Christmas eve

2753 Words
Solance found herself right awake in the wee hours of Christmas eve morning, unable to fall back asleep. Though awake, she didn’t quite feel like getting up. It was warm and toasty in the bed, besides she highly doubted that anyone else would be up at this hour. Instead, she relaxed and enjoyed the silence, the silence that was occasionally interrupted by Dimitry who made small sounds in his sleep. She couldn’t hear what he was mumbling, since his face was buried in her stomach. He had at some point in the night left his pillow and crawled down further on the bed, and curled around her. His face in her stomach, right under her burst, his arms around her midsection, and his legs interlaced with hers. Now that she thought about it, she probably couldn’t get up even if she wanted to. She was utterly trapped by her mate, not that she cared much. It was comforting to wake up feeling this safe and cared for, she had gotten so used to him sleeping around her, she wondered if she would ever be able to sleep alone again.                       As she lay there, awake, she thought back to the conversation she had, had with Sarah yesterday. Just thinking back made her feel all giddy and filled her stomach with butterflies. She couldn’t wait to give her present to her mate tonight! Just maybe they could have a real bond, a real mate bond. FlashBack “Solance!,, Sarah called out at the other end of the hall. Solance was dressed in her running gear, ready to do her daily run. The human stopped and waited for the woman to reach her, neither enjoyed shouting. “What is it Sarah?,, Solance asked smiling at the motherly figure. The cobber blond woman skipped to the human girl, her step bouncing with excitement. A look of glee was on Sarah’s face, it gave Solance a blooming feeling in her gut, it was something good. “I have heard back from my in-laws!,, Sarah blurted out, her voice slightly pitched in her excitement. Solance gasped Sarah’s hands “And? What did they say?,, Solance asked a feeling of giddiness grew in her. “They are sending me the instructions on how to perform the bonding ritual!,, Sarah finally said, Sarah was quite pleased. “really, just like that no catch or anything?,, Solance could scarcely believe it. “No catch or conditions! I couldn’t believe it either! All they did was explaining Dimitry and your situation, and they were more than happy to help,, Sarah explained. “I can’t believe it,, Solance said, happiness oozing from her body. “From what you have told me they are the only pack with this ritual, it’s amazing they aren’t demanding in thing in return,, “I know, though I think. The reason they don’t mind sharing the ritual. Is probably because they are the only pack, at least that I know of, that doesn’t have any purebloods left. So I think they like to strengthen their bond,, Sarah said as an afterthought. “So, they have the understanding that Dimitry will be the next alpha, so them helping us, would be helping themselves in the possible future?,, Solance put two and two together. “Yeah I think that maybe it,, Sarah agreed nodding proudly. “Well, do tell! What is this ritual,, Solance asked all eager. Sarah laughed and then pulled out her phone. “Okay so the ritual has to be performed under the full moon, outside,, Sarah read out loud from the document her in-laws had sent her. Solance took mental notes. “And we need the flower called… I’m not sure how-to pronouns this, I-ipo-,, Sarah tried to say the name multiple times, she then showed the word to Solance. “Oh the Ipomoea Alba, it’s also called a moonflower,, Solance explained with a smile. Sarah looked at the girl, like she grew a second head. “So, you know of stars and flowers too?,, Sarah asked shaking her head. Solance laughed and shook her head “No no, you got it wrong Sarah. It was my grandfather who loved flowers, he took me to the Botanical Garden in Washington last year. We saw it bloom, that’s why I remember it,, Solance said fondly. “I see, must have been interesting,, Sarah simply said not understanding the fascination of flowers, but who was she to judge. “What else?,, Solance asked peeking at the woman’s phone. “Oh yes,, Sarah said “We also need five white non-scented candles,, Sarah paused “what color is the ipo-ipom.. sigh the moonflower?,, Sarah asked haven given up on the name. “Well, it can be white or a pinkish-white, why?,, Solance answered. “I well get them in white, since it seems to be the theme for this ritual. Well, it makes sense since it’s performed under the moon,, Sarah mumbled to herself. She then went back to her phone, and scrolled further down on the document. “Then there will be some chanting, then vows, followed by the wolf biting the human on the neck follo-,, “WOW wait, did you just say biting the neck?!,, Solance interrupted the woman needing to know, if what she heard was right. Sarah looked at the girl and then back at her phone, she read the lines again. “Yeah, the wolf bites the human’s neck, draws blood. Then followed by the human drinking a small amount of the wolf’s blood, and then the ritual ends with the final chant and asking for the great mother to bless the bond,, Sarh finished quite pleased with herself. Solance took a deep breath, she would have to prepare for the whole biting thing. Yeah she liked the teasing biting tendency they had going on, but to draw blood- heck she had to drink his blood! What was she a vampire- wait does vampires exist? That’s a question for another day, get yourself together Solance! “So when can we do it?,, Solance finally asked. “well I will have to check up on when the next full moon is, but it should be before the first,, Sarah said, giving Solance a warm smile. “Can we get all the things? I really wanna do this before I have to leave!,, Solance asked. Sarah Snorted “What do you take me for, I will make sure we have everything and gave it all ready for the full moon,, Sarah said pushing Solance out the door. “now off you go! You have some miles to run and I- I need to find out where I can get the ipom-Ipomea Able,, Sarah said hands on her hips. “it’s Ipomoea Alba,, Solance said grinning from ear to ear, Sarah growled playfully at the girl, said girl epped and ran off. Flash back end She couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come, why does time always pass slowly when you’re excited? That’s so weird.                       “Yawn,, Dimitry Yawned and lifted his upper body, his eyes blinked groggily and he smacked his lips a few times. Clearly still half asleep, he squinted slightly as he looked at her. He then lets out a violent sneeze, it shook his entire body. Solance laughed, it sounded so violent, and he looked ridiculous, his eyes big from the surprise. He then let out a grunt, an irritated grunt, it only made her laugh harder. At her laughter he growled, all the while he crawled back up on the bed. He flopped down on his back and then pulled his mater over him, placing her on his chest and he nestled his face in her hair. The soft scent of fruit, there was nothing better.                       “Well good morning to you too, you grouch,, Solance said in between laughs, trying to fake a frown on her face, she failed miserably. Dimitry mumbled something into her hair, but she couldn’t make out what he said. “what was that?,, she asked lifting her head, so she could look into his golden orbs. He sulked, “It’s too early, it’s not morning yet,, He said sleepily. Solance rolled her eyes, he liked to sleep in. She rather liked an early start to the day.                       “Well, I can’t sleep,, the girl stated tilting her head to the side. The boy responded by lifting a defined eyebrow and gave her a look, he clearly wasn’t finding her cute, at least not right now. Once more he gently guided her head to rest on his chest, he then let out that soft rumble in his chest. “what is that even?,, Solance asked, accepting they weren’t getting up anytime soon.  She more felt than heard the male under her sign, he really was tired or maybe just grumpy.                       “it a sound, wolves can make, it’s meant to soothe others, cub or mate,, He answered, gently stroking her spine. Shivers ran down from his gentle touch. “really? So, your rumble has the same effect as a cat’s purr,, Solance thought out loud, again her mate sighed. “I’m no cat, now sleep,, He pushed her head back to his chest and his rumbles got louder, the combination of his sound and the gentle stroking, she soon found her eyes falling shut. Shortly after that, she was dead to the world once more. Dimitry smirked smugly, quite pleased with himself. He then too went back to sleep.                                             Solance walked into the kitchen, her nose high in the air as she sniffed her way to the food, dragging her sleepy mate along. She had woken to the smell of food, once more making Dimitry question who the were-creature in the relationship was. Dimitry had reluctantly gotten out of bed, though both remained in their sleepwear. Solance was dressed in a satin pajama, in a pastel green color, she had put her hair up in a messy bun. He was dressed in a pair of loose sweatpants, they hung low on his hips. He didn’t care to put on a t-shirt.                       “Morning you two, sleep well?,, Lavenda asked as she saw them come in. Dimitry grunted and Solance smiled. “We can’t complain, though grumpy here weren’t interested in getting out of bed,, Solance teased her mate. Said mate reached for her, but she dodges out of the way and headed for Sarah, who was unloading a freshly baked serving of waffles. She sneakily yanked one, only to juggle with it as it was very hot. “hot, hot hot,, she sang to the laugher of the others. Though his mate laughed, he did head to her to place the hot waffle on a plate and then checked his mate's hands. “worrywart,, Solance mumbled. Dimitry heard her, she was in a teasing mood today. “behave yourself,, he said and then nibbled her ear, she shivered. He turned to fix himself a plate, so he missed her making a face at him. The others laughed, he turned with a raised eyebrow at her. Solance looked behind herself and then shrugged at him, clearly acting like she had no idea what they were laughing at. “weren’t you hungry,, He asked, he was so not ready for his lively mate yet. Solance grinned and then fixed her plate, a stake of waffles and some sweet fruit on the side. They both sat down, her with her waffles and him with some toast with butter and jam and a cup of coffee. “Can I have the Marple sirup please,, Solance asked. Clyde was the one to pass it to her. She thanked him with a smile and then preceded to drown her waffles in the sticky substance.                       “Sol?,, Adele asked across from the human. “mhm?,, Solance answered still pouring. “do you need any waffles with your syrup?,, Adele asked. Once more laughter rang in the kitchen. “That’s enough,, Dimitry said taking the pitcher from his mate’s hands, she scowled at him but then dug into her food. She hummed in enjoyment at the first bite, it was so good.                       After breakfast Dimitry dragged his mate away from the twins, she was covered in syrup and needed a bath. Solance wasn’t quite interested and even whined as he pulled her along. Her feeble strength was no match for his, she pouted. “come on, the sooner you’re clean the faster we can go back down and decorate the tree,, He said. “tree?,, Solance whispered and then she smiled and leaped to walk beside him. “we are going to decorate the tree together?,, Solance asked looking up at him as they walked up the stairs. He nodded “of course, it's tradition,, Solance smiled and quickly ran ahead to take a shower. Thirty minutes later, she was out and dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a red wife beater. “I’m ready let’s go!,, She said quickly bolting for the door. “Hold on there little one,, Dimitry lifted her up and placed her on the bed. “what now! I’m clean and dressed,, She pouted. Dimitry chuckled at her childish antics. “your hair is still wet and you’re not going outside in a wife beater,, He said and then got the blow dryer.                       Half an hour later they both entered the living room, Solance now had on one of her mate’s hoodies. It was large on her small frame, but warm. Her hair was tousled and free, her mate wore a pair of white jeans and black shirt. “Finally!,, Cole exclaimed laying on the floor. “What took you guys so long!,, Zetrich asked getting up from the chair. “it was his fault,, Solance said pointing at her mate. The gang laughed.                       The rest of the day was spent decoration the tree, it was loads of fun. The tree was a healthy Norwegian spruce, it was tall and full. It had all the Christmas colors in form of orbs and ornaments. Cut out cookies hang on it with ribbons, an LED light chain was wrapped around the tree and a little angle figurine hang right under the vintage star at the top of the tree.                       “Oi Dimitry can you get the box over there,, Zetrich asked, it was a box with a Christmas train and the track to it. Dimitry got up and went for the box, just as Matthew walked back in holding the snacks. Zetrich smirked. “guys look up,, the beta said, the two males looked up. And right there above them hang a mistletoe. “seriously Zet?,, Dimitry asked. Matthew glared at the beta, the rest of the group laughed. “I’m not doing it,, Mathew declared. “Then I guess, it won’t work on the rest of us either,, Aywa said sending him a smirk. “right girls,, She added looking to Solance and Adele, both laughed and nodded their agreement. The two males looked at each other and gaged, “come on you big babies!,, Alex hollered in jest.                       The two males looked at each other and then quickly had their lips touching, it happened so fast the poor human barely saw it. But the aftermath was hilarious, the two males were on their knees retching like they were going to vomit. The group laughed, Solance had never had a Christmas quite like this. Solance went to her mate’s side “are you okay?,, she asked in between laughter, he sends her a dirty look. Which only made her laugh harder.                       The evening was spent eating a feast with everyone followed by Christmas movies, one of them being Nightmare before Christmas. Solance had never seen it before and found that she much enjoyed it, and she loved the catchy songs. Then they enjoyed Lavenda’s Christmas pudding.
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