Chapter 11

1159 Words
Zinnia's POV I have to flee to the Realm of Goodwill and the countdown has started. I need to get there in three days. After the fourth day, I will lose my mind and my status as a rogue will be irreversible. Once I get there, hopefully, they will accept me into the pack and then I will have a chance to tell them my story. If they approve of me, I will be a part of their pack for good and I do not have to worry about living as a rogue. If not, I will be banished to roam inside the Dark Forest until I lose my mind. That is the story, the one chance that a werewolf has if they are kicked out or choose to leave their pack. I had visited the place with my parents years ago, so I knew how to get there. It was a very loving arrangement that has saved many people. Even though my personal community failed me, all is not lost. I'm thankful that things like this exist so I can start a new life. That's what I'm running toward. Once I feel like my whole body is on fire and I get to the point where I can't peddle anymore, but I feel I am far enough away from my old pack, I ditch the bike as far away as I can and find the tallest tree that I can and climb. I look through the bag that KJ packed for me. What did I do to deserve a friend like him? I don't know what his dreams mean but I truly hope he will be part of my life in the future. I look through all of the pictures he saved for me as I chew on a granola bar. I can't stop myself from letting go of a few tears. I try to hold the sound in as I shake in the tree. Once it is pitch black, I pack everything away and rest my head on the bag. I think about my parents and at some point I fall asleep. I wake up before the sun and I rearrange my stuff so that I can shift and cover a lot of ground today. The closer I've gotten to the Realm, the colder it gets, so I'm gonna lean on Xena today. 'Xena, how are you feeling about all this?' 'Happy.' Xena speeds through the forest in the direction of the Realm of Goodwill faster than I could ever move on two feet. We do have to stop a few times so I can tighten the bag on us and then I hide the bag all together so that she can do some hunting. At a point while we are hunting, I feel every hair on my body stand up. I get an eerie feeling in my bones, a feeling of something out there that wishes me no good. Xena feels it too and she takes off and doesn't stop running until its late at night. When the feeling passes, we find a tree to sleep in. I awaken to the sound of a woman screaming at the top of her lungs. My curiosity gets the best of me so I stay up in the trees and I follow the sound to a small tent a short distance away. I hear the distressed sounds of a woman going into labor. I really wish I could help, but it is probably best I don't interact with anyone. Who knows what could happen? This could be some sort of trap. A weird trap, but a trap nonetheless. I angle myself so that I can see into the tent up from where I am. It is just a man and a woman, the woman deep in labor. The man is frantically running around while she yells from inside the tiny tent. I see him dip a dry towel into a nearby river and then bring it into the tent. He then sits himself in front of the woman. I can't watch anymore. "Stop!" I jump out of the tree and seem to have startled them based on how the woman is now screaming. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but his hands are filthy and that river water is filthy. If he or it touches you, you could get an infection." I say, moving the man's hand away from her. "Who are you?" "My name is Zinnia Wilkins. I was travelling and I heard you. I have had practice in delivery. I would like to help you deliver your baby. Is that okay?" The woman nods and tells the man that it is okay and I get to work. "What is your name?" "Leilani." "Leilani? That is a beautiful name. I need you to take some deep breaths for me. Don't stop until I tell you to. Feel free to tell me anything you want me to know." "This kid is two weeks early, dammit!" she says, straining herself. "Well, I guess he just really wants to meet you." I get hand sanitizer out of my bag and rub it on my hands up to my elbows. I put it on the man's hands, who I learn is named Carl, as well and ask him for some fresh, clean cloth or towels. I take the unopened bottle of warm water in my bag and pour it on a clean towel. "You're crowning, I can see the baby's head. Its time to push!" I prepare to guide the baby and put some gentle pressure on the base of the v****a near the perineum to help baby's head pass. "Okay great job, Leilani. The baby's head is out. Can you hear them crying? They're here. I need you to stop pushing, okay? Breathe." I take the towel and gently wipe the baby's face. I put pressure on mom's abdomen just above the pubic bone to help finish up the delivery. I pick up the towel again so that I can grip the slippery baby. After all of this, the baby slips right out. "It's a boy! Congratulations, you did great." I hand him over to the man and deliver the placenta. There isn't an excessive amount of bleeding, so I prepare to leave. "You guys need to get to a hospital as soon as possible." "We will, thank you so much. We are on our way to the Realm of Goodwill." "Great. I hope you guys make it there okay." I help Leilani get into a comfortable position, then I exit the tent. Goddess, that was exhilarating! I took classes, but I never actually delivered a live baby, but I wasn't about to tell them that. I'm so glad there where no complications. I rinse in the river and gather all my stuff. The adrenaline I am still feeling helps me run for about an hour toward the Realm.
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