The First Engagement

1250 Words
In an undisclosed location, there is a headquarters overseeing the game. Sanchez, watching the map that shows the player’s location saw something interesting as two blips were near to each other. “Is there a camera in that location?” “Fetching it to you know, sir.” The computer nerd started hacking the cameras in the whole section of Quezon Avenue, providing Sanchez a clear view of what was currently happening. “Three…two…one, we’re live sir.” The video feed prompted. Sanchez who was leaning on his seat, sprang his body as he saw a sudden development happening in the middle of the road where two players were exchanging fire at one another. “Oi…oi…oi, it’s just been an hour and they are already confronting each other?!” Sanchez was surprised, he expected the players to be subtle and discreet about killing one another, however, he was wrong. “Maybe the players just wanted to end the game quickly and return to their country.” said another guy who was also watching the game. “Yeah I know…but it’s just been an hour, how can they be so impatient?” Having a brief conversation with his staff, Sanchez’s phone rings. His attention shifted to the table next to him where his phone was resting. He picked it up and saw the caller ID. It was Dreign Saludo, one of the players and the one who he offered to join the game. He is also the one in the video engaged in a battle with another player. It’s unwise to be distracted in a game but Sanchez wanted to hear what he had to say. Accepting the call, Sanchez spoke. “Hello, Dreign Saludo…” “WHAT THE f**k IS THIS?!” Dreign shouted to his phone and Sanchez reflexively put the phone away from his ears as a loud noise just rocked his eardrums. Not only that, but Sanchez can also hear gunshots. “YOU SAID THAT THE PLAYERS WON’T DO ANYTHING RECKLESS IN PUBLIC TO AVOID ARREST, THEN HOW CAN YOU EXPLAIN THIS?!” Even though the phone was already far away from his ears, he can still Dreign’s loud whining. Wanting to respond, Sanchez put the phone back to his ears. “Look, Dreign, we can't control humans from doing things. You have to deal with the problem yourself.” “There’s already civilians getting caught in the crossfire, this game is too f*****g illegal.” “There are rules, you can’t back down or pause. If a player is attacking you then respond with force.” “Look you don’t understand…” “You’re the one who doesn't understand! The rules are clear, you can use anything to incapacitate or exterminate an enemy player. We can’t do anything to you at the moment.” “f**k you!” hollered Dreign before hanging up his phone. Infuriated at what’s happening around him. Civilians frantically ran away from the engagement, huge traffic jams, people from a safe distance recording the scene. It was chaos. Holding up his QCB Assault rifle and uses the side of his vehicle as his cover. Dreign took a peek at the edge of the back of his car, finding his enemy. But before he could do so, another hail of bullets assailed his position. Judging from the sound of the gun produced and the wasted bullets scattered on the ground, the enemy player’s weapon is an M4 Carbine. A tactical rifle used by the military. Waiting for the enemy to exhaust all the bullets of his magazine, Dreign steeled himself. Seconds later…it stopped firing. Giving Dreign a chance to counterattack. He swiftly headed to the edge at the back of his vehicle and returned fire. The gentleman ducked and used the car in front of him as a cover. During the onslaught, car windows shattered, panic screams reverberated, car tires screeching, avoiding the engagement, it was like a nightmare to all civilians present in the area. Dreign knew he was just reacting to his enemy’s use of force. The longer this engagement, the higher the chance civilians might be injured or worse, be killed, police coming up, et cetera. Using his eight mags, he laid down cover fire and returned back to his damaged, bullet hole humvee. Prior to the engagement, the moment they exchanged fire to one another, the cars in front immediately drove off, clearing the way for him forward. Dreign pinned the gas pedal and drove off, absconding from the chaotic scene. The gentleman stood up and watched as the car got away from him, shrinking in distance. He smiled maniacally as he found himself interested in the man he had just fought with. “He has skills, he can aim his gun, possibly military-trained. Absolutely sublime. I can’t wait for us to meet again soon. Fu-fu-fu.” He grinned devilishly as he returned back to his car. Not to chase him but to go in separate ways. The gentleman believes that there’s still more time, it’s just been an hour, the game ends in three days. He also believes that he will survive the day or two with his skills. So there’s no need to rush. … Getting away successfully and finding out that the gentleman is not following him, Dreign heaves a huge sigh of relief. As he drove along the road, Dreign recalled the thing that happened earlier. The gentleman seemed to know what he was doing, he can aim his gun and can react swiftly to the danger he cast upon him. Meaning, this player is not an ordinary guy but a guy with experience in handling firearms. There is even a high chance that he is a soldier or in a profession that involves using guns. Nevertheless, there’s still one question that lingers in his mind. Why didn’t he follow him? Shouldn’t he chase him and finish him off? Dreign wondered as to why it is. But having arrived with no answer, he didn’t mind it anymore. What’s important is that he is alive and hopes that he won’t encounter that man in a day or two. Meanwhile, at Saludo’s residence. Allie was handling things on her computer, busy tackling the records and the report of the grocery and browsing medical articles related to her husband’s disease. Then, she found something strange. A hidden notification in the taskbar. She clicked the mail icon and saw a message from the Bank of Philippines Island. “Did Dreign apply for a loan again? How many times have I told him that it will be denied…” Sighing, she opened the content of the mail anyways. In anticipation of the bank's rejection of the loan, Allie received something different. It was not an application for a loan or a message telling her that their loan is denied; rather it was a notification that their bank account was deposited 50,000 dollars and 150,000 dollars. Her eyes widened in shock and immediately called for her husband. It must be a mistake, there’s no way they can have money that high. It must be some sort of system failure. Nevertheless, she called her husband. Dreign’s phone rang. But there was no response. Concurrently, at the headquarters. Sanchez’s left pocket vibrated. He pulled it out. It was Dreign’s original cell phone with her wife trying to contact him. “Well, I’m sorry Ms. Saludo but Dreign’s is unavailable at the moment. He is busy with something…” Sanchez turned off Dreign’s cellphone.
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