Chapter 36

1420 Words
Lorenzo's POV It was absolutely horrifying and it was all my fault. After she asked me to leave, I didn't know how long she would need before she would want to talk to me again. I don't know if she blames me or if she will ever trust me again. I traumatized her, showing her the truth about the violent way her parents were taken from her. I can feel her in a way that I couldn't before now that I've marked her. I felt her hide, block me off once I leave her in the room. Should I not have told her? It might make our life together harder. I don't even know her well enough to predict how much this will affect her. She was very close to her parents and she has been alone for years. Now I, her mate who was supposed to protect her, come into her life and give her the worst news possible, the man she used to be with killed her parents. But she needed to know. I didn't want to have any secrets between my mate and I. I should be able to be just as honest with her as I am with my twin. She is my other other half, right? I go into her room to finish packing her things so that we could go back to my pack when she feels better. I am so excited to bring her home. I know my pack needs a lot of work and I feel like she could be a great influence as Luna. I stack the boxes and go over to her bed to pick up my coat. I can finally smile thinking about how we met, how my mother's gift brought my mate to me. I should go check on her, put this coat around her and tell her that I won't leave her side. I feel every hair on my body stand up when I feel a sudden surge of fury sweep over me. Animalistic rage goes through me and I momentarily lose control of my emotions. Its Zin. Instead of going back to my room, I instinctively run downstairs. I follow the pack soldiers who are racing toward the dungeons. Once I make it downstairs, I cannot believe the sight before me. A perfect, lovely, distraught looking wolf hovers in the corner of Alpha El's prison cell. "I'm gonna ask you one more time to drop the prisoner or I will shoot you dead!" Kai shouts at the wolf. I immediately snap out of it. Zinnia must have slipped in between the prison bars to get in, and I can't fit. "Kai, let me take care of it." He looks at me with a puzzled look and then back over to my mate. I motion for the gate to be opened. Xena seems to not even notice that I am there in the cell with her. "Xena, mi amor, what's going on?" Nathaniel has told me how headstrong Xena is and I don't want to trigger her to make any rash decisions. She growls at me and backs away with El's throat between her teeth after I take a few steps into the cage. Blood is flowing from his legs where she undoubtedly bit him. "Xena, I know what he did to you. You deserve your revenge, but not like this. Death is too good for him. Come, lets leave here and go home." I inch closer to her until I am close enough to scratch behind her ears. She loosens her hold on the old Alpha. I feel her start to relax. When she drops him to the ground, I hear a low, raspy, threatening voice speak from inside the cage with us. "Kill the old man, my sweet, so I can be free. I will make you my queen, for I will need a strong Alpha female by my side as I rule." The voice comes from Alpha El's body, but I know for a fact that that was not his voice. He has the same crazed look that he did on the battlefield and I could see that there was a green light emanating from the spot where his arm used to be. He lunges for Xena and she yips as she tries to get away. I am able to grab him and see that his fangs are completely protruded. I want to snap his neck when I see Xena bleeding, but then I remember what he said. Him wants us to kill him? "Don't-" but I'm too late. Kai had already given the order for El to be shot after attacking. I turn just in time to see my bleeding mate collapse to the floor. ~~~~~~~~ Kaipo sits in his chair rubbing his forehead while I pace the room. We are both at a loss for words after what happened, but we need to talk about it. "I have to ban your mate." he states through folded fingers. "What?" "She is banned from the New Moon Pack and will be executed on sight if she ever returns, human form or wolf." "Are you out of your f*****g mind?" "That is the only punishment I could give that would get you guys out of here safely after this. She broke into the dungeons and because of her actions, we had to execute Alpha El before we could get any information out of him." "Kai, who gives a s**t about any of that. You have to know by now that something else is going on here. When I encountered El on the battlefield, he was glowing green and yesterday he was glowing green and talking using somebody else's voice. There was something otherworldly in that cell with us yesterday and it tried to mark my mate." "Yes, Lorenzo. I've already heard you and I believe you, but the Council doesn't care. They want to see your mate punished for undermining our safeguards and being the reason we had to put El down. If we didn't have to kill him because she put herself in danger, maybe I could look into what you're talking about." "Yea? Well maybe remind your all-knowing Council that my mate hasn't woken up since she was bitten by that f*****g man. Is that normal?" I have been by Zinnia's side since she passed out and I haven't wanted to leave, but here I am in the Kings' office listening to him downplay something we all lived through. "Listen, I know that what you are focused on right now and what I am focused on are different. You seem not to believe me or not to care about anything besides keeping the Council happy and she and I aren't a part of that so I'll have Dariel bring the car around." "I do care, Lorenzo. I just have a lot on my plate right now. I need you to stay. I'll be going to Zinnia's old pack and I need to know anything you know that might help me." I look at him in complete disbelief. "Lorenzo, Lunaria is planning on blowing up the forest next week. I have to make sure that doesn't happen." "Okay. After I go check on Zinnia." I sit with the King for a few hours as we devise a plan to get he and his mate into WMP. I end up staying a few extra days to help get everything together and speak in meetings since he guaranteed her safety while we are here, all while Zinnia is still knocked out with her vitals being monitored. I get that he has to placate the Council, but I'm so frustrated by his reaction to what is going on. As the days pass by, I bury that and decide to figure it out on my own. "Thank you for helping me find my mate." I tell him once it is finally time for me to go. "Congratulations on finding yours. I wish you all the best and I will always be there if you need me. Its time I started taking care of my mate." He gets up and gives me a big hug. "Thank you for being my greatest ally. You still are. Keep in contact. I am going to try to get the decision overturned and I will call you the second I do. I still appreciate what she has done for my family and I won't forget it." It seems like you already have.
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