not a chapter 76

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Violet moon pack. Chance Gary pov: Its been two weeks. Two f*****g weeks and still we have no news about her. Damn it. Good for nothing jerks… . Useless bastards. f**k those darn trackers. They can’t even track a girl who has never seen the outside world even after all these days. Useless fuckers… .. . It’s been two weeks that sly slut of my mate ran away from the pack. How dare she… . How f*****g dare she reject my offer and run away from the pack. How did she have that much guts to run away and that too when I decided to make her mine. What a stupid coincidence was that… Without seeing her and not feeling her presence near around me for the past few days has made me go crazy as my wolf was screaming and yelling at me demanding his mate. My wolf was throwing a temper tantrum and threatens to take over my body making me to lose my mind as to what I should do next. As all the trackers we have sent came back empty handed without even getting a single clue as to where that f*****g mate of mine had went to. I threw all the things in my office desk on the floor in anger. All my plan to achieve power will go down the gutter if my wolf take over my body and expose my truth about being that slut Aurora’s mate. All the efforts that I have put in achieving my goal was in real danger all due to the action of the stupid woman. 'How dare she. .. How dare she ruin my years of carefully laid plans like this', I screamed internally and threw the paper weight on the desk towards the wall. Just when the paper weight hit the wall and broke into several pieces, the door to my office was opened and in came my friend Johnny. “wow… what made you lose your mind like this? “, he asked casually and threw himself on the couch. “don’t tell me that you didn’t get to lay with your side kick of a fiancé last night??. As far as I know, she is always ready to sleep with you, whenever you wanted. Then what is your problem, man? “, Johnny asked me with a mischievous glint shinning in his eyes. “don’t f**k with me Johnny. I am already f*****g pissed off as it is”, I snapped at him and sat in my office chair. “is it about that run away slut?. You still didn’t get any news about her? “, Johnny asked me making my anger levels to reach its peak yet again. “Yes…. I couldn’t even get a single news about that b***h? “, I said through my gritted teeth. “how was that even possible?. She couldn’t just vanish into a thin air?? “, my friend asked making me annoyed at myself. “Don’t get me started. It took me so many efforts to instigate our Alpha William against that b***h of his younger daughter and convinced him to send more people for the search party. But all those useless pieces of shits came back empty handed “, I said in frustration. It was really difficult for me to make the Alpha hate her more and touch his ego by saying that he should bring that stupid slave back to our pack and punish her. But all that brain washing went into the gutter. After two weeks, Alpha William looks like he wanted to stop sending our pack members to search her. But I could not let that happen. Then it will be the end for me. No… never… . “how could that slave slut ran away correctly on the day you plan to screw her?. Don’t you think that was too much of a coincidence? “, Johnny asked me in confusion. Well even I have doubts regarding that matter. ‘is it possible that she had some how predicted what I was going to do to her or perhaps had she over heard the conversation I had with Johnny about making her mine that day? ‘, I thought internally and was even more confused than before. “I don’t care about that. It’s her good fortune that even though she was just a hated daughter of the Alpha, I was still willing to sleep with her and wanted her. She should have accepted what I had offered her and should have acted like a good little slut like she was”, I said with my voice full of resentment towards her. “But she ran away, hurting my ego and pissing me off. Now see what I will do to her once I get my hands on her. I will not spare her. Once I get my hands on her, I will make her life even more hell than before and make her regret her choice of running away from me. It’s my promise “, I said and banged my hand on the desk making a crack to appear on it. Just then, Andrea mind linked me, making me smile evilly. “looks like something evil was cooking in that head of yours it seems. I can tell by the evil smirk on your face”, Johnny said making me to smirk even more. “ make sure to get some one to clean this room. I am going “, I said to him. “well…go… Go… enjoy your time “, he said and smiled meaningfully. Well he knows me too well. It’s time to get my frustration out by f*****g my dear fiancé. 'Well it’s time to get into the role play and make her scream my name while I screw her hard', I thought and smiled evilly. ..... happy reading❤❤
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