not a chapter 82

343 Words
Casey pov: The moment I asked about what had happened to her in the past and about the scars on her body, Rory froze on her spot the very instant. She was slightly trembling from head to toe and I know for sure that she was not aware of the fact herself that she was trembling. And I knew the reason for her strange behavior too. She was afraid to talk about her past. She was afraid of speaking and recalling all those painful past memories, as she didn’t want to get hurt voluntarily by speaking about it. ***’poor little Rory…. How scared she might be of her past place that even talking about it, makes her tremble like a light paper? ‘, I thought and sighed internally. I know that talking about her terrible past and the scars might k****e her worst memories and traumatic experiences, but I have no other choice. I had to do it the hard way. I didn’t want Rory to talk about her past which will hurt her more, as I has already witnessed on how she reacted to my question. But only by knowing what had happened to her in the past and what were the things she had experienced and endure to survive in her last living place, I can help her according to that. I slowly extended my hand and took her trembling pale and weak looking hand from her lap and placed it on my lap while caressing it reassuringly “I know sweet heart. It’s hard for you to open up to others. But trust me honey. Only if you tell me what you went through in the past, I can help you”, I said and squeezed her hand. so that to tell her and make her feel that I was there with her and I will support her endlessly”, I said and smiled while gripping her hand with some strength. ....... happy reading... from tmw, I ll update long chapters.... thank you... luv u ❤❤
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