeth in front of me, making me to be scared out of my wits. Not knowing what to do anymore, I prayed to the moon goddess that some one should come, and save us from this nasty, and angry looking rogue wolf. I backed away slowly, to put a good distance between the rogue wolf, and us, as I knew for sure, that I can not out run the rogue wolf in front of me. The moment I finished praying internally, the rogue wolf jumped towards us angrily, making both the little boy, and me, to scream in pure terror. I quickly hugged the little boy tightly against my petite body, and turned my back towards the rogue wolf, as I was fully determined, that I should never allow the little boy to be hurt by that rogue wolf. I sat down on the ground, and covered the little boy's entire body with mine, so that he was safe. Hearing the terrific growling sounds, that was coming from the rogue wolf, I started to tremble violently. ‘please save us, dear moon goddess…please send someone to save us….please’, I yelled in my heart, while hiding the little boy, using my body as a cover for him. ****** happy reading ❤❤❤
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