Chapter 34

1163 Words
Topaz' POV A huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My new friend, Zinnia, knows the location of both of the necklaces! I'm so happy I came here! This is the culmination of my life's work. I only wish my mother could have been here to see this day. Zinnia and I spent the next few minutes after the guys left talking about our moms and what they told us about the necklaces. She said she would talk to her mate to find out how they can get to her old pack to look for the necklaces and that she would come back soon for us to talk again. Maybe I could go with them. I'm so happy to have come to this pack and I feel like I have known this girl all my life. I can't wait to talk to her again. Now, I have good news to tell the King for our meeting, that we have leads on where both of the other pieces of the obelisk are located! I go to sleep hoping that I will be able to meet the King soon. After my shower the next morning, I am organizing the papers for my meeting with the King when I hear a knock on my door. The guy from yesterday, Kaipo is standing there. Unexpected. I open my door so he can come in and when he does, he says something I was not expecting. "Tell me what I can do to help you." "What?" "You know where the obelisk pieces are now and I know you will have to leave here to get them. I want to help. Tell me what I can do to help you." Wow, I would like to think that I have a lot of people on my side here but I can't just trust him. He must have other motives. "Well, I have to ask the King if I can move around in his kingdom first." I deflect. "Would you like me to talk to him for you?" "You know him?" "I do." he chuckles. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to be disrespectful. I- just, I should have asked-" "I didn't find it disrespectful and you don't have to apologize to me." I nod. ' don't have to apologize to me.' "I just think the King would take me more seriously if I spoke to him myself." "Okay." he sighs out, starting toward my door. He seems a bit defeated. I didn't mean to write him off. He has been nice to me and he hasn't given me a reason not to trust him, but I just can't. "Why do you want to help me?" I finally ask. He turns and smiles, his eyes gleaming. "Somehow I don't think you'll believe me." he says, in a low voice. His motive isn't that he is my mate, is it? I hadn't heard from my wolf for years, so I always knew she wouldn't be any help in my finding my mate. She is dormant, so there is no way he would recognize me even if I was his mate. I'm not about to ask him anything of the sort in case I'm wrong, that would be so embarrassing. Maybe he is really onto collecting rocks or he just thinks I'm cute. "I-I don't know my way around this kingdom, so I guess, if the King says I can go, you could take me where I need to travel to if its not too much." He looks at me and smiles. A beautiful smile. "I would be happy to." He repeatedly nods, biting his lip and my heart jumps in my chest. "I'm gonna go see if I can find out when your meeting with the King is." he turns again to leave and walks toward the door. Before he touches the nob he turns to me once more. "Oh, I want to give you my phone number just in case you need to get in contact with me. Just send me a text or you can call whenever you'd like." "Oh, yea, sure." I pull out my phone and walk over to him, handing it to him. He takes it and after a few taps, he hands it back to me. He saved his number as 'Kai' with a heart emoji after it, making me smile. "What a beautiful smile." "Oh, um, thank you Kaipo." No one has flirted with me in years. "My name has never sounded better." he smiles. I can feel my heart beating faster because of his expression and I'm finding it difficult to hide my smile. "I'll go now." he brushes my cheek and I feel a little shiver in my body, but Kaipo's eyes glaze over for a brief moment. He looks at me confused, then holds my head in both of his hands and puts his forehead to mine. I have no idea what's going on. After a bit, he pulls away and looks distressed. "What is it?" I ask, still nervous about being so close to him. "I saw your wolf." "Oh, Bow? I haven't seen her in years. Is she..." Kaipo takes a deep breath and sits on the couch in my room. "She is not doing well. She has marks all over herself. It looks like she has been biting herself and pulling out her own fur. She is torturing herself." I plop down next to him in disbelief, holding my face in my hands. Oh my goodness. My poor wolf. Our link was severed because of my own negligence and she has been in turmoil ever since. I am the worst werewolf that ever lived. "It's all my fault. I was so focused on my work that I ruined my wolf. Will I lose her?" "I have counseled people who have had a weak connection with their wolves before. I will do everything in my power to help you, Topaz. I want you to start by talking to her, even though you can't reach her. Tell her how much you need her. I would like to check up on her everyday as well." He puts his forehead to mine again and I hear a tender hum coming from the back of his throat as he speaks to my wolf. I can't help but notice how warm he is as he sits close to me. His long hair brushes my shoulder, sending chills up my spine. I begin to realize that he is a very powerful wolf. Maybe I can use that to draw him out. "How are you able to communicate with my wolf when I can't even talk to her?" I ask him. "You must be a mighty wolf." He gives me a proud smile. He opens his mouth to respond when we are interrupted. Kaipo gets up to open the door and a very panicked guard stands in the doorway. "Someone is trying to break into the dungeons."
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