The Second Player Part I

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150,000$ in Dreign’s bank account. It was a shocking amount of value that they’ll never hope or wish to attain but it was clearly shown on the screen. Allie couldn’t just believe it so she called Dreign multiple times. Just like the first one, no response. It was like Dreign went dark. Thinking, Allie called another person she has in mind. Dreign’s best friend, Joseph. “Hey, Joseph, are you with Dreign?” “No, why do you ask?” “Okay, listen, we just had $150,000 dollars sent to us this morning. I was contacting Dreign multiple times to know how there is a huge sum of money in our bank account but he won’t answer.” “What?! That’s really a huge amount of money.” “Yes, Joseph, I’m telling you this because I believe something is wrong. Like Dreign is involved in something dangerous and I think he’s in trouble.” “Okay okay, let’s try to absorb everything we know slowly. How about we go to the bank and inquire about it?” Joseph suggested. “Okay, I will get myself ready. See you at one o’clock.” … Two hours later, Allie and Joseph met each other in front of one of the branches of the Bank of the Philippines Island. They queued and waited for over half an hour before being serviced by one of the tellers inside the bank. Allie gave the bank teller a brief story about the money and the bank teller started working. “Okay, let’s see.” typing in her keyboards, the bank teller analyzes Dreign’s bank account. “Well, it’s got a foreign account code, but they don’t give the source. And with international banking laws and all—I’m sorry, do you not know how you guys get this money?” “No…that’s.” “Uhm—” Joseph cuts in and interrupts Allie. “Uh, it’s her uncle’s estate. He was very wealthy; holdings all over the place. So we’re just trying to figure out where exactly the money’s coming from.” Joseph told the bank teller a lie. “You know, we don’t want her cousins finding out about a new account and then making claims on assets they don’t deserve.” “Uh…yeah.” Allie nodded, going with the flow. “They weren’t the ones changing the old man’s diapers for the past three years.” The bank teller, seemingly half-convinced, looked at her monitor again. “I’m gonna get my manager to take a look at this. It’s strange the deposits seem to be coming in regular intervals…thirty minutes after every hour. 50,000, 100,000, 150,000,…” “A hundred and fifty?” Allie said incredulously after hearing another huge sum of money from the bank teller’s mouth. “Uhm…yes at 12:30 this noon. Are you not aware of this last deposit?” Allie couldn’t just reply quickly due to her surprise. But in order to not make the bank teller suspicious, she evaded the question. “We just had no idea how much my uncle actually had.” “Um…well I’m gonna get my manager.” “Uhm…ma’am it’s okay. Everything seems to be in order. Thank you for your time.” Joseph stood and grabbed Allie by the arm gently. They walked, slowly, over to the exit. Allie leaned close to his ears and whispered. “What are you doing?” “Three hundred grand? Dreign is into some serious s**t, okay? And the last thing we need is someone looking into it before we can figure out what was going on.” … Meanwhile, at the same time, Dreign was driving his wrecked vehicle along the highway of Edsa. The motorist around him can’t help but wonder as to how it happened, but some were cautious enough to get a safe distance away from the vehicle due to the bullet holes along the contours and body of the car. Dreign, noticing the inquisitive gaze from his windows, muttered to himself. “I’m gonna need a new vehicle.” He made a logical decision. Driving a car so wrecked full of bullet holes from the assault rifle earlier is going to raise suspicion and possibly, concerned citizens calling for police to have it investigated. Dreign can’t afford that to happen, if the police caught him, it will be a clear violation of the rules. But as much as he wants to abandon this vehicle as soon as possible, he just can’t. He’s in an open space, exposed from every direction. If he wants to ensure his safety, he’ll have to leave the car to something more crowded. And his current position gave him the perfect opportunity. He is currently heading north where the famous mall in Quezon City can be found. SM North Edsa. … Arriving at the mall, Dreign abandoned the car near the transportation hub where jeepneys, buses, and taxis are stationed. Strapping the straps of the suitcase around him, Dreign was ready to go and abandoned the humvee. He walked towards the main entrance of the mall. As he walked to it, Dreign was absorbed in his thoughts. “Crowds are your friends.” “Crowds are your friends.” He repeated the word until he got to the entrance of the mall where people are getting frisked and their belongings checked by security guards one by one. “s**t…” Dreign just realizes it. He has pistols in his waist and his assault rifle inside his suitcase. A security scanner will definitely see through it and probably, he will be arrested. But he is next in line and the guard is already calling for him to have his belongings checked. Dreign made a decision to just get out of the line and abandon the idea of ‘crowds are your friend.’ However, just as he turned around, his phone chimed. Notifying him that he received another deposit from an unknown source. Also, it notifies him that his location will be leaked for one minute. He checked and manipulated his phone and saw the maps. Searching for the closest player—his pupils widened. Just ten meters away from him, a player was detected. Dreign nimbly looked around to search for this player. If that was the gentleman earlier, he would’ve found him quickly but since it was not, it must be a new player. Ten-meter distance narrows his search, so the player must be nearby and looking at their cell phone to also locate him. Then one figure stands out, a beautiful woman with silver hair fluttering from the wind caught his attention. She was looking at her cell and was studying the surroundings just like a warrior investigating the topography of the battlefield. Yes, she must be the one. Their eyes met as if locked to one another. They immediately recognized each other’s goals. She has a foreign look and was definitely not from the Philippines. She raised her right hand and waved it while the other hand was reaching to her slender thighs. “s**t…” She’s a player! A pistol in her left hand got his attention. Does she want to do it here? In a place full of civilians? Dreign thought. No, there’s no way she can do that. There’s no way that she’ll do something uncivilized—. The silver-haired girl raised her left arm and fired at him. *Bang bang bang. Dreign, seeing it, ducked and sidestepped nimbly, evading all the bullets hounding at him. The gunshots echoed outside the mall, bustling with people. Those who heard the shot began to run frantically. Dreign used the entropy and ran toward the entrance packed with people panicking, seeking a safe haven inside. It may appear unorthodox but Dreign hoped that she would not harm civilians.
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