chapter 50d

1961 Words
Zion Xavier pov: “Yes, Casey… I found her, and she is fine. But she fainted due to the fear. I am taking her to the pack hospital “, I said to her, and carried my lovely mate into my arms in a princess style to the pack hospital. “Do not leave any rogue wolves alive. I want all of those nasty fuckers to be dead”, I said through my gritted teeth in the pack link, ordering our pack warriors to deal with those reckless rogue wolves, who wanted to die by our hands. *~* Pack hospital: I quickly ran to the pack hospital, and asked for a doctor. The chief doctor of the pack, Mr. Ravens rushed into the room, knowing that it was me, who asked for a doctor, and quickly started to check on my mate. But the moment, the chief doctor, Mr. Ravens lifted Aurora’s shirt a little to treat her, I lost all my s**t, and my inner wolf surfaced the very next second, making my eyes to glow brightly, clearly indicating the presence of my alpha wolf to the others around us. We both, my inner wolf and I, growled so loudly that both the chief doctor, and the nurse who was assisting the doctor, stopped what they were doing, and titled their neck to the side, in submission to their Alpha. “Alpha”. “alpha“. They both greeted me. I growled so loudly, that I knew for sure that the entire pack would have heard my angry roar, and they must be wondering what, or who had pissed me off to this extend. All I saw now was red, and each, and every muscles in my body became stiff, and my blood boiled in pure rage. The reason for my rage was not because the chief doctor had lifted my mate’s shirt. I was not that senseless, and petty. I knew that he was only doing that to check on our mate’s condition, and treat her, if she had any injuries. The reason to my outburst was, the moment, the chief doctor lifted my mate’s shirt a little above, exposing her stomach, a big bruise in black, and blue color was exposed in front of my eyes. I knew for sure that, that bruise was an old one, just from the color of it. And also I knew for a fact, that a bruise of that big can only be made with a heavy impact on her body. Some one had treated my mate very badly, and hurt her like this. This fact had made me to lose my mind, and I punched the nearby wall in rage, making a dent to appear on the wall. “Alpha….Alpha Zion. Would you like to go, and wait outside, till I treat that girl. It’s both for maintaining the privacy of the patient, and also for our peaceful working space. So will you please go out. Once I finish all the checkup on her, I will update you immediately with her details “, the chief doctor, Mr. Ravens requested me kindly, making me to leave the hospital room. It’s not that I did not want to stay with my mate. But If I had stayed with her, I know that I would definitely disturb the working efficiency of the chief doctor, and more importantly, I did not want to expose the fact that I am her mate to my pack members till yet. Even if I had stayed back, I would have lost all my reasonable senses, and blew up my top in rage, if I saw that bruises on our mate’s body again. ‘Who was she?. Where was she from??. And who in the f*****g hell dared to hurt her like that??’, I fumed inside, as I can’t control my rage at all. The picture of her bruises in the stomach flashed in front of my eyes, making me to want to find that person responsible for this, and make that person to regret the day he was born. “Wait till, we find that little fucker, and get our hands on him. We will make him pay for hurting our mate. He would be seeing what hell looks like for himself, and We shall make him regret for being still alive. He would be wishing that he was dead already “, my inner wolf said to me in a grave tone, and growled lowly. His voice was full of promises of vengeance to torture that little piece of s**t, who hurt our mate. I sat on the waiting chair outside the room, and tried to reel in my emotions, and calm my wolf down, at the same time. We both were anxious about the condition of our little mate, and knowing that she was unconscious made us to feel weird, and worried. 'not knowing whether she was hurt, or not, and if she was hurt, was she hurt seriously???’, All these were the questions that ran through my mind, while I was waiting for the chief doctor to come out of the treatment room, and to give me details regarding the condition of my mate. I took several deep breaths to calm myself down, and right then, Casey came running through the corridor hastily, with Zara, and Kevin tagging along behind her. “how was she?. What happened to her, Zion?”, Casey asked several questions, in a single breath once she was by my side. “What happened to Rory?. Did she got hurt severely??. Just tell me something about her, big brother? “, Zara asked in a concerned tone, and her eyes were red due to the unshed tears, that were accumulated at the corner of her eyes. My little sister was only a minute away from crying her eyes out. I will not blame her for that though. Within this short period of time, Zara formed a very close bond with my mate, just like the bond she have with Casey. And the truth to be told, Zara was a little more attached to my mate, than she was with Casey. And Casey knows that fact too. Just when I was about to open my mouth to say a word, the door to the treatment room of my mate was opened from the inside, and the chief doctor came out with the nurse following right behind him. “Alpha Zion, I… “, before the chief doctor could say more, his words were cut off by the highly concerned Casey, and Zara. “Doctor… . How is she? “, both the girls asked him at the same time. “Nothing serious to worry about, girls. She is good right now. She just panicked, and fainted due to fear. Nothing to be afraid off now. I have given some calming medicine to her. She would wake up after a few hours”, the chief doctor, Mr. Ravens said, making everyone to relax a little. I too secretly sighed a breath of relief. ‘Our mate is okay… she is okay’, my inner wolf chanted in happiness. I just nodded at the doctor, who looked like he wanted to say something more to me privately, and didn’t say anything out loud. “I will meet you in your office, doctor”, I mind linked him, and went inside with the others to see my mate. There on the bed, with white bedsheets, and cover, lied my mate looking all pale, and weak. Just by looking at her like that, made my heart to bleed in worry. After some minutes, I mind linked Casey. “Casey, come with me. Don’t tell anything to Zara “, I said to her. Casey nodded tactically, and we left Zara, and Kevin in the treatment room to stay with my mate, and went to the chief doctor’s office room. “it’s about Aurora. I need you to know about her too”, I said to Casey, who followed me with a confused look on her face, as to where I was taking her along with me. We reached the chief doctor’s room, and entered after knocking the door. “Alpha.. Beta female, greetings. Come, and take your seats”, the chief doctor said, on seeing us entering in to his office room. “Chief Doctor, Mr. Ravens. I need to know about the real health condition of Aurora”, I said to the doctor, making Casey to frown in confusion. “Ok, Alpha Zion”, he said, and started to elaborate about the real medical condition of my mate. “Alpha Zion. That girl was subjected to physical torture for years, more like, she got abused severely in a regular basis. Her whole body was filled with all sorts of cuts, scars and bruises, all new, and old”, the doctor said making me to growl lowly. I clenched my teeth, and hands tightly, so as to not to lose my control, as I wanted to hear everything that he was about to say to me, regarding my mate. “what???!!!!..what did you say, doctor???. She was subjected to what???...Physical torture???!!! “, Casey asked in disbelief, and she growled in the end, as she too was feeling angry hearing the words of the doctor. “Yes…it seems to me that she was abused in the past. And more importantly, she went through those physical torture for a long period of time, as I could tell just by looking at the old, and new scars, and bruises on her body. She must be in a trauma, and would even have the chance of getting panic attacks”, the doctor said making both Casey, and me to be dumbfounded by this shocking news. I know what Casey was thinking right now. As I was thinking the same thing too. As the doctor has said, Aurora was really traumatized, and have had panic attacks. I thought back to the times, I had encountered those panic attacks. Like the first time, I saw her on the meadow, that night. She did had a panic attack, and after that in the pack house, she was really afraid of us, when she broke that vase. And she never talks more, and makes as less eyes contacts with people as possible, especially when she was talking to the male wolves. So all of her timid personality, and anti social character was due to her terrible past experiences. “And more importantly, she was under nutrition, and so her healing abilities were too slow to heal her injuries. So take good care of her. I will prescribe some medications for her injuries, both tablets, creams and also some nutritional supplements. Make sure that she takes them correctly, and regularly, without any fail. Her condition was too poor for a female teenage werewolf. Truth to be told, her health condition right now was far worse than a normal human”, the doctor said, and started writing down the medicines for Aurora. This new information that I got to know made me to be sad, and angry at the same time. I controlled myself as to not let the chief doctor suspect something out of ordinary, and unusual about me. So I exited the room, while Casey stayed behind to collect the prescription of the medicines. The ran out of the pack hospital, and shifted into my wolf, and started running into the forest to let my anger to lower down. I was hell lot of pissed, and stressed due to everything that had happened today. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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