chapter 33

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Aurora Pov: The moment, when I heard my elder sister Andrea’s room door being shut close, I lost all my feelings in my legs, and I slid down the wall like a lifeless rag doll. I sat there on the floor sniffing, and trying to swallow the loud cries that was threatening to come out. Not wanting to come across another pack member, even by accidentally, I stumbled on my feet, and somehow managed to reach the attic, aka my safe heaven. Without even thinking twice, I locked the small old lock, that was present in the small attic’s wooden door. I know in my heart that if someone really wanted to enter in here, with their werewolf strength, it was a piece of cake for them. But even after knowing that fact, I put on the lock, just so that I can cheat myself that I was safe in here. I leaned against the small door of the attic, and slid down on it. I sat on the floor, and brought my legs to my chest, in a futile attempt in trying to provide some comfort, and security to myself. Without my knowledge, the tears which I tried my very best not to let out a few minutes back, broke free like a broken dam, and flowed along my cheeks. It was not the first time, Chance Gary tried to cross his limits with me. But today both in the morning, and a few minutes back, he crossed all his past tortures, with both his rude actions, and harsh words. “What sin have I committed against you, dear moon goddess?. Why are you making me to suffer so much, that I really did not even have the wish to wanting to live”, I cried, and complained to the moon goddess. “You took my mom from me, and even made my pack members, and my own family to put that blame on me, and made them to hate me. With all the emotional pain of my loneliness, all I have ever wanted was to live a normal life, like all the other teenage girls. I wished to have a loving mate, who would never judge me for the blame my pack had put on me. I wanted him to accept me for who I am, and wanted him to love me wholeheartedly. I just wanted to feel the love like all the other people. Is that a sin???!!. All I ever wanted was a loving mate, who would bring me out of this miserable life”. “but all my prayers, as if it went to the deaf ears, you gave me, Chance Gary as my mate. He is the most selfish, arrogant, self centered, and power hungry guy I have ever seen. Not even cherishing the sacred mate bond, he rejected me, and chose the most favored Alpha’s daughter, my elder sister, who can give him the power, and status he desired for“. “you know what. I accepted my reality that he rejected me. But what hurt me the most was the words, that he said while manhandling me”, I cried even more thinking about his poisonous words. “He said that I did not deserve to be loved. He said that he was doing me a favor, by showing interest in me. Why do you have to pair me up with such an heartless guy?. Why did you made him as my mate? . Instead, you could have avoided the trouble, and left me to be a mate less wolf. It would have been better for both you, and me”, I said, and curled myself into a ball. “But instead you gave me a mate, and made him to reject me. You must have hated me more than I had thought, for you to make me to suffer like this, moon goddess. Are you happy now?. Seeing me all devastated, and crumbling in pain”, I whispered into the empty space. My eyes felt so heavy from all the crying, and I closed my eyes unknown to me, and fell into a deep dreamless sleep. ~*~ As usual the next morning, I got up with a splitting head ache. For the past few days it has became a usual routine for me to work as hard as an ox, and put myself in misery, by inflicting physical pain to myself, by over working in the day, and crying my heart out involuntarily in the night, due to my emotional pain, and waking up to having a splitting headache. To overcome the things about my mate life, to stop thinking about these things, and to avoid the emotional pain, I made use of the physical pain to distract myself. Changing the dress, I went down to make the breakfast. It look almost two hours to make everything that was needed for everyone. When I was taking the last batch of finished baked cookies from the microwave oven, my elder sister Andrea’s, side kick Vinny entered the kitchen. I avoided her because she always tries to make trouble for me. While I was transferring the last batch of the freshly baked cookies into another tray, Vinny came near me, and 'accidentally’ stumbled, and pushed me, making me to drop the tray of baked cookies, that I was holding on the ground. The hot food, along with the hot tray fell on my legs, and I accidentally touched the hot tray burning my hands too. The burning sensation on my legs, and hands made me to yell out in pain. Vinny just looked at me, and smiled clearly enjoying my suffering. I know that she would try to do something like this to hurt me, but I had never thought that she would do something big like this. Hearing me yelling out in pain, some of the pack members who came to eat breakfast, came to look at what was going on in here. Seeing people coming near us, Vinny stopped smiling, and changed her expressions all of a sudden. Then she started shouting at me. “You worthless slut. What have you done?. How could you be so care less? . Look… you have burned my hand “, saying that, Vinny extended her right hand, which was as clean as a paper without any burn scars as she was claiming to be having. Then came my elder sister Andrea into the kitchen followed by her gang of minions. “what the hell is going on in here? “, Andrea asked with a bored expression. “Look here, Andrea. This useless slut is so lazy. She can’t do one thing properly. She scalded my fingers “, Vinny said with an exaggerated expression on her face, getting sympathetic look from others. ‘Are those eyes, everyone having were, present there for decoration, or what?. Can’t they see that the one, who was with scalding scars was me, and not her', I thought internally. “You good for nothing, useless piece of s**t. Can’t you do a single thing properly. Look how you have hurt my friend, and also wasted so much food”, Andrea yelled on my face, and marched towards me angrily. When she was near me, she slapped me, right across my face with so much force, that my face turned to the opposite side unknowingly, and half of my face was burning due to the impact of her hard slap. My ear started ringing, and the tears spilled out automatically. She pushed me harshly, and me being the weak self, was unable to stand her force, and I fell down heavily the next second. As if, they were all waiting for me to fall down, they all started to beat, and kick me from all the directions. After a few minutes, they stopped their madness, but I was nowhere near well enough to even stand up. “you good for nothing, stupid w***e. All you do was to seduce the guys in the pack with that innocent looking face of yours”, one of them said, and kicked me in the stomach, making me to double over in pain. “Oh come on, girls. She must have already slept with most of the guys in the pack. All she does all day was trying to pick guys”, Perry said in a sly tone from the other side. The words that she said hurt me the most, because she was once my best friend. Perry Pervin, is the youngest daughter of the beta couple, and the little sister of Fredrick. She, and I used to be the best of best friends. But all that changed, when I lost my mom. Perry Pervin too left me. She begun to hang out with my elder sister, Andrea, and her little minion group later, even though she used to hate my elder sister before that. Then all with Andrea, and her group of minions, Perry would taunt, and mock me. Her words hurt me the most as once she used to be my best friend, and she knows me too well. Yet she would slander me with her sharp words. She didn’t use physical method to hurt me, but what she didn’t know was, that her words were more hurtful than those beatings that I got from the others. Mean words from the ones we love will hurt us more than any physical pain, and that was true in my case. When I thought everything was over, and that they got tired after thrashing me black, and blue, my elder sister Andrea bend down, and looked into my tired, and tear filled eyes. “stop flirting with my fiancé. Stop seducing him. It must have been good, yesterday night, isn’t it?. It’s the punishment for that. Next time, I will definitely kill you, if I caught you seducing my fiancé“, she threatened me in a whispered tone, and her expression looked more evil. ‘So she saw how Chance had an encounter with me in the stairs corridor', I thought. But didn’t she see that her fiancé was the one, who was restraining, and misbehaving with me?. Why does she put all the blame on me, when it was her fiancé who was at fault!!. How come everything is my fault????. Andrea stood up, and kicked me one last time, and went out of the kitchen, with her army of minions following her. With the last bit of strength left in me, I dragged myself up the stairs, and holed up in the attic. The whole day went by quickly, as I slept through the day due to the pain. When I woke up in the night, I was so hungry, that I went down the stairs, and wanted to see whether the pack members were kind enough to have left any food. But when I was going down the stairs, I ended up hearing the shocking thing in my whole life, that all the blood in my body froze, just from hearing them. The one who spoke was none other than Chance Gary, and he was speaking to one of his friends, Jack, in his room. Jack was as worst as Chance Gary in his habits. He was such a man w***e, that he practically slept with most of the girls in the pack. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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