Chapter 14

1084 Words
Lorenzo's POV I don't know how much more of this I can take. If anything else goes wrong, I might just lose it. Ever since I inherited this cursed pack from my father, I have just been cleaning up one mess after another. My father, the former Alpha of the East Moontrail Pack, was a maniac. He brought nothing but death and destruction while he was here and now that he is gone, the world is a better place. He had wanted me to follow after him, conspiring to do evil and harm others just for the sake of harm, but I knew even as a child that I didn't want to be anything like him. I saw how he treated his mate and how everyone around him rooted for his downfall and I knew I didn't want that for myself. I hoped to have made more progress than I have the last few years but things are slow going. My brother and Beta, Alonzo, was my only hope for restoring this run-down, crumbling pack to a glory it had never known before. My brother has been gone for the last year, fostering investments and placing staff for our new businesses. According to his last update, he just got them to the point where they are pretty much self-sustaining. He is coming back so we can make some assessments. We really needed money to fix this place up as money and asset management were not a priority for my father. While I am proud of the combat abilities of every member of my pack and how hard they have fought, I know the conditions they live in are less than they deserve. I spend most of my free time when I'm not stressing about finances trying to mend all of the bridges my father burned. I am happy to say that at least some of my hard work has paid off and the East Moontrail Pack gets to enjoy the relative peace that is a consistent feature of the era we now live in. Another bright spot is my good relationship with the New Moon Pack. It was the Alpha Prince, a close friend of mine, who supported my efforts to overthrow my father. He is always offering more help, but I needed to fix this mess on my own. He will be inaugurated as the Alpha King soon, so I will be traveling to the Realm of Goodwill to witness it. I was advised to go down there a few weeks ago because they supposedly got a hold of someone from our neighboring pack, the West Moontrail Pack, and they wanted me to speak with this person. I really don't have the extra time to be travelling back and forth when I am needed here, especially since my brother will be back soon. I'll just make sure to schedule that meeting for when I'm down there for the Alpha Prince's inauguration. I've given up on the West Moontrail Pack. Decades ago, back before my grandparents, we were one pack, but infighting and prejudices caused the split. More recently, they have closed ranks and even the New Moon Pack can't reach them at all. I was hoping to be the bridge that could lead to peace between us but I've tried and been rejected on multiple occasions and honestly they might have a worse Alpha than my father was so f**k that. I feel like I would know that what I was working toward is the right thing if I had the Moon Goddess' blessing and I would know I had her blessing if I had found my mate by now. I'm about to be 22 in a few months and there is no sign of her. I'm not going to stop living my life just because I can't locate my other half, but it does bother me. Neither I nor my brother have found our mates and neither have a bunch of my pack, so there are always human females hanging around here. I used to indulge, but then I noticed that being with them no longer satisfied me and I went cold turkey. I honestly wish to get rid of them, as they make the place look even more run down than it does without them, but I can't tell a bunch of single men what not to do in their personal lives. I'll just add figuring that one out to my to-do list. 'Big bro, come outside. I've got a surprise for you.' My brother mindlinks me for the first time in a year. He's been so far away that we couldn't communicate that way anymore. We have a stronger bond than a normal Alpha and Beta, but the distance practically erased our connection. Its so good to hear from him. He is always the one who helps me through my hard times even though I know he gets just as stressed as I do. I go downstairs to the front of the packhouse and that's where I see them. 'Bro, what the hell is this?' A pair of 2024 Jeep Wranglers. We had been sharing the same crappy car we pooled our money together to buy in high school. Alonzo steps out of the gray car. "Its a celebration, Enzo!" he says, tossing me the car keys. "You take the green one." I'm so happy to see him. He looks as high-spirited as ever as he comes over and gives me a big hug. "Yes, please tell me we have something to celebrate." We go into my office to talk shop. He lets me know that three out of the five business ideas and prospects we sent him out into the city to cultivate were viable and two out of those three are making a good amount of money. "How good is the money?" He breaks out the spreadsheets and bank corporation paperwork and hands them to me. "Good enough for us to break ground on a new packhouse, hire builders and get materials to build it and houses for other pack members within the next few weeks." I exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "I have the best Beta on the f*****g planet. I can't believe we are actually going to be doing this. You get yourself settled, I wanna go for a run and then I want to meet with the rest of the pack. We have to get this pack up to snuff."
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