not a chapter 81, part 2

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Aurora pov: Have you guys ever felt or wished whole heartedly for certain things to happen and some things to never ever happen, but all due to the luck of our life, the things we want, and wishes to happen will never come true. Instead of that, those things would happen totally opposite to what we had wished for. Well that’s exactly the situation I was in current now. I wanted a loving mate who would love me and accept me for who I am without having any prior opinion on me. Yet I got the total opposite of what I wanted in a mate, in the form of Chance Gary. Even so, I gathered my little hope and prayers and with courage, I managed to free myself from that toxic relationship. I made a decision for my future and came here to this new pack, in which I made a new home and got a few new friends whom I began to cherish dearly. When I starts think about that this will be the way my life will be in the future, like a cold water was poured on my head in a winter morning, the question I dreaded the most, neither which I never wanted to ever hear nor wanted to answer, was asked by Casey, giving me a wake up call that life is not a fancy dream, like I was feeling in my new home, making me slapping on the face, with the bitter reality. **’as if my life was really a fantasy fairy tale before', I thought sarcastically. I never wanted to tell about my past life and the things that I went through in the hands of my previous pack to my new friends. I was afraid that they would hate me and would tell me to leave the pack. With all these thoughts running through my mind, I never realized that I froze and sat still on the bed from the moment, Casey asked that question. “what happened to you in the past?. How did you get those scars on your body? “, she finally asked me, making me to froze still in shock. It’s not like I wanted to lie to them, but at the same time, I was scared of what they will think about me and what would they do after hearing my past. Even If it seems selfish on my side, I really like being in this pack and living with my new friends and I didn’t want to lose them. “Rory??.... Rory??!!! “, Casey called my name out in haste and shook me by my arms, making me come out of ny own little world, where I was having a debate on telling the truth and not telling the truth with myself. She must have noticed that her question had made me froze in shock as she looked both concerned about me and a little bit guilty too. “Sorry Rory…. I didn’t ask you this question to make you uncomfortable and weird. I just wanted to know what happened to my Rory, in the past, whom I treat as my best friend and sister”, Casey said making my eyes to tear up. She thought and considered as her best friend and sister. The two things, I yearned to attain in the past few years. “The chief doctor examined you when you was unconscious. He saw the scars and bruises on your body and was shocked to his core. He told me about it and also strictly warned me about your health conditions”, she further continued while taking one of my hand in hers and gently caressing it. I just looked at her without opening my mouth, as still I was reluctant to speak about my past. “ the chief doctor said that your healing speed was very slow and that you have nutrition deficiency. That’s why you are not yet healed, even though you have werewolf genes in your body. So he told be to take extra care of you, so that you can get healed without any complications”, Casey said in the most possible soothing voice, making me to tremble inside. **it’s because, I was still a coward and was afraid to speak about my past. “sweet heart. Look at me… look me in the eyes… you can tell me everything and I promise, I will never pass a comment or judge you for what happened in your past. Telling about your past experience can make you feel light in heart. Sharing your sorrows and grievences to others, can make it bearable for you. I wanted to know more about you, as I wanted to take a better care of you. And I am really concerned about you, as a big sister and close friend. So sweet heart, don’t think about anything negative and just share your sorrows and pain with me, as I will only be a good listener and nothing more than that. I swear on the moon goddess that I will never ever judge you and will always behave the same with you as I did in the past. Don’t be afraid. Nothing is going to change the way how I love you and respect you, sweet heart. I will always be with you as your moral support “, Casey said making the unshed tears that I tried to hold back till now to burst out. The words, 'Big Sister And Love' said by her did the trick and I was now thinking about saying what happened to me in the past to Casey. ...... happy reading ❤❤❤. finally!!!. Aurora was going to open up...
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