Chapter 57

2201 Words
Hearing the terrific growling sounds, that was coming from the rogue wolf, Rory started to tremble violently. ‘please save us, dear moon goddess…please send someone to save us….please’, Rory yelled in her heart, while hiding the little boy, using her body as a cover for him. Zion Xavier Pov: I was working in my alpha office as usual, as those stupid guys I call my brothers, Clint and Kevin, slyly gave their working files to me, saying that as diligent, and smart as I was, I should be the one to read this important file. But practically those two duffers dumped their work on me, and must be chilling in their offices. ***darn them, those lazy Buffalos. When I was in the middle of busy reading the file that was about the financial report regarding our business deals with the humans, I was mind linked that a few rogue wolves were spotted on the Western side of the border of our pack. I was both annoyed, and pissed off with the stupid routine of those rogue wolves that attack our pack each, and every month, without fail. The next second, the alarm bell was rung by the patrol guards to let the pack members to know that the rogue wolves were attacking our pack. This alarm bell sound was made mainly to alert the pack members. So that the warriors, and the trained fighters would be ready to guard the pack, and the pack members from inside, and also they would be ready to fight, just in case the patrolling guards needed their help in controlling the rogue wolves. And also for the women, who can’t fight, the elders and kids in the pack shall follow the usual routine, and seek protection in the nearest safety buildings. I was quick to got up on my feet, and was ready to go to the Western border of the pack, when all of a sudden, a little petite figure of a female flashed in front of my eyes, making me to stop in my tracks. “Aurora!!!! “, the words came out of my mouth automatically, in a mumbled way. I was now anxious, frustrated, and worried about her, all at the same time. Because I was worried that whether she know what the Alarm bell sound indicates for, and what was the drill that was to be followed, when she heard the alarm bell sound rung by the patrolling guards. Because as far as I knew, I didn’t say anything about this to her, as she always tries to avoid being in the same space as me, and even runs away sometimes sneakily, whenever she sees me in a distance, coming towards her. ‘What a mate I have’, I thought, and sighed heavily. Thus I was not able to tell her about the rogue situation, and the drill, that has to be followed in this type of emergency situations. And I knew for sure that no one, I mean the girls did not speak about this topic, when I was present with them. I secretly prayed to the moon goddess that either Zara, or Casey should have said something, or anything about this alert alarm bell sound to my mate Aurora, and that she must be safe somewhere inside the building, and not in the outside area. I was nervous as I did not want my mate to be hurt by anyone. I was helpless, as I could not even sense her with the help of the mate bond, as we have not even acknowledged each other as mates, then talk about marking each other… . It’s a far cry incident, at the moment. I quickly mind linked both Casey, and Zara asking them, whether Aurora was with either of them. But to my utter dismay, they both mind linked me back in negative, making me to grow more anxious about my mate. I ordered both Zara, and Casey to find the location of my mate, and reach out to me again, about it, and ran out side the pack house, the next second. In a few minutes, Casey mind linked me saying that Aurora was near the play school, which was unfortunately present in the Western part of the pack areas. The spot where the rogue wolves were currently attacking. Without thinking twice, and wasting any more time, I shifted into my big black wolf, shredding my clothes into several small pieces. I ran as fast as I can, and like never before I had ran in my entire life. The possibility that Aurora, my mate being in danger right now, made me, and my inner wolf to go crazy in fear, and worry, and in a sudden burst of adrenaline rush, we ran towards the play school. When I reached near the play school, I quickly sniffed the air around to quickly detect the delicious smell of my mate, that usually makes me to lose my mind, the scent of lavender with a hint of vanilla in it. The scent of the smell lead me to the side entrance of the play school. I ran towards in that direction as I could sense my mate's scent becoming stronger, and stronger as I close the distance between me, and the play school. There I saw the scene that made me to lose my entire control, and wanted to kill someone, that too so cruelly. “how dare he… f*****g fare he???!!!. kill that good for nothing filthy rogue wolf”, my inner wolf roared in full on rage, and the next second, he took control over half of my senses, wanting to kill that nasty rogue wolf that wanted to attack my mate… .. Our mate… ***’How dare he??….. How f*****g dare he to want to hurt my mate???..... My mate', I was fuming inside, while my inner wolf wanted nothing more than to wanting to rip that f*****g rogue wolf into several thousand shreds, and wanting to spill it’s blood as it tried to hurt our mate. With an earth shattering growl, we leaped above our little mate, Aurora, who was huddling on the ground like a ball, and trembling in fear. I landed right above that rogue wolf, which was ready to lung at our mate, Aurora. The next second, I landed a heavy blow to it’s face with my front paw, making it back away a few steps back, away from our little mate. In a few minutes, I quickly killed the rogue wolf by aiming for its jugular vein, and had a nice grip on its neck. With a few swift moves, I snapped the neck of the rogue wolf, making it to die in an instant. But even after killing it, I was still fuming inside in rage, as my anger was not yet quenched until now, and everything I saw was in red color. Not to mention my inner wolf, who had lost his s**t already, seeing the scene where he could lose his destined mate forever. I was in the same mind set too. My inner wolf took over, and ripped the rogue wolf into several shreds, spilling the blood of the rogue wolf on the ground mercilessly. **well, when it comes to the person who tries to hurt our family, then it means that they had dug their own grave, and both my wolf, and me would never show any mercy to any such person. When my inner wolf thought that he was done with the rogue wolf, he turned around to look at our mate Aurora, who was still sitting on the ground with a terrified expression on her face. A little head suddenly came out of her embrace, and the little boy’s face was full of tears. only then I realised that the reason our mate, huddled on the ground like that was to protect that little boy, and hide him away from the rogue wolf using her body as a shield. I was stunned for a second, just by thinking about her self less act, and the urge to protect the little guy, who was weaker than her, even though it was out of her capacity. When I was in the middle of admiring, and feeling proud of our mate’s brave action, the warning bell rang again, indicating that it was now safe for the others to come out now. Quickly another pack member, one of the teachers in the play school came, and took the little boy out of Aurora’s hold, and took him inside the play school to be safe. I wanted to shift back, and go to Aurora, and help her to go to a safe place as she was still in shock, and was in the ground, without moving an inch, may be because of the shock. I was worried that she must have been hurt, so I thought of checking her up. But when I was about to take the control back of our body, my inner wolf refused to give me back the control of our body, and did the unexpected, making me to be dumbfounded by his actions. He was still angry that some rogue wolves had entered the territory of our pack, despite our tight security guards, and threatened the safety of our pack members. And to top it all of that, the life of our mate was threatened just in front of our eyes. So without thinking twice, my inner wolf ran towards our mate Aurora, who was still sitting frozen on the ground, and looking at us in a terrified way. **’poor girl must have been in a shock, after encountering a near death experience', I thought. But when my wolf went near her, she screamed at the top of her lungs, and backed away from us, while shaking her head, and mumbling something low, to herself. I warned my inner wolf several times, to stop going towards her as she was terrified. “you stupid wolf. Just stop. Don’t go near her. She was currently terrified, and was in shock!!“, I warned my wolf seriously. “no…my Mate…our mate was afraid. I need to be near her. I want to check if she was hurt, or not”, my inner wolf said, and refused to heed to my words. So as he had wanted, he went near to Aurora, who still backed away from us, while trembling like a piece of thin paper. “go away… . No… . Stop… .. St… stop… stay away from me. Stay away!!!!”, Aurora started to say in a dazed state, in a repeated fashion. Just when my inner wolf was a feet away from our mate, she screamed her lungs out in fear, and fainted that instant. My inner wolf, and I was worried sick seeing our mate fainting like that, in front of our eyes. The next second, we reached her, and was by her side. My inner wolf started to nudge her side with his snout, wanting to wake her up, and licked her face affectionately, and whimpered lightly. “See what have you done, you knuckle head!!!. You made her faint in fright!!!”, I screamed at him, but he only whimpered in response. “I did not know that she would faint like this. I just…just wanted to check on her condition, and see whether she was hurt, or not“, he mumbled lowly, and his wolf ears were dropped in defeat. Then he went to the back of my mind, giving the full control of the body to me. “That was f*****g why I told you to stop before!!. But you never listened to me”, I snapped at him, as I too was on edge due to our mate’s condition. I quickly shifted into my human form, and quickly grabbed a trunk shorts, from a storage safe place in the near by tree, where we would usually store extra clothes for emergency situations like this. Then I came, and kneeled down next to our mate, who was lying motionless on the ground. She looked so pale, like all the blood from her body was drained to the last drop of it, and she looked so much like a lifeless rag doll. Something deep inside me, made me to feel pain, just by looking at her pale face. I carefully removed the clusters of hair that was blocking her innocent little face, and moved it to the back of her ear. Then I carefully caressed her right cheek, which was as soft, and pink as a rose petal. “Zion??.. Did you find Rory??. Where is she now??? “, Casey mind linked me hastily, and I could tell that she was worried like hell, and was concerned about my mate. “Yes, Casey… I found her, and she is fine. But she fainted due to the fear. I am taking her to the pack hospital “, I said to her, and carried my lovely mate into my arms in a princess style to the pack hospital. *** happy reading ❤❤❤
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