Chapter 7

1852 Words
The echoes of Kai's internal struggle lingered in the silence that followed. The commanding voice that had plunged him into a maelstrom of uncertainty remained eerily silent. The weight of his own thoughts pressed upon him, and, exasperated, he decided to push the turmoil aside for a moment. Seeking solace, he headed towards the spacious bathroom adjoining his chamber. The steaming water cascaded over him, a feeble attempt to wash away the residue of fear and confusion. As the rivulets of water coursed down his skin, he closed his eyes, attempting to find reprieve from the internal storm. Yet, as the water washed away the physical remnants of his distress, the mental fog persisted. The voice that had haunted him remained elusive, leaving him to grapple with unanswered questions and an unease that clung to the recesses of his mind. Dressed in a crisp suit, Kai made his way to the office in the towering Midnight Tower. The city sprawled beneath him, its millions of lights twinkling like distant stars. The Midnight family had ruled over their Dragon realm for centuries, their dominance unchallenged. Despite the veneer of prosperity, the city below teemed with the undercurrents of political intrigue and familial power struggles. As Kai entered the imposing office, a hive of activity unfolded. Meetings, calls, and stacks of documents awaited his attention. The boardroom buzzed with the tension of unspoken alliances and covert strategies. Kai delved into the affairs of the realm, his mind focused on the intricacies of governance. Hours passed in a blur, and when he finally looked around, the office had transformed into a realm of shadows. The once-bustling space now echoed with the quiet hum of distant machinery and the muted sounds of a city settling into the night. Most of the workers had left, leaving Kai with a profound sense of isolation within the towering edifice. He stood at the floor-to-ceiling windows, hands in his pockets, gazing down at the city below. The sea of lights stretched out before him, a testament to the sprawling expanse of the Midnight realm. The city, named Cassidian, despite its dazzling exterior, concealed the machinations of noble families vying for power. As the future head of the Midnight family, Kai shouldered the weight of maintaining the family's iron grip over the Dragon realm. There were challengers, ambitious nobles seeking to dethrone the Midnight lineage, but none had succeeded. Cassidian, the Dragon realm, was one of the core realms, along with the other 4 realms, led by Vampires, Werewolves, Faes and Witches. After the Supernatural War, order was restored by the dragons and humans, lacking in skill and dominance, were coexisting with the other beings, being distributed in all the realms, in societies dominated by the supernatural. Of course, each realm had several strong human families, with influence and power, but at the end of the day, the supernatural had the final say. Kai's eyes narrowed, a flicker of determination lighting within them. Whatever forces sought to destabilize the Midnight rule would not go unchallenged. A sudden realization gripped him – he hadn't felt the ominous presence or heard the commanding voice since the shower. The temporary reprieve offered him a semblance of control, yet the unanswered questions persisted. The looming uncertainty weighed heavily on him as he prepared to leave the office. Exhausted from the demands of the night, Kai returned home, the Midnight Tower casting a long shadow behind him as he stepped into the foyer of his ancestral castle. The grandeur of the place provided little comfort as he felt the weight of responsibility settle on his shoulders. To his surprise, the castle, usually quiet at this late hour, was not as empty as he anticipated. Patrick, his loyal butler in charge of his castle wing, awaited him with an air of deference in the dimly lit entrance hall. "Patrick," Kai acknowledged with a tired nod. "How are things in my absence?" Patrick, a burly man with a weathered face, replied with a respectful bow. "My lord, all the new staff have been paired with existing personnel, and training is underway. The transition has been smooth, and everyone seems to be adapting well to their new roles." Kai, appreciative of Patrick's efficiency, nodded in approval. However, he could sense there was more on Patrick's mind. His steward hesitated for a moment before broaching the unspoken topic. "Is there something else, Patrick?" Kai inquired; his exhaustion momentarily overridden by a sense of curiosity. Patrick cleared his throat, his eyes betraying a hint of concern. "My lord, there's something peculiar about one of the new staff members. The girl." Kai furrowed his brow, puzzled by the unexpected revelation. "What do you mean, Patrick? Explain." Patrick shifted uncomfortably, choosing his words carefully. "All the new staff are omega wolves, my lord. However, the girl – she appears to be human. And, she is not in good condition, her body is full of bruises, and she is unable to talk," Kai's eyes narrowed, a subtle tension entering the air. "Human? Initially, I thought that she was a very weak omega. You know that after the last set-up of my dear brother, I can’t stand any human woman close to me," he echoed. Patrick continued, "I thought it best to bring it to your attention. Do you wish for her to be sold or sent back to the Slave House?" Kai, contemplating the unforeseen twist, replied, "It is OK, she looks harmless, and we need staff. Add her to the roster along with the rest. Treat her like any other member of the staff, with no special treatment just because she is weaker." Patrick nodded, though a shadow of uncertainty lingered in his eyes. "Very well, my lord. I shall see to it." The days that followed were a relentless stream of meetings, responsibilities, and training sessions for Kai. The castle echoed with the hustle and bustle of staff, the clamor of courtiers, and the silent undercurrents of political maneuvering. The voice within, remained silent. As the days passed without any signs of its return, Kai began to entertain the unsettling notion that perhaps it was a hallucination – a figment of stress and exhaustion. One afternoon, amidst the whirlwind of obligations, Kai found himself at the family dining table, partaking in a rare moment of respite. His father, King Richard, sat at the head of the table, his eyes penetrating through the facade of normalcy. Between bites of food, the king's gaze fixed on Kai, and he spoke, "Kai, my son, how goes your search for a mate?" For a fraction of a second, Kai froze. The question, innocuous on the surface, carried an underlying weight that caught him off guard. His mind, tangled in the complexities of governance and internal struggles, had momentarily forgotten the deadline given by his father. "Ah," King Richard continued, not missing the subtle hesitation in Kai's response. "I trust you haven't allowed your obligations to the realm to overshadow your responsibilities to our bloodline. Especially as this is a pre-requisite in passing you the throne." Kai, regaining his composure, replied with a measured tone, "Of course, Father. The affairs of the family are always at the forefront of my mind. The search for a mate is... ongoing." King Richard's eyes bore into Kai, a silent acknowledgment that the matter was not to be taken lightly. "Good," he said, his voice carrying a weight of expectation. "The continuity of our lineage is paramount, and you need an heir at the earliest possible. Do not let it slip your mind." The atmosphere in the dining room remained charged as Queen Ana, a formidable figure in her own right, intervened in the conversation about Kai's search for a mate. Her eyes, a reflection of her regal poise, fixed on her son with a blend of maternal concern and unwavering determination. "Kai," she began, her voice a melody with a subtle undercurrent of authority. "I believe I have found the ideal candidate for your mate." Kai's gaze shifted from his plate to his mother, dread creeping into his expression. He knew better than to underestimate his mother's influence, especially when it came to matters of the family's future. Queen Ana continued, "Do you remember Alexandra, the daughter of Lord Bennet? She possesses an impeccable lineage, is well-educated, beautiful, diplomatic, and carries the pedigree befitting the future queen and a suitable mate for you." Kai's jaw tightened as he recalled Alexandra – a girl he had crossed paths with on several occasions. Despite her apparent charm and qualifications, he couldn't shake the memories of her air of superiority and a subtle streak of meanness that seemed to trail behind her like a shadow. She always treated the lower ranks as dirt and was a very vain being. His mother, oblivious to Kai's reservations, pressed on. "I have already extended an invitation to Alexandra to spend the week with us. It will provide an opportunity for both of you to know each other better." Sweat crossed Kai's forehead as he absorbed the weight of his mother's decision. "Mother, you know I've never been fond of Alexandra," he confessed, his voice edged with discomfort. Queen Ana met his gaze with an unwavering stare. "Kai, sometimes the best matches are forged through compromise. Alexandra is the epitome of what our bloodline requires. This union is not just about personal preferences; it is about securing the future of our lineage. You need a strong heir, and Alexandra can provide this. Her family was always close to the throne and supported the Midnight reign." Kai, feeling the weight of his responsibilities converging upon him, took a deep breath. "I understand, Mother, but..." She cut him off with a firm tone, "No 'buts,' Kai. This is for the greater good of our family. All I ask is to spend some time with her in the coming week." Experiencing a sense of powerlessness, Kai excused himself from the dining room. As he stepped into his private chambers, the walls seemed to close in on him. Nerves gripped him as he contemplated the impending meeting with Alexandra, a woman he had never envisioned as his mate. He paced the room, where Patrick, his butler was listening to him. "All OK?" Patrick asked him. Kai sighed, rubbing his temples. "No, Patrick. Everything is far from alright. My mother is pushing me to marry Alexandra, and I can't bring myself to go through with it." Patrick, ever the loyal confidant, raised an eyebrow. "But my lord, Alexandra is an excellent match. She's well-bred, accomplished, and—" "I can't marry her, Patrick," Kai interrupted, his frustration evident. "I can't marry any woman. In fact, I can't feel any physical attraction towards them." he added in a low voice. Patrick's confusion deepened. "I don't understand, my lord. What do you mean?" Kai paced the room, struggling to find the right words. "I mean I can't feel any arousal towards any woman, I never did. I am unable to bed any woman or have an heir" he admitted, his tone heavy with exasperation.
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