Chapter 10

1113 Words
Zinnia's POV "I won't be able to do that. Her entire story is made up. I felt a sense of duty to our new Luna the second I met her. Nala is doing nothing but lying. If her story is true, she should be able to identify this mysterious person. Her story has no credibility." "I also heard the conversation!" Chrissy Anna jumps from her seat, accusing me as well. Exactly what I need. Shawn is no where near here to defend me and I can only hope that KJ is far away as well. I don't want him anywhere near this. "Two eye witnesses. Zinnia, your lovely parents would be ashamed of the person you have become." His vicious words burn right through me. "I find you guilty. We do not need vengeful, power hungry individuals like you in this pack. All remnants of you will be removed from amongst us." He motions to a guard. "Grab her." The angry mob that is made up of people I thought loved me, people I would have died for, followed us from the courthouse outside. The frigid, evening wind nips at my skin. as Alpha El leads us all down the road. The guards bump into me as they drag me along until we stop in front of my house. "Burn it down!" "No!" I choke on my tears as soon as the words leave his mouth. This house and all the things in it are all I have to remind me of my parents. Everything I own and care about is in that house. The loud mob storms my house and removes a few items, throwing them in my front yard. They throw their torches into the pile and into my house. I am on my knees as they make me stay there and watch my house and everything left of my life burn to the ground. So here I am. Sitting in this dungeon and awaiting my sentence. Everything I had is gone. My good status within the pack, my hopes and dreams for the future, even all of my physical possessions are all gone. Yea, I had it all up until a few weeks ago and now I am waiting to hear the Alpha sentence me to death. The continued wear of this bracelet is starting to take a toll on me. Even if I could leave this dungeon, my life is over. I have nothing. I am nothing. If only Shawn was here he could have cleared my name, but I know that this was no accident. This was orchestrated by Alpha El. Only Shawn knew that the he had helped me with the traps. Even Nala and Chrissy Anna testified against me. What did they get out of it? This is all happening because I was outside that day. What was that fake attack all about and why is he destroying my life over it? What is he hiding? "The Alpha has asked to see her." The gate is opened and a guard comes in and grabs me by the arm, leading me toward the packhouse. Suddenly, out of the darkness, someone punches him in the face and ribs, laying him out on the ground. "Zinnia!" KJ comes into my sights and grabs me into a big hug. I hug him close and gasp into his shoulder, relieved he is okay and that I get to see him again. "I gotta get you outta here." KJ rushes me toward the outer part of the pack. "I heard what happened at that bullshit trial. I only didn't go because I didn't want anyone to connect that I am the one who is gonna help you get outta here. I'm sorry that happened to you. It's all my fault." he says as we run. "No, its not. I'm glad you're safe and I'm glad you told me about your dreams." We stop running and KJ places a backpack on me that had been hidden in the darkness. "I was able to save some things from your place before... when I realized what they were gonna try to do to you. I got a bunch of your pictures and some clothes. I kept some more of your stuff at my house. I packed some food for you, too." KJ takes some gun power, pours it into the lock, flicks a lighter and blows the bracelet off of my arm. It stings both of us, but we'll be okay. "Oh my gosh, thank you KJ. You're the best!" I say, hugging him tight. "I want you to run. I was able to get the snipers to leave their posts for about 10 minutes." "Snipers?" "Yea, there is a lot you don't know about this place, Z." "I can't run KJ, especially not from snipers. I'm too weak. Wearing that bracelet for so long has taken too much out of me. I don't know how far I will get." "Fuck." He looks around and then his face lights up. "Oh, perfect." He runs away and brings back a bike. "I'll lead them away from your trail. You need to sever all ties with this pack once you get out. You have three days to get to the Realm of Goodwill." he sprinkles me with the scent suppressant and gives me a pill. "I know." I say shaking. "Hey, what was that phony attack about a few days ago. I know it was fake." I say swallowing the pill. "We don't have time. But you should already know that the Alpha is even more corrupt than you already think. Since I have been a warrior, none of the "attacks" that happened have ever been attacks, though. But you have to go now! Don't stop running. Ditch the bike in the morning." "Come with me." "I can't, not yet." "I owe you so much KJ. I love you and I will miss you so much. I hope you find so much happiness." KJ hugs me one last time. "I love you, but don't say goodbye just yet. We'll see each other again, Zinnia." We part as I hop on the bike and peddle away as fast as I can toward the edge of the packlands. Once I get to the edge, I say the words. "I, Zinnia Wilkins, sever all ties with the West Moontrail Pack." I pause for a bit when I feel myself get a splitting headache after saying the words. After a bit it is all over and I feel a wave of relief. What used to be my biggest fear is now my reality and possibly my salvation. I am a rogue.
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