Chapter 52

1143 Words
Zion Xavier pov: "Al...Alpha Zion..good evening, Alpha", Sam greeted me, while Aurora looked shocked, and scared at the same time. " what were you doing in here, instead of warming up for the training in the ground?", I asked him, even though I very well knew what he was doing, a moment ago. "nothing Alpha....just.. I was just talking..", Sam dragged the words out of his mouth, one by one, making me to be annoyed as hell. " go to the training ground, and start your warm up exercises ", I said to Sam, making him to run to the training ground, with his invisible tail in between his legs. As I am very strict, when it comes to the trainings of my pack members. That is what makes our pack the best in the neighbourhood. I can be the devil himself, during training of the members of my pack, especially the pack members, who are part of my group of elite fighters. Then I turned to Aurora, who stood still on her spot, while picking on her nails anxiously, and looking down, clearly avoiding to make any eye contact with me as usual. " you can go, and do your work ", I said to Aurora, who only nodded her head at me in response, while not even making slight eye contact with me, as she has always done. I sent Aurora with Zara, and came to the training ground. With a foul mood, I trained the pack members more strictly, giving them extra tasks, making everyone to be tired very easily. To ease my anger, I even called the trained fighters, and did a sparing match with them. When I was about to flip the 10th fighter over my shoulder, and finish the match, Clint came inside the fighting ring, and stopped the match. “hey bro…. Stop it. You were already torturing them with such intense workouts, and now what?. You wanted them to have an one on one match with you??. Are you crazy???!!. Are you trying to break our fighters into two pieces, or what?. Leave that poor guy… put him down, for the moon goddess sake. Spare those poor guys. Just look at them. They look like they were going to faint from all your intense torture, aka training”, Clint said making me to be annoyed even more. “Fine…everyone can go back. Today’s training ends here”, I said to them. I quickly dismissed all the fighters in the training ground, and came to my room to take a hot shower. But instead, I took a cold shower to cool down my foul mood, which in truth, didn’t help much at all in changing my bad mood. I was down right pissed off. So to try to change my mood, and do something productive out of the time I had on my hands, I decided to work on the pending files in my office room. But soon after I finished a single file, the door to my Alpha's office room was opened widely, and in came the usual parade of my friends, aka my family. The only one person, who was missing in that group right now was, Zara. Casey, Clint, Zander, and Kevin, all of them came in, and sat in the available places, and looked at me with a big questioning mark on their faces, as if I should have to give an answer to them for their question, to the question which neither I didn’t know, nor they were kind enough to ask that out loud in words. All they did was to look at me silently, without uttering a single damn word. Enough of being under their scrutinized, and unnerving gazes, I closed the file in front of me, and looked at them with a raised eyebrow. “What is it??? “, I asked them, in a nonchalant tone. “Nothing… . We just came to your office….that was it…just like that”, Clint said, with a sly glint shinning brightly in his mischievous eyes. ***’these guys were up to something… that I am very sure about', I thought internally, and sighed. I sighed because I was not in the right mood to handle them, right now. I am already having a messed up mood, as it is, without them adding to it. “stop beating around the bush, and spilt it out. Just from the look on that guy’s (Clint) curious face, I can tell that you guys have come here for a reason. So, do a favor for both of us, and just spilt it out”, I said to them, while pointing at Clint. “Why were you so pissed off in the training ground, and made all those poor guys to do such an intense training? “, Clint asked me directly. ***’so it’s about that huh', I thought to myself. “nothing serious. Just like that… .. Those guys were slacking off instead of taking their training seriously. That was why I was a little angry. Nothing more”, I said in a convincing tone. “A little angry??!!!... Really dude…are you for real, Or what???. you were pissed off… .. Did you get that… . PISSED OFF!!!. You were literally draining the life out of those poor guys, in the name of your so called ‘training'. Thanks to that duffer, Clint’s intervention, that our fighters got escaped from falling down from fatigue”, Kevin said in a matter of fact tone. “Well. Not all the guys, Kevin… .. That one guy… what was his name, again??. Huh yes….Sam…that guy was slacking off, right Zion??. How dare he??. He was talking with Rory near the tree, and seeing that scene, you were pissed off. And I saw that crystal clearly, with my top notch, and perfect eye sight”, Casey said in a sly tone. “Why were you pissed off, when Sam was talking to Rory?. Tell me” Casey asked, and looked at me pointedly. “No..nothing like that…. Don’t spout non sense in here, Casey“, I said, and evaded the topic tactically. “well then, if it’s nothing like you are saying, leave it. It looks to me that Sam is showing some interest on our dear Rory. Good for him, that I am going to help him. Let me ask him directly then. Well, let me play the match maker role, and make them to go on a dinner date in a fancy restaurant first. They both look so cute together, looking like a match made in heaven “, Casey said with a dreamy look in her eyes in the last, making my patience levels to drop by several degrees, in an instant. *** happy reading❤❤❤
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