Full House

2622 Words
Last time  -"th-thank you,, the words could barely move over her cold strokes lips, they cracked and leaked blood. She fell towards the ground, without thinking, without knowing why I stepped forward and caught her. Her cold body med my warm fur, she was so cold, how can she still be alive.  -"Clyde?,, Lavenda came closer, I looked at her she was fine. -" are you gonna... Kill her,, she asked the very question that the present part of my pack had on their mind, the very question I couldn't bring myself to ask, to answer.  -"I ....I-I,, his voice died out, she saved him.  Every fiber in his being wants to help her, to save her. She... He knows that even if she survives, they, He will have to kill her, eventually. She has seen them, to let her live, to let her tell others what have occurred just minutes ago. This innocent girl was an endangerment to them, to his pack, his family. So much were at stake, his family, his pack, mate, his reputation, the trust of his pack and the life of the girl.  -"love? ,, his mate asks, his snout turned to her.  -"time is of the essence,, her voice filled with compassion, her eyes shine, she felt the same pain as he, the same guilt from thinking of killing the girl. His eyes roamed his fellow pack members, they are waiting. Ida and the twins seemed tens and slightly sad, that's good. No one should take pleasure from killing. He sighed, he needs a sign. What should he do? He was lost, never had he held a life in his hands. At least not an innocent life. He maybe a killer by nature, but he isn't a monster.  Howl  Every living creature in the clearing froze, that howl didn't belong to any of them. It didn't belong to any earthly creature, it couldn't. The alpha turned his head sharply looking at something behind his pack, the pack turned around and froze. Only a few feet from them stood a giant white wolf, Snow White. Its completely black eyes starred right at them, it was a sight to behold.  -"son of Frell, Alpha of the Solar manes take her home,, the white wolf spoke, her voice soft and unearthly. The alpha nodded, the white wolf sprinted at them. The pack didn't move, the wolf disappeared into thin air as it collided with the pack. Each pack member felt a chill run up their spine, that was a very clear sign. Now the pack could only hope that it was not too late. The tense atmosphere disappeared has each pack member turned their attention back to the alpha, they awaited their order. The very mother of the werewolves had told them to bring the girl home, what for would have to wait to later.  -"we will take her back home with us, then we will have to figure out what to do with her,, the alpha started to rise on his hind legs in order to stand back up.  -"wait! I don't think that would be wise,, Lavenda said as she touched the girl with her snout.  -"the great mother sai-,,  -"oh! Heavens no that's not what I mean, I mean it wouldn't be wise to move her,,  -"Lavenda we have to move her, she needs to go someplace warm or she will die,,  -"I know love, but, I fear that she wil not survive being moved,,  -" I don't quite catch your drift mate, it's not like we're going to drag her,,  -" then how did you think you would move her?,,  -" I would shift back and carry her,,  -"then you would start freezing,,  -"no I wouldn't,,  -"yes you would, besides the only thing that give that poor child any warmth is your fur, if you shift back. She would lose her only heat source,, the female spoke as she laid down and learned her own warm body to the girl's cold one. She was right, the alpha most have been just has confused as the others, he needs to use his head. After all humans are frailer than them, they are much like pups, small, weak and so fragile.  -"your right,,, we can't move her as it is right now...Adele, Aywa you two run back to the pack house, get Sarah. Tell he of the situation and get her here. And fast,, both girls nodded and sprinted off.  -"Andy, you, Jasper and Michael you will help me get rid of the corpses,, they nodded and went straight to work.  -"Ida and you Victor you will help Lavenda keep the girl warm,, no more words needed to be said they were already both aiding the alpha female by surrender the girl's body. It was the best arrangement since the three of them all had thick fur, they would be able to generate the most heat. The alpha, satisfied that everyone has something to do, too joined the three males to get rid of the human vermin. The wolves hurried, the faster they were done the faster they could join the others, the more warmth they could generate the better, for the girl's sake.  -"remember shatter the pieces everywhere! Make it impossible to identify the remains! ,, the wolves worked effectively, they would soon be done. It's a good thing dawn couldn't be long gone now, where was Sarah the alpha couldn't help insulting her in his head. Damn it Sarah don't you understand the seriousness of the situation!!!    Poor girl the grey wolf thought, since the girl passed out, she hadn't given any sign of waking up. Her breathing very weak and ragged. Sarah you most hurry. Lavenda nudged her head under the girl's head and neck, she was lifting the girl from the cold ground. From this angle Lavenda could feel the girl's heartbeat, it were so very weak. Such a tiny and slow sound, Lavenda compared it to that of a small bird, that was dying. Victor and Ida followed their alphas example, they both softly nudged their way under the girl's body. It was cold, and they were all tired. Soon another wolf joined them, Michael a heavy built chocolate brown wolf. He laid himself so his head rested on the girl's stomach. Like that it continued, one by one another wolf joined the bunk. A thought they all had the girl won't survive, their heat alone wouldn't and couldn't keep her alive. The girl's temperature wasn't raising, their body heat only managed to secure that it didn't fall lower. It wouldn't last for long they too were growing cold.  A harsh sound of wheels sounded in the distance, a rumble emerged from the ground. Finally . Every wolf thought. A big off-white van drove out into the clearing in a bumpy manner, as there was no road to drive on. The van brutally stopped ripping up dirt and stones. The engine remained running, all doors opened has Sara, her assistant and the twins appeared. No words were spoken, the copper blond female sprinted into action. Quickly she checked the girl's vitals, with every new discovery she yelled out orders to her assistant Rodney. "Turn up the heat in the van, as high as it can go, then bring blankets and a dumpster bag,, she ordered as she remained focused on the girl. She learned her head to the girl's chest and remained like that, she was counting. Rodney did as he was told like always.  -"what took you so long!,, the golden wolf snarled at the doctor. He was angry. Like always Sarah remained natural.  -" sorry alpha but in a situation like this, you have to be careful. I have made sure everything is ready. Heating bath, room, food and so on. Now the tricky part is getting her there. I only hope that she haven't suffered too much damage,, Sarah ended in a weakly whisper as she affectionately stroked the girl's cheek. Rodney was at Sarah's side with the requested items.  -"good now we have to work fast, listen has soon as you guys move, we will have to quickly remove her dress, it will only hinder the heat from reaching her body. You got that Rodney?,, the male merely nodded.  -"good now you will have to slowly lift her up so I can cut the dress off her. Then cover her in the blanket and then you rush to the van,, once more Rodney nodded, it was rather irritating that he never said anything.  -"you wish to remove her cloth! Haven't she been through enough?!,, Lavenda voiced with a growl.  The rest of the pack agreed, the girl had been through enough manhandling for a life time.  -"it's not like I am doing it for fun, had there been another way I would have taken it, but every second counts, we can't afford to be too considerate. Besides I don't think she want to wake up wearing that, not with this episode,, Sarah calmly reassured. She was right, carefully the wolves moved away, Rodney lifted the girl gently. Sarah quickly cut open the dress, her eyes slightly widened as the dress fell to the ground. Her blue eyes focused on the girl's chest. Violently she shook her head and placed the blanket on the girl, Aywa collected the dress as the van drove back to the pack house. The twins shared a look before they swiftest into their wolf form and both sprinted off, the rest of the wolves covered the vans tracks before heading home for a good and well-earned rest. The sun was slowly raising in the horizon.    Hours late at the pack house a welcomed silence rested over it, most were asleep. Even on the second floor in Sarah's self-proclaimed infirmary, was there silent. Sarah had been up and running since she was woken nearly 10 hours ago, she hadn't meant to fall asleep, but she had. The room were warm, the girl was safely tucked in bed. Sarah felt at peace, she believed that the girl would make it. Though it would take a long time for her to recover.  How much time has passed on Sarah weren't sure when a soft knock on the door sounded, she woke up slightly startled. When have I fallen asleep? The door opened it was Clyde and Lavenda, Sarah stood up to greet them.  -" how is she?,, the dark haired female asked, her eyes softly examining the girl's fragile form.  -"well from what the twins told me, she was lucky... but it is still hard to say how bad it really is.,,  -"she haven't come to yet?,, the golden blond asked as he stepped closer to inspect the girl.  -"no I am afraid not, it worries me.. One thing is to heal or fix a broken body...I can't say anything about her mental state.,,  -" what injuries were you able to find Sarah?,, Lavenda spoke making Sarah turn towards herself. The male remained hovering over the girl.  -" she is lucky, a fear of mine were that she would need an amputation. Her feet will heal with time, though she won't be able to walk on her own for quite a while..,,  -"is it that bad?,,  -"I am afraid so.. The cold removed the ability to feel anything in her feet, her muscles are severely stained and some of the bones are broken. She have a lung infection, her immune system is very weak. That's all I can say right now,, the woman fidget with her fingers, taking care of werewolves were way easier than this, humans are so fragile compared to them. The pair nodded, Clyde turned on his heels and went out the door. Sarah tensed, the elders had arrived, she had felt it. Lavenda nodded politely to the doctor before she too walked out though closing the door after her softly.  -"seems like the worst has yet to come,, Sarah whispered and gently stroke the girl's hair.    -"YOU WHAT?!? CLYDE HAVE YOU COMPLETELY LOST YOUR SENSES!!,, an elder man yelled, his face harboring a snarl like grimace.  Clyde sat with a stiff back with his mate on his left side and his closest beta, Michael on his right. The three remained silent, Clyde had explained the situation. The elders contained of five men, they were too old to remain on the field. To remain as alphas, well one of them were the former Alpha, the rest were his closest betas. Now they were in the front for controlling politics and economics among the different packs.  -"Clyde what were you thinking?! Letting a human see you, to bring it here to the pack house!,,  -"I..I am not sure I have a reasonable explanation, at least not on-',,  -"enough! The human is an endangerment to our race, to our welfare,,  -"but th-,,  -"hush woman! Who allowed you to speak!,,  -"be careful Harold... It's not your pack any more, any woman can speak freely,, Lavenda spoke with an icy tone and narrowed eyes.  -"I were saying that the great mother told us to take her home... it's against our very nature to defy her, that would have been a real crime that this meeting should justify.,,  Silence lingered, Clyde wanted to smile. That's why he fell for the woman, her spirit, her ability to look so sweet well speaking venom. She was one of the things that gave him pride, the pack hadn't seen a better alpha female before.  -"that's just a convenient li-,, the male was brutally cut off as the doors flied open, a group of five male adolescents walked in joking with each other. When the group saw the assembly of elders they stopped in their tracks, no one said anything.  -"what is all this about?,, a blue eyed and brown haired male asked with a boyish voice. Lavenda was the first to react, she stands up and smiles.  -"boys welcome home! Why are you home so early?,, she said lovingly as she hugged each boy after another, to her all of them were like her children, one of them were.  -"hi mother, we finished early,, A golden haired blond male  answered, his golden brown eyes glinting. His eyes roamed the elder males in the room, the tension in the room is touchable. His father rose has well to his feet, he says something to the old men before he too joined them. From the corner of his eye he could see the elder men sneak out.  -"Dimitry it's good to have you home my boy,, Clyde said truthful. To have the new male generation back in the pack house were a blessing. All five of them were strong, and soon one of them well be the new alpha.  -"it's good to be home father, now what was all this tension about?,, Dimitry asked as his parents ushered the group out of the room and walked down the hall way probably wanting to go downstairs to the living room.  -"just a small disagreement, nothing serious,, The alpha reassured warmly.  Dimitry left it too his friends to tell of their training, to be honest he wasn't much of a social character. The joke around him were that he should have been an omega, but his physical attributes destroyed that theory. Dimitry was a peculiar member of the pack, as son of the alphas everyone expected him to be the next. He had no desire to be the next alpha, it was too stressful, to time consuming for him. At times he wished to be a human, they didn't have to think for everyone. Only themselves, their needs and their wishes.  As he walked there a bit behind his family lost in his own thoughts, he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. His nostrils vibrating, his body stiff and tens. An unknown warmth collided in the pit of his stomach, his pupils dilating. That scent? So sweet. Finally, his body woke up, slowly like a predator he walked back, following the sweet scent. It was weak, but so very sweet. He ended up in front of a door, Sarah's infirmary. His head learning to the side as his hand reached for the door handle.  -"Dimitry?,, his mother called from the end of the hallway, his hand was back at his side and his head in her direction. She smiled.  -"are you going to join us?,, she asked, her voice in a soft tone that only a mother could own, a mother who had missed her child. The male nodded and gave the door a last look before jogging down the hallway, mother and son went downstairs completely oblivious to the chopper blond haired female that had seen the scene.  -"this isn't good,, the female whispered.  With a quick pace the woman went into the infirmary, locking the door after her. She sighed.  -"who are you?,, a weak voice sounded behind her, surprised Sarah turned to face a pair of sky blue eyes. The girl was awake, her eyes fluttering with life. 
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