The Second Player Part III

1297 Words
Dreign closed his eyes, anticipating his death. To be the first one to get eliminated from the game is humiliating. “I’m sorry, Allie.” Dreign said and accepted his death. A few seconds later, Dreign sensed something was off. The sharply pointed glass should be piercing his neck this time but he hasn't felt any pain. The sound around was muffled as Dreign’s mind analyzed all visual data he received from his eyes. Anastasia, who was mounting his body, was looking at her behind. Dreign followed her line of sight and saw a child, probably at the age of 5 sucking a lollipop. Dreign doesn’t get it, does Anastasia's attack was interrupted by a child looking at them? If that was the case, Dreign has the opportunity to turn the tides of the battle. He shifted his eyes to the glass scattered around his body, all of which is sharp enough to be used as a weapon. Grabbing one and hiding it behind his hands, Dreign feigned giving up on life. “Andrew! You’re there thank god!” shouted the mother in relief as she ran towards her child. Reunited, the two hugged each other and the child started to cry as he pointed his fingers at the two players’ location. The mother looked to where he was pointing and saw them in a mount position holding a sharp glass. Her face suddenly turned pale and grabbed her children by the arm and ran away. Anastasia who was put in a trance turned her gaze back into Dreign who was waiting for the moment. Scoffing, Anastasia once again brings down the glass— Dreign evaded by tilting his head to the side. The shards splintered into many pieces which then flew in all directions, hitting his cheeks. Anastasia was surprised by the sudden trepidation as she saw a shard of glass the size of the blade of a knife coming at her neck. She gracefully leaned her upper body back and backflipped away, giving her an advantageous position over him. Dreign watches her movements and realizes what she’s going to do. The pistol that slipped in their hands was lying on the floor, waiting to be used. Dreign stood up and chased her. Despite the injuries and the dizziness in his head, he went for the chase. Because if she were to pick the gun off the floor, Dreign’s life would be definitely done. He has a reason to believe that Anastasia is a person who doesn’t give someone a second chance. Especially in this game. Two meters away from the weapon, Dreign was like three meters apart from her. He won’t get her in time. In that case. Dreign, mustering all of his strength, leaped at Anastasia. Closing the distance, Dreign caught her from his embrace and put her down on the floor. Anastasia tried to crawl to the gun’s position. However, Dreign’s body is pinning her locked in place, unable to move. Grunting and groaning, Anastasia wiggled her legs as it tries to get out from Dreign’s shackles. But it was futile, Dreign, who has the strength, climbed over her body. In a matter of moments, Dreign used both of his arms to perform a chokehold. Gasping for air, Anastasia’s face slowly turned pale. It was her fault that she got distracted by a child who was wandering in the mall. Dreign won’t give her a chance of redemption, this is where she will die. Tightly choking her neck, Dreign was waiting for the sound of the neck-snapping. Yet, it’s been ten seconds and she won’t fall down. Dreign started to get frustrated. How can she still be alive? It was like she’s refusing death. Gnashing his teeth, Dreign used all of his strength, and in a fleeting moment, the sound of her neck cracking reverberated in his ears. Breathing raggedly, Dreign rolled to the side and laid down for a second to rest. Looking to his side, Anastasia’s eyes were overrun by darkness, lifeless, devoid of life. Dreign just killed a person yet he doesn’t feel any guilt or emotion. Maybe he was accustomed to taking lives as it was his former job. Anastasia was an enemy, trained and strong. If it hadn’t been for that child earlier, he could’ve got himself killed. In the middle of his relaxation of relief, Dreign’s phone chimed. He dug deep into his pocket and took out the cell phone. Manipulating his cell phone, he tapped the notification icon telling him that fifteen million dollars were deposited into his account. So that’s the prize of taking the lives of one person huh? Dreign thought to himself, this money is enough to get his family out of their miserable lives. It was like he had already won the game. But he can’t use it for now, not until he survives for the last two days and three hours. Standing up, Dreign went to the hallway where he left his suitcase containing weaponry. Receiving a huge amount of money made Dreign don’t want to participate in a game. Surviving until the game ends is what matters. But, could the other player let him walk or sit this one out? Of course, they won’t. This weapon he bought will serve as his protection and nothing more. Killing one is enough to change lives, he doesn’t have to be greedy at this point. Yet, if they come at him, he will surely fight back. Now, the most important thing to do after getting out of the fistfight is tend the wounds. The knife that pierced his left abdomen area was still in place. He didn’t pull it out knowing it was dangerous. So he walked along the grounds of the mall with blood trailing behind him. He looked at his phone to see what time it was. It’s five minutes before thirty. Meaning in five minutes, his position will be leaked again to the other players who were part of this game. Remembering their last position, Dreign could tell that no one was nearby. All he has to do is tend his wounds, drive around the city, and stay alive until the game ends. A perfect plan was concocted in his mind. … Meanwhile, at one of the high-rise condominiums near SM North Edsa, a bloke with a height of two meters was setting up his equipment. He handled it with care as he looked at his phone, waiting for it to give him information about the location of the players. Ten seconds until the location was revealed, he put inside the muzzle of his sniper through the small opening of the glass window. He had cut it using high-end technology he bought in store. Five seconds. He was waiting patiently, as a player with a special background, he knew that there was someone near his location. One second. The radar does a full-sweep over the area of Metro Manila, pinging the location of the players. As it got over to his current district, he smiled and found a player nearby. The player was outside of the mall, walking among the bustling crowds evacuating. Using the information available at hand, he profiled the player. Using the news reports stating shoppers heard gunshots, a video of a man and woman in hand-to-hand combat. He deduced and came to a conclusion. Whoever won that fight must’ve been injured. Using the scope of his sniper, he scouted the area. One strange scene was observed. People getting away from a man who was wounded and limping. Zooming, he noticed one thing. The man was holding a phone and a pistol. That man looked around frantically as if looking for something. Then he struck his head upward and a countenance indicating realization crept across his face.
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