chapter 51d

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Zion Xavier Pov: The ran out of the pack hospital, and shifted into my wolf, and started running into the forest to let my anger to lower down. I was hell lot of pissed, and stressed due to everything that had happened today. It has been two hours since then, that I was running in the forest. I ran through the entire territory of our pack, wanting to let off some steam. I mind linked Casey, and told her to send everyone else out of Aurora’s treatment room. I was planning to spend some time with my mate alone, as both my inner wolf, and I needed that private time with our mate, for us to not to lose our mind. And this was the best time to do that, as our mate too was unconscious right now. Shifting into my human form, I put on the spare dress I took from the near by tree. I went inside the pack hospital, and made a quick beeline to the treatment room, where my mate was staying right now. Casey was still there waiting for me, and when I entered, she bid goodbye to me, and went out leaving us both alone. I went, and stood at the foot of the bed, and looked at my mate who was lying on the bed like an innocent little kid, unknown to her surroundings, without any worry in the world. She looked so pale, all because of that rogue incident, and an iv line was attached to one of her hands. I moved around, and dragged a steel chair from the corner of the room, and put it beside the bed, and sat on it. I looked at her small face, that looks like the face of a sleeping kid, very carefully. She was looking so beautiful, that she stole my breath the first time I saw her. And even till now, every time she comes in to the line of my sight, she never fails to make my heart to flutter, and making my heart to beat fast, as if I had ran a very long marathon, and would always steal my breath away with just her presence alone. ***so this was what the mated couples in the pack had talked about.. That their mates would make them to go breathless, even without making any efforts to do so. I took a deep breath, and inhaled her alluring scent of lavender, with a mild hint of vanilla in it. This scent of hers, really suits her. The smell of her scent would always give a soothing, and calm effect to others, just like how her presence makes me to feel around her. Nowadays, I always yearn to look at her pair of soul stealing hazel colored eyes as much as I could. But it was just, to my bad luck, she never really makes much of an eye contact with others, and most importantly, she always avoid looking into my eyes. Like it had only happened in the rarest of the rare occasions. I can count the number of times, in which I had a direct eye contact with her. It was only three times, after all this times, and all of that happened when she was totally terrified. I had never saw the feeling, or emotion of calmness, or happiness, or love in her lovely pair of hazel eye, which I wanted to see the most, and if possible, I wish to see them at all the times. Once I saw the emotion of real happiness, and true smile that reached her pair of hazel eyes. That too I hid at a corner, and stole a sneaky glance at her, when she was playing with the kids of the pack, in the play school. It was only time, she was very relaxed, and looks like she was a person, without any worries, or not having the habit of looking behind her back at all times, in fear of excepting someone, or something would pounce on her, was when she was with the kids in the play school. I took notice of her….well more like stalked…creepy behaviour…I know….but what can I do other than that, with a mate, who was afraid to be in my presence, to begin with. I took notice of her several times, and sneakily observed that she never looked relaxed, and was always jumpy in her steps. Like she would be easily scared. Whenever her name was called out loud in open, she jumps a little on her spot, and she would look like, as if hearing us calling her name was something very new, and weird to her. Her little doe shaped eyes would always looks down without making any eye contact with the others, and had a hidden sorrow in between the long eye lashes of hers. I sighed heavily, and looked at my mate again. Even if she was in front of me, I can not claim, or tell openly to others that she was my mate, like I wanted to do from the moment I saw her. As she was still not showing any signs of accepting, or even acknowledging me as her mate. Which was very confusing to me. Well, on the brighter side….even if like Casey had said before, Aurora was still not yet 18 years of age, she must have at least felt some sort of connection, or attraction towards me. With all these thoughts running through my mind, I looked at my mate, who was unconscious on the bed. I wanted to look at her, speak about lots, and lots of things to her, and wanted to ask so much questions to her. But all that was like a unfulfilled dream of mine. All of a sudden, I had a sudden urge to have a little physical contact with my mate. I was having a big urge, to at least have a little physical contact with my mate, and at least hold her hand. And since my mate was unconscious, I took this time, and decided to use it to my advantage. Even if I would be seen as a bad guy by others, for taking advantage of my mate who was not in her senses, I don’t care about that anymore. I slowly, and gingerly reached out, and very carefully, and slowly slipped my hand into her hand, which was not having an iv line attached to it. Then I slowly, and steadily, held her hand into mine. Her pale looking, soft hand looked so small in my big, and rough calloused hand, yet it fitted perfectly inside my hand, as it should be. The moment I held her small, and soft hands in mine, I felt all those magical sparks exploding mildly, in the center of my palm, and it ran through my arms like a line of small electric pulse, making me to have goosebumps. I closed my eyes, and imprinted this feeling deep inside of me, and enjoyed this moment, to my heart’s content. My inner wolf was so happy that he howled, and wagged his wolf tail in pure happiness. He was purring, and acting like a love sick puppy. ***** happy reading❤❤❤
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