chapter 8

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Aurora POV: This is the most precious gift I got till now, in my whole life. I promised to myself that I will treasure this silver chain with my life, as it was like the last memory of my mom Lily. “I want you to wear this dress tomorrow for your 18th birthday sweet heart. You should look beautiful tomorrow, as it is one of the most important day in you life. It's the most important day in the life of all werewolves. Tomorrow you will have your wolf and your first shift too…. May the Moon Goddess bless you with a kind hearted mate, who could take you away from all your sufferings and from this pack house away from those heartless people. All I can do is to pray for you now dear. I am Sorry for being an incompetent aunt to you, who couldn't do anything to help you in reducing your pains, my dear.... I am so sorry....i am so sorry for your mother. I am ashamed to even face you baby girl. I feel worst on how I will face your mom when I meet her later” aunt Tara said. “ no aunt Tara…don't blame yourself like that.. You did all you can, in your power to save me from all of these pains and sufferings, all these years. My mom, your best friend, would be happy and grateful to you like me, as you helped me all these years. It’s me…the unlucky and cursed one…i am bound to's my fate..”I said and shook my head at her, who was self blaming herself. I can’t imagine my condition till now, without aunt Tara's help. I might have died a long time ago, If she didn’t help me all these years. "OK...let's drop the depressing topic baby girl. let's talk about happy things". she said changing the topic. “Your mom Lily might be so happy and excited about your 18th birthday, if she were alive with us now. You were her beloved little angel. Think of these gifts as if your mom Lily gave it to you, baby girl. She might have even selected the same dress as I had picked for you. I am sure of it though. I knew her selection in dresses and all about her taste in everything, better than herself.” Aunt Tara said. It’s true though. Our mom Lily really liked to dress in a simple and elegant way, just as the same dress as aunt Tara had selected for me . I liked that style too, because of our mom Lily. Soon I heard footsteps from behind us. I turned around towards the sound only to find aunt Tara's eldest son, the future beta, Fredrick standing there with his hands holding two plates filled to its brim, with full of various delicious looking dishes. “Oh…its you, my dear boy…..Why in the hell did it took you, so much time to bring these foods…. the ladies here are starving from hunger. My good for nothing son.” Aunt Tara grumbled out and took the two plates from her son’s hands quickly. “come on my dear sweet heart…lets eat…..I will feed you today, my baby girl. It’s been so long, since I fed you with my own hands” Aunt Tara whispered the last sentence more to herself. “And you my dear son. You go and quickly make another round for us, with your good for nothing long legs, you grew for no reason and bring us some water bottles to drink, please. And you can go now” Aunt Tara said making her son to look at her, as if she had made him work, in a wronged way. She really did wronged him though….but I am not going to say anything. I am going to enjoy my happiest moment for now, as it came to me after a very very long time. Also as I was too shocked and happy to be fed by Aunt Tara after a very long time. She fed with so much love to me and wiped both my constant tearing up traitor eyes, which was hell bent on not listening to me today and was determined to make out lakes and rivers today. And my messy eating habits which led to food crumbs to stick out below my chin, which was also wiped by dear Aunt Tara, who only shook her head looking at my messy look. “You are hell bent on making up for all these years of not crying and putting up a strong front to deceive others, don’t you dear Rory?” Aunt Tara asked me, while cutting my favorite piece of steak, which was made to perfection according to my exact liking, medium rare with lots of spicy flavor and crispy golden colored skin on the outside. “No Aunt Tara…..It’s the food…its too spicy….yeah it’s spicy” I said and chewed the piece of meat she gave me just now. “Yeah....Yeah dear…..As if I didn’t know that you like spicy food…. this food does not hold a handle to the level of spiciness you could and love to eat. Try to tell a better lie, next time dear.” Aunt Tara mocked me and rolled her eyes at my lousy attempt to cover up my apparent looking tear filled face. “Really Aunt Tara….its too spicy as I had this sort of food a long time ago. So it’s like new flavor for my taste buds to adjust to its spiciness.” I said to her. But what I said to her was true though. Though I liked eating spicy foods and stuffs but I never had those types of foods for a long time. So the sharp spiciness of the food did aid to my already tearful eyes to build up more tears. “Yeah….ok dear….Your body is made up of only water molecules…..I believed you ….enough dear….. Stop your water leakage and eat to your heart’s content without thinking about other things dear.” Aunt Tara said and gave me the juice bottle to drink. After having our desserts and talking for a long time, aunt Tara went to mingle with the other members of the pack since she was the beta female. It is her duty to check the needs of the pack members. So after having the most needed and unexpected happy time with my dear Aunt Tara, I didn’t want to spoil my good mood today. So not wanting to run into others and spoil my good mood, I quickly sneaked into the pack house and climbed up the stairs to my safe heaven aka the attic. I quickly unwrapped my floor mattress, which I took from the left corner of the attic and quickly made up my makeshift bed. Changing from the only appropriate dress I had and into my old ragged clothes, I flopped on to the bed face first. After a very long time in my life, I slept with a smile on my face and I looked forward to my birthday the day after, for the first time since my life had been changed into a living nightmare. ~*~ The next day morning...... A smile broke out on my face as the morning sun rays seeped through the cracked window wooden blinds, falling on my sleeping face, as I squint them open but soon closed them again from the blinding sunlight. I was grateful for the first time in a long time that I didn’t had to wake up early in the morning to do my morning chores and fix up a large breakfast for all the members of the pack. I was happy that I got to sleep a little bit late today, as the event managing organizers will do all the works today as it’s the alpha’s only daughter’s engagement party today. They had the whole pack house and the backyard garden to their full use, unknowingly saving me from all those heavy works just for today, which is a great thing to me. I just stirred in the mat and watched through the window blinds, the rays of the sunlight. How it entered into the small place and illuminated it with its light. Closing my eyes, I heard the birds chirping outside the window. Taking a moment to take in the small piece of serenity that the nature offered me today, I enjoyed it, as I am afraid whether such moment would come to me in the near future. After freshing up a little, I went down to the pack's shared kitchen. The event managers brought in their staffs to prepare foods. When I went down, I was blessed enough that an unknown waiter guy without knowing my condition in this pack house, gave me a plate of food as breakfast. As the kitchen was already busting than usual and the tension of today’s event railing on the shoulders of the pack members, they didn’t had the time to take notice of the weak and unwanted and insignificant person as me. So no one noticed that the waiter guy gave me food. Taking it as my cue, I quickly gulped down the food which was a rare for me to eat in the morning.. The roasted potatoes and bacon with some waffles was my precious breakfast today. I was also secretly happy that my dear elder sister Andrea, thought that it was more important for her to make her engagement party more beautiful without any mishaps than to make me work hard, which spared me from my works today. Not wanting to bother and more likely, not wanting to be bothered by others, I quickly ran into the Forest to go to my safe spot, the meadow in the West side of the forest. I like this place since I was a kid. I used to come her with my mom, when we had time in the past. Andrea would be too busy in doing makeup and sebby would either play games with his friends Fredrick and chance or train in the ground located behind the pack house. So it was only mom and I, who used to come here to spend our time together. that's why this place has a special spot in my heart, as this place have the memories, I made with my mom. I just went there and relaxed myself which I haven’t had time to do for the past few years. .......... happy reading......❤❤❤ check the other book. birth of the Phoenix.
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