Chapter 6

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Kai stood in the room of the Slave House, his mind a tumultuous storm of confusion and disbelief. The voice in his head persisted, a distinct echo that cut through the air like a sharp blade. It was his beast, but unlike any dragon he had ever encountered, it spoke to him with words. "This one", the voice repeated, carrying a depth that sent shivers down Kai's spine. The command was clear, yet the sheer impossibility of a dragon beast expressing its will in articulate speech left Kai momentarily paralyzed. Usually they controlled their beasts via emotions and clear commands, but the beasts never replied or used words. What was happening?! He was jolted from his stupor by the Slave House representative, who, interpreting Kai's stillness as displeasure, anxiously inquired if everything was in order. Kai's stern facade betrayed no emotion, but inwardly, he grappled with the newfound reality of communicating with his beast. Before he could process this revelation, the representative, assuming the slave girl had offended him, raised a rubber bat and lashed it against the girl's legs. The harsh c***k echoed through the hall as she crumpled to the ground, disoriented and trembling in panic. Kai's eyes burned with a sudden anger. "Stop!" he commanded, his voice cutting through the tension. The representative halted; a look of apprehension etched on his face as he realized the gravity of the situation. "I apologize, Prince Kai," he stammered, a shaky hand reaching for the bat. "This is why we do not typically sell untrained slaves. She needs to be disciplined." His gaze fixed on the fallen girl; Kai felt an unusual sense of annoyance in his chest. "Help her up," he ordered, his command reverberating through the hall. As the representative assisted the trembling figure, Kai's mind raced, grappling with the implications of his unprecedented connection with his beast. The room was filled with an oppressive silence as Kai approached Elena's trembling figure. She stood there, fragile and battered, a symbol of the cruelty inflicted upon her within the Slave House. The attendant, who had aided her to stand, eyed Kai warily as he anticipated the Crown Prince's reaction. Kai's gaze, intense and discerning, fell upon Elena, and he spoke, "What is your name?" but Elena, her throat damaged from the earlier beating inflicted by the warden, could not muster a response. Her eyes welled up with tears while looking at the floor, reflecting both pain and fear. The attendant, quick to interpret her silence as an act of defiance, bellowed, "Treason! You mongrel! You defy the Crown Prince's orders!" His hand raised, poised for another strike, but before he could unleash another blow, Kai intervened. An icy look, sharp and commanding, pierced through the room. The attendant froze, the threat of punishment reflected in Kai's unwavering eyes. In a low, authoritative tone, Kai addressed the attendant, "Hit her one more time, and you will perish." The threat hung heavy in the air, the gravity of Kai's words silencing the attendant. A tense pause enveloped the room as Kai stood like a formidable presence, shielding Elena from further harm. In the quiet aftermath of the attendant's halted aggression, Kai's voice cut through the tension like a solemn command. "Raise your head and look at me," he instructed Elena, his tone gentle yet carrying an undeniable authority. As if compelled by his words, Elena, still trembling and teary-eyed, obeyed. Slowly, almost reluctantly, she lifted her head, revealing eyes that mirrored the pain and vulnerability within. Her gaze met Kai's, and at that moment, an electric current seemed to surge between them, an unspoken connection that defied the harsh reality of their surroundings. Kai, usually composed and stoic, found himself captivated by the green depths of Elena's eyes. Time seemed to stand still as he became lost in the poignant gaze of the pitiful girl before him. The weight of her suffering and the vulnerability in her eyes tugged at something within him, a strange and unfamiliar sensation. In that silent exchange, neither spoke, yet a silent understanding passed between them. Kai, the Crown Prince of the Midnight family, felt an unanticipated connection with the battered and broken girl standing before him. After a few more moments, he shook his head, confused and broke the connection with the strange girl. “Prepared them all for delivery to my household now; no delays, they will leave at the same time as me. Prepare the documents.” Kai announced in a stern voice. As Kai declared his decision, the attendant's eyes widened, and he quickly acknowledged his choice. "Of course, Prince Kai. Your preference for omegas is noted. Including the human girl, they shall be prepared and delivered to your specifications," he assured, bowing respectfully. With a curt nod, Kai acknowledged the response. Turning away, he began to stride toward the exit, Patrick following closely at his side. The hallway's dim lights flickered overhead as a sense of anticipation lingered in the air. Patrick, ever attuned to Kai's moods, glanced at him cautiously. "Your Highness, may I inquire about your sudden decision to purchase all the new slaves? Especially when they are not fully trained." Patrick ventured, his voice low and steady. Kai exhaled a heavy breath. "My brother," he replied tersely. "He enjoys toying with the staff, creating chaos in my household. It's time I put an end to it." Patrick nodded in understanding, his loyalty to Kai evident in his unwavering support. They exited the Slave House and entered the luxurious limo. While seated, Kai looked at Patrick and asked, “How old are you Patrick?” “Maybe 200 years, my lord,” Patrick replied. "Patrick, have you ever heard of a Dragon beast speaking with its human side?" he asked, the weight of curiosity heavy in his voice. Patrick, usually unshaken, hesitated for a moment before responding, "Well, Lord Kai, dragon communication is innate, through emotions, commands, but not... with words. That's unprecedented. Why do you ask?" Kai's eyes narrowed with a mix of determination and uncertainty. "What I will tell you needs to remain between us only until I figure out what is going on. Today, my beast spoke to me with words. Clear, distinct words. I need to understand if this is some anomaly or if there's something more profound at play here." Patrick's eyes widened in disbelief, his usually composed demeanor cracking at Kai's revelation. "Lord Kai, a dragon beast speaking with words? That's... unprecedented. Are you certain?" he stammered; his centuries-old certainty shaken. Kai's gaze remained steady, the weight of the revelation settling on his shoulders. "I'm sure. It was clear, distinct. My beast spoke to me twice, demanding, commanding. It was like no other communication I've ever experienced," Kai explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension. Patrick, a hybrid deeply ingrained in Dragon's traditions, tried to process this revelation. "Such a connection is beyond anything we've known. Could it be a manifestation of your extraordinary strength?" he speculated cautiously. Kai shook his head. "I don't know, Patrick." As Kai made his way back to the castle, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. As he approached the main entrance, he saw his father, King Richard, and his brother, Yann, engaged in conversation with some nobles. The castle's grandeur was evident in the opulent decorations that adorned the walls, the exquisite tapestries that depicted the lineage of the royal family, and the polished marble floors beneath their feet. However, beneath the façade of luxury lay the intricate web of political machinations that defined the noble court. Kai's father, a stern and calculating figure, turned his attention toward his son as he approached. "Kai," he greeted, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "I trust your journey was successful?" "Yes, Father," Kai replied, offering a respectful bow. Kind Richard nodded approvingly but didn't delve further into the matter. The nobles surrounding him exchanged polite nods with Kai, their expressions guarded. At that moment, Kai's older brother, Yann, joined the gathering. Yann was known for his cunning and silver-tongued diplomacy. As the firstborn, he harbored ambitions that surpassed the boundaries of brotherly love. His eyes, shrewd and calculating, assessed Kai with a thinly veiled concern. "Brother," Yann began, his voice laced with false warmth, "I hope your endeavors were fruitful. The household staff is, after all, the backbone of our noble house." Kai met Yann's gaze with an unyielding stare, a subtle defiance flickering in his eyes. He had learned from past encounters not to underestimate the layers of deception in his brother's words. "Indeed, big brother," Kai replied, maintaining a composed demeanor. "The staff has been replenished, and my household functions smoothly. Your concern is appreciated." Yann's lips curled into a sly smile, his eyes betraying a hidden agenda. It was a dance they had performed many times before – a delicate balancing act between familial obligations and the cutthroat world of nobility. Kai, however, was determined not to be ensnared in his brother's traps again. Kai suddenly, felt a surge of power coursing through his veins as the commanding voice from earlier echoed in his mind. "Disrespect! Kill this vermin." The surrounding atmosphere crackled with an intensity that set the nobles on edge, their expressions shifting from guarded to alarmed. His brother, Yann, took a step back, his once-confident demeanor now replaced by a stark pallor. Despite his best efforts to resist, Kai felt the insidious influence taking hold of him, the boundaries between his own thoughts and the external command blurring. His beast’s bloodlust increased suddenly, and his aura radiated an unsettling energy that swept through the room like a tempest, causing discomfort among those present. Yann, now visibly shaken, managed to stammer out, "Kai, what is happening?" Kai, still struggling against the compulsion, gritted his teeth and forced out a response, "There is something wrong, big brother?" The words escaped his lips in an ironic way. The other nobles exchanged uneasy glances, caught in the crossfire of an unforeseen and potent force. King Richard, the patriarch of the family, stepped forward with an authoritative voice that cut through the tension like a blade. "Kai, enough!" His stern command resonated through the hall. "Bring this under control. We cannot afford such displays, especially within the confines of our own castle. Think at those around you, omegas, humans." Despite his father's admonition, Kai found it increasingly difficult to rein in the rising tide of aggression within him. But, the oppressive bloodlust that had gripped Kai suddenly dissipated, leaving him with a sense of disorientation. His heightened senses, still on alert, directed his attention to a group of individuals standing at the periphery of the hall. It was the newly acquired slaves – a diverse mix of men and women, their expressions reflecting the uncertainty of their newfound status. As Kai regained control of his faculties, he turned his gaze towards his brother, Yann, who was still recovering from the unexpected display of aggression. Yann's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the group. "Who are these people?" he demanded, his tone a mix of curiosity and suspicion. With a calm demeanor, Kai gestured towards the slaves. "Meet the newest addition to my household staff, big brother. I've just acquired them to ensure the smooth functioning of my wing." Yann raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued, looking confused at their figures. "And where did you procure them?" he inquired, seemingly unaware of the irony in his question. Kai met his brother's gaze, a wry smile playing on his lips. "The Slave House, of course, my dear brother," he replied with a hint of sarcasm. "The same place where you found your own staff just yesterday." A subtle glint of annoyance flashed in Yann's eyes, quickly concealed beneath a mask of composure. The revelation seemed to catch him off guard, perhaps unsettling his assumptions about Kai's actions. The nobles present exchanged uneasy glances, uncertain how to react to this unexpected turn of events and especially to the unexpected display of power and dominance coming in waves from Kai. Kai, decided not to linger in the aftermath of the revelation. "Excuse me," he said, addressing the gathered nobles, "I have matters to attend to." With a polite nod, he turned away and headed towards his chambers, leaving behind a hall filled with unanswered questions and lingering uncertainty. King Richard looked at the departing figure of his son with curiosity; he knew that Kai's strength was unmatched in their realm, but his earlier display was impressing and frightening at the same time. In the solitude of his chamber, Kai sank onto the edge of his bed, the weight of the recent events pressing down on him. His hands clenched into fists as he tried to make sense of the torrent of emotions surging within. Disorientation, frustration, and an unfamiliar sense of fear gripped him, leaving him breathless. With his head between his legs, Kai closed his eyes, attempting to steady his erratic breathing. The cool air of the chamber offered little solace against the heat of his internal turmoil. He grappled with the revelation that he, a man of resolve and unwavering strength, now harbored a fear that sent shivers down his spine. He had faced adversaries on the battlefield, navigated the intricate webs of noble politics, and stood unwavering in the face of challenges. Yet, the fear that gnawed at him now was different – an intimate dread of the unknown, a fear of the darkness lurking within his own being. The room seemed to close in on him, the shadows dancing in the corners like malevolent spirits. Kai's thoughts raced, seeking answers to the mysteries that had unfolded. The voice in his mind, the surge of aggression, had left him questioning the very essence of his identity. "I've never been afraid before," Kai whispered to himself, the words carrying a weight he couldn't shake. The admission felt like a vulnerability he hadn't known existed within him. The fear of losing control, of succumbing to forces beyond his understanding, gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. In the dim light, Kai slowly lifted his head, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. The mask of stoicism he often wore in the presence of others crumbled in the solitude of his chamber. He confronted the reflection in the ornate mirror, searching for answers within the depths of his own gaze, and he decided to try to talk to his inner beast, despite such communication being unheard of. “Hello? Can you hear me?”
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