The signs

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Down in the basement, four males rested. A fifth joined them, with a sigh as he let himself fall onto one of the larger bag cushions. All but one in the room seemed displeased, Zetrich being the only happy one. Dimitry deemed that since he was Zetrich’s best friend he had to ask him. -"Why are you so happy?,, Dimitry camouflaged his annoyed words with curiosity and a hint of  interest though he really had none. His mind was focused on the girl, Solance. He hadn't seen just heard her and smelled her, her name was fitting. Her voice soft and velvet like a breeze and her scent a fruit basket, a scent that could rival any perfume and to him even the scent of spring.  -"Ohh it's nothing really,, Zetrich answered in a sing song voice laced with a loving tone. Dimitry forbidden himself to ever sound like that, it was freaky and nearly left nothing to the imagination.  -"Did our own little lover boy finally click with Angie?,, Alexx said with a grin covering his face. He had a good reason to do that after all, Angie have always been the one Zetrich wanted. The last few months he had daily proclaimed his love for the female, saying that has soon as he got back home, he was sure that they would click and would be together forever.  At Alexx comment Zetrich jumped up and slightly sneered, an action that took the other males by surprise. Zetrich had always been an unserious goofball and never been one to show anger.  -"Of course not! Don't you dare talk like that! Angie means nothing to me,, it was strange really, course has soon as he had said it he claimed back down.  Dimitry puzzled by his friend's change of demeanor were curious now, if Angie weren't the one anymore, then who?  -"If not Angie then who?,, Dimitry had rolled from his back onto his stomach to look at his friend and to secure his dominant position, showing ones stomach around a male who seemed on edge weren't on Dimitry’s check list, not that it was dangerous. It's simple that showing one’s stomach is a submissive act, one that is against his nature as a dominant.  -"Sigh Zoe,, Zetrich said dreamlike. Dimitry froze Sarah's daughter, now that he hadn't seen coming.  -"You changed your choice of mate? What? why?,, Cole asked slightly spooked, no one had considered Zoe after all her mother being crazy Sarah.  -"She is my destine mate,, he meekly answered.  -"How do you know that?,, Dimitry asked, finding ones destine mate were quite something especially in their age, one normally didn't find one before they were near their mid-twenties and never in their own pack.  -"First it was her scent so rich in flavor and so very sweet...oh and then her voice oh the electrical that runs through me...,, at Zetrichs endless chanter Dimitry once more messaged his chest, was it the same? Is he feeling the same as Zetrich?  -"The annoying part of it...she isn't interested, she have her heart set on some else.... ,, he sneered again his eyes turning yellow the eyes of a beta.  "Love hurts,, he whimpered... No one said anything, Zetrich lost in his own selfpity, Cole cooing at him, Mattew and Alexx focusing on tuning the whimpering out. And Dimitry was once more lost in his thoughts, had he chosen the human as his destine mate?  "Boys dinner!,, a female voice shouted, not that it were needed the males hearing had increased greatly under their training. The other males looking forward to the nostalgia of eating with their pack and not eating something they had to hunt, kill and skin themselves not to mention cook. A skill neither of the boys had acquired. So, a well-cooked meal was something to look forward too, it wasn't that Dimitry didn't look forward to it too. He simply dreaded the company in which he had to consume said feast, he knew his mother had prepared.    In the dining room everyone was soon present, though not all sat down. The twins remained idle by the entrees, they were waiting. That's right they have been allowed to bring Solance her food. Dimitry's eyes rested discreetly on the twins, Sarah appeared and handed them the key. Dimitry's hand once more went back to massage his chest, his behavior didn't go unnoticed by Sarah. She was slightly frightened by his seemingly claim demeanor in his outer appearance, but his eyes kept flashing and his scent spiked together with his dominant nature. Sarah could only hope that his attention would fall to one of the pack's females, it was quite pointless to hope for that. His behavior proved that, he had found his destine mate. Above that it had never been a secret that he had absolutely no interest in any of the pack's females, a little voice in Sarah's head told her that things were going to get ugly soon. The young male's eyes followed the twins as they left the room to collect their food has well as Solance’s.  The feast itself was very nostalgic, nearly everything was as it used to. The adults conversed with the other adults as the young conversed with each other, no not much had changed. Except some minor things, Zetrich seemed to glare at Cole every time Zoe tuned her attention at said male. Angie was luckily still making eyes at Dimitry together with her shadow Gwen. Dimitry remain unapproachable as always, though tonight for different reasons, a different thing about Dimitry tonight. His eating habit, he was analyzing every piece of meat, every potato and every vegetable on his plate. Leaving all the good pieces on the plate, only the adults with mates or who had seen such behavior before understood what he was doing. The unconscious behavior of a courting dominant, Lavenda and Sarah shared a look before the female alpha looked to her mate, who nodded in response. Yes, he had noticed, and like any other father he felt proud but, in this incident, also fearsome. Course his son was acting like a courting dominant but not towards any of the present female's, which meant it was either Adele or Aywa or may the heavens forbid Solance. As the feast ended Dimitry in a relaxed manner stood up and took his plate with him, he went upstairs. He sat down on the opposite wall to the infirmary door, with the plate on his lab. The twins had locked the door from within, making Dimitry stuck outside. He could hear muffled laugher from the room, one part of him annoyed that he was locked out and another happy that Solance had the energy to laugh. He wouldn't lie, he felt jealous that he wasn't in there being the one to make her laugh.  Adele was the first to open the door with three empty plates in her hand, her eyes widen at the dominant male that was sitting Indian style seemly waiting for her to open the door. He slowly stood and took a step forward, Adele took a step to the side successful in blocking the entrance.    Adele knew that this could end bad, it was unheard of for an omega to stand up against a beta, but she had been given an order and she intended to see it through even if it should take her life. Her action seemed to have shocked the male just as it had shocked herself, Aywa soon joined her sister. Haven felt her sisters change in demeanor, they both knew that should it come to a fight they couldn't win. Dimitry were strong, even though he didn't look like it. But as omegas they were keener on detecting those who are strong, a survival ability. For omegas having a strong leader was important, it meant plenty of food and protection. If that leader also were kind it was simply a home run, that's how the twins felt. And in their secret opinions Dimitry seemed just has strong as their present alpha, if not stronger.  Dimitry analyzed the two omegas in front of him, he never had anything against them. They were probably the only young females in the pack that he could tolerate, his head tilt to the side. Their action was honorable. But he intended no harm for the girl they were protecting, if he wanted them to let their guards down so he could enter he had to prove to them that he wouldn't force himself in. With the plate in one hand he offered the food that was neatly cut into small pieces and with the other offered to take the empty plates. Adele the eldest searched his eyes for any hints of cheating, there was nothing to be found. Having Sarah already informed them, the twins knew that the food was for Solance. With a brief nod Adele took the plate well handing the used ones over, Dimitry nodded back and walked back downstairs. Much to the others surprise, the adults had all been ready to aid the twins should it come to it.  Dimitry felt a sudden joy after having delivered the plate, and stick against everything he remained in the kitchen in till Aywa entered with his former plate now empty. Aywa stopped after putting it in the dishwasher, she was slightly chewing on her lip.   -"She told me to say thanks and that you shouldn't have,, she muttered before walking out to join her sister. Once more a warm feeling spread in Dimitry's core, it this was what it took to gain the trust to see the girl, he would keep doing it.    -"The number you have dialed is at the moment unavailable DOD DOD....,,  -"That's strange,, Lavenda whispered, it was the fifth time today. The girl had written down everything she had asked about this guardian, name, number, address, office and Email. If what the girl said is true it's strange that the woman hasn't made any indication to locate the girl, Lavenda returned to the infirmary. Her son’s scent lingered in the air, he must have been here just a little while ago.  The woman walked into see Sarah removing the girl's bindings, Solance looked meek and embarrassed.  -"I am sorry miss Sarah,, she said.  -"Now now child it's not your fault, besides the scent isn't so bad,, Sarah's voice were sounding weird.  -"Is that why you’re wearing a clamp on your nose,, the girl stated with a pout. The girl was embarrassed about the odor that were emerging from her feet.  -"Sarah please show some respect,, Lavenda said from behind said woman who jumped a little, the chopper blond woman stood up and turned to see the door open, in a flash she was in front of it and closed it.  -"Lavenda I told you!,,  -"Easy now Sarah I checked-,,  -"That's not good enough, yes he is gentle and very charming now but.... He won't be for long you and I both know that!,,  Lavenda sigh knowing the other female was right, her eyes turned to the object of her son’s obsession. Sky blue eyes meet her own, the girl had no idea about what was going on. According to Sarah the child wouldn't be able to handle it, Sarah were still waiting for the girl to go into shock. The girl was far to claim, one of the reasons Sarah deemed Dimitry to dangerous. He might trigger it and then whatever could have been between them, will never happen.  -"I am afraid I can't reach miss Josef ,, Lavenda said sadly. Solance’s eyes slightly dulled in color, she was expecting it and yet it still hurt her.  -"Oh...I see, she must be very busy I guess,, the girl muttered.  Lavenda couldn't understand how any guardian to a child could be so indifferent, something isn't right, no one with a child in their care can be so heartless. Wouldn't she be worried now that the child has been gone for at least four days, heaven forbid those monsters held her captive any longer.  -"I am sorry Mrs Rider, it seems like I can't be of any help,, the girl said honestly. A deep sigh left the girl.    Dimitry's behavior continued and evolved, at every meal he would sort out the best from the bad, piece by piece. Occasionally, he would go out and hunt something for the girl, be it rabbit, deer and on a good day duck or dove. The pattern continued for days, days became weeks and soon a whole month had passed, and Christmas came closer.  -"The number you have dialed is at the moment unavailable DOD DOD..,,  As time flowed by everyone knew of Dimitry's behavior and though only a few knew why. It didn't sit well with quite a few, but such things couldn't be changed. Dimitry would frequently converse with the two omegas which surprised many, but it was a way for Dimitry to occasionally, to hear from the girl and the twin's company were surprisingly very pleasant and funny. The twins finding Dimitry to be the exact same, he wasn't only talking to them about Solance. He showed an interest in them and they had a few things in common, he found the two girl’s funny and their company pleasent. He even introduced them to the other males, since the rule is that an omega can't approach one of high rank without an introduction. Dimitry gave them a huge opportunity and they didn't waste it, the other males too found them to be interesting and funny. Even the cold and unapproachable Matthew ended up subduing to their charm and found Aywa to be quit appealing, and unknown to the adults he had given up all right to fight for the alpha position, course he did rather court his omega. Dimitry was making the best of the situation, but the lack of connection with his mate was getting to him. And seeing Matthew courting Away, hit hard, he too wanted to show his mate that he was made for her.     -"Hello this is Margaret,,  -"Hello miss Margret Josef, I have been trying to reach you and-,,  -"I am sorry darling but I am unable to get to the phone, please leave a message if it's important with name and number tata darling BEEP,,  -"Sigh at least this time it was the voice mail,, Lavenda joined her mate in their bed, she was worried. Her motherly nature screamed at her to check on the girl and to find that miss Josef and give her a piece of her mind.  -"Mate don't give up, Solance is counting on you,, Clyde encourage.  She smiled meekly in return.  -" now that we are at the subject, how is she? It's been a little over a month since she arrived, any improvements?,, Her mate asked as he combed her hair with his fingers.   -"She is still so fragile and she is not allowed to stand up or in any way stain her feet,, Lavenda leaned into her dominant seeking comfort " that poor pup, Sarah believe she have had some internal bleeding or hemorrhage since more and more bruises keeps appearing. It's hard to really understand the child, she somehow camouflages her scent. Sarah hates it, it makes it nearly impossible to detect if she is in pain....,, Clyde nuzzled her hair affectionately.  -" And our son? How is he handling all this, never have a male been detained from his chosen one for such a long period,, Clyde mumble.  -"The twins are a great help, by bringing her the food he chooses and sending her thanks and praises and the small updates. I believe it helps him from not tearing the door down.. But it's getting to him, as of late he is more dominant in his behavior. He rarely sleeps, he talks less and less, he remains close to the infirmary. And just yesterday when I opened the balcony doors to get in some fresh air he just appeared right under it growling at nothing....he won't remain idle forever,, she finished, worry decoration her brow.  The couple hugged, both deeply lost in thought to realize that their son had heard everything. One thing the twins had been forbidden to tell him about was what had happened, at least In detail and if things got worse. Dimitry ran to get closer to his destine one, even outside the infirmary he could feel her distress. Knowing she still occupied the bed closest to the wall he went into the very same room as the first day he was here, making himself comfortable against the wall. He listened to her slightly raged breathing, her small whimpers and cries. In the day she was so strong and happy but when night came and she was alone, her real self was shown. He knew that what he was about to do was against the rules, but he deemed it were either that or him breaking down the door to secure her, to make her feel save. He pushed his aura out and onto her, his dominant nature forming a barrier over her submissive aura. A comforting rumble vibrated from his chest, first the girl's aura fought and rejected his but ended subduing to it. The girl claimed down, and sleep consumed them both.       The days passed and the house turned tens, Dimitry began to ask for entrance. He wanted to be near his mate. Sarah declined, leaving Dimitry angry. Dimitry argued that he had been patience but that she needed him, Sarah didn't weaver even when his dominant aura rose from him to forcefully subdued her. Michael walked by just in time, he raised his own aura. "Go clear your head boy,, the strong build male ordered. The golden blond male snorted before storming out not at all trying to hide his anger, why wouldn't they understand! He needed his mate! She needed him! Adele looked after him from the now still open front door, a sigh left the female as she closed the door. She turned only to meet Angie's face, Adele held her breath. "You're aiming high Adele, just like your sister!,, "It's not like that Ang-,, Smack "Seems like you have forgotten your place! We haven't been introduced and you are to call me miss-,, "Adele?,,  a new voice sounded from the top of the stairs, Matthews dark eyes analyzed the scene. Angie were up to it again, Angie weren't happy that the omegas had wormed their way in. "Come on, Aywa is waiting for you,, he said kindly, the red head nodded before she slowly passed the bleach blond female and her shadow Gwen. Adele took the stairs two steps at a time, Matthew remained his eyes locked on the two females below. Matthew never liked them, they were both so sinister and had their heads in the clouds. Hearing the sisters join each other he deemed it safe to go to his room, they were with the human girl. He too understood Dimitry, he was lucky he could be near his mate. Dimitry couldn't,which is also why Matthew isn't allowed into the infirmary. Since he all ready had a chosen one, he wouldn't be a danger to the girl. But it might be too much for Dimitry, he has been controlling himself so far, no reason to push their lucky by making him think he needs to fight a rival. "Adele are you okay? What happened to your cheek?,, Solance hastily took a gentle hold on said girl's face, Aywa was passing around. "Fingers...someone slapped you?!,, Solance whispered in a unbelievable tone. She couldn't find any reason to hit Adele, adele were always kind and so sincere. The eldest redhead nodded, she couldn't really lie. "Who would do anything like that?,, "Angie that little-,, Aywa started but was cut short by her elder sister's hand that clamped down on her mouth, God forbid Angie heard someone bad mouth her. Since she is a beta she have the right to beat them both up for any reason at all. "Who is Angie?,, Solance pipped in, the twins twirled to meet those blue eyes that they over the month had grown accustomed too. "Who is Angie?,, Aywa repeated, it then hit them both that they really hadn't told the human anything about the other residents of the house. Only the few people that Solance had meet, they had actually tried to avoid talking about the others. To be frank, the twins were very happy to call the girl their friend and they feared that they might lose her. "Well Angie is a high ranked female here in the house and, well since we are low ranked she can pick on us for no reason at all,, "So what your saying is that she is a bully with a silver spoon in her butt,, Solance said with an indifferent face . Both females nodded, Solance shook her head. "Your alpha really should change that rule,, Solance muttered. "Why did she hit you even, to verbally assault I figured she doesn't need a real reason but to actually hit you...what's her reason for that?,, Adele sighs and went back to Solance bed, they couldn't keep trying to avoid talking about Dimitry. "She thought I was trying to earn Dimitry's affection... She has her eyes set on him..,, "Oh.... But she only thought that, which means you aren't?,, "No! God no... He all ready found his destine mate..not that Angie knows that,, "What's a destine mate?,, "Well ehh in our bloodline it's common that you only have one mate, and well it's like once soulmate. And yeah unlike you humans we ehmm react quiet different to this. You see.... A male that have meet his destine one, will start courting her... Did that answer your question?,, "Is Dimitry courting you?,, Adele chocked on the air, wasn't that a terrible thought. To have a dominant like Dimitry hovering above her! No thank you. " no he most suddenly is not! O con trier he is actually courting y-,, Aywas hand shot out and cut off Adele's sentence just in time. Solance tilted her head at the twins, she loved their company that she wouldn't deny but every once in a while she despised them since they so openly withheld the truth only to brush her off. "Solance I think it's time for your meds is it not?,, Sarah said as she walked in, her eyes rested on the twins knowingly. She had heard everything. Both twins grinned and bid their far well to the human before they bolted, Sarah were after all not to be messed with. The hours passed comfortably by for Sarah, Solance had fallen asleep because of the heavy load of meds she were still on. It was times like these that she could ponder, investigate and further her knowledge. The human girl came for an orphanage back up in Alaska, if Sarah were to trust the girl's words said girl had no memories pryer her time at the orphanage. The girl had been adopted at the tender age of seven by an elder man whom had died just last year, though the troughs formed with the knowledge of an elder man and young child with no connection was alarming the girl reassured that he had never done anything improper towards her, but had acted like a loving guardian and teacher. Sarah had managed to pry some details about Solances past, a source at the orphanage proclaimed that the girl was found in a cottage deep in the mountains. The girl was but a toddler wearing only a thin blanket that the child never parted from, the child after being found remained nameless in till the adoption. The girl were given the day of her discovery as her birthday, July 17. That's all the orphanage knew apparently, the source also informed Sarah that a investigation to recover the child's parent had been made though no one had made a claim to the child. Most interesting, Sarah couldn't help but think. She were sure that the child weren't just a human, but her assumption could jeopardize the girl's chances with the elders. After all they weren't keen on mixing the races, she could imagine the fight there were gonna be when Aywa and Matthes mated. Aywa had come to her for guidance figuring since she were a doctor, she wouldn't be a tell tail. Sarah turned her eyes back to her neat table, a drawing rested on its surface. The drawing was the mark that rested on the girl's chest, it were a rather simple design. A circle with a slightly bigger circle around the first one, though they seemed slightly tilted making the bottom of the circles lines thinner and almost touching. Around the two first circles were two more though they were open in the top with three dots, though it was simple it was peculiar. The orphanage assured her that it was a birthmark since it weren't a tattoo, that much had been examined. Sarah's eyes traveled around the room, resting on the girl's tiny form. A bad feeling boiling up in her gut, the fine her on her neck slightly began to stand. Something was off. Suddenly a loud howl sounded, Sarah tensed. The animalistic sounds of a dog fight meet her sensitive ears, Sarah didn't think but acted. She bolted from her chair and out the door, she slightly swung the door to its hinges before continuing down the stairs. Unknown to her, the door didn't close but remained slightly a jaw and unlocked. For the first time since the girl arrived and for that one male to by accident once again pass the door, he paused upon seeing it opened. Every fiber in his being celebrating, seeing it as a sign for him to finally meet his mate. He hesitated not, quietly he walked and softly closed the door behind him. Her scent embraced him, it was happy conceit, fresh and sweet. He remained silent, the girl need her sleep. As any other dominant male he examined his mate, he hadn't seen her before but still needed to check her for injuries. Her dark hair was fanning over the pillow in s unruly manner, her skin pale unlike his own sun kissed. Only now did the small hints of fear, pain and shame meet his nostrils. He sneered silently at the knowledge that his mate felt so, his eyes wandered over her body, the parts that was exposed any way. Bruised decorated her skin, the night gown she wore had in her sleep ridden up. The gown only just covered the juncture of her thighs and s*x, Dimitry's eyes lingered on the deep and screaming purple bruises that covered her inner thighs, this time he couldn't hold back a growl. In a stiff manner he leaned into the human, his nose close to her treasure. He sniffed a few times, relief washed through him. They hadn't soiled her, he stood back up and resumed his examination. He found her feet bound, the blood pounded in her feet he could feel it, hear it, she was healing but slow. Dimitry's instinct took over, his mate was in distress though it was hidden beneath a heavy coat of her intoxicating scent. Like a predator he carefully sneaked into the girl's bed, laying down besidde her. He decided that he wouldn't let anyon harm his mate, he lovingly kissed the girl's forehead as Adele walked in. She froze dead in her tracks, Dimitry didn't even acknowledged her. He first realized Adele as she once again bolted to find Sarah.
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