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"You've got to be aware of what's going on," Franke exclaims as we take a seat in the small cafe on the pier. "He's just trying to claim something." "I'm not property," I mumble, stirring the straw in my smoothie as Franke grabs her latte. The view is nice on the pier, the cafe located right over the water, a clear view of the beach where families are out for the day. Our town is also known for attracting tourists, something I find myself having a love-hate relationship with. "Axel had me years ago and we ended it." "He may just be going through some weird revival since he's back. He hasn't been here for four years. Maybe he's just remembering the two of you together the most. His past just influencing him." "He can just fly back to Spain or Greece for whatever I care. He can walk off the pier with a two hundred pound eight strapped to his body. That shows all the f***s I give," I comment, my blood beginning to boil. "Last night he came into my room and tried to get into my pants." "Was that his main objective, or did he just want to talk?" Franke asks as I furrow my eyebrows together. Rolling back my shoulders, I take a sip of my drink. "From the evidence of him trying to get with me, I'm pretty sure he's just trying to get into my pants. I'm probably the only female he ever dated who he didn't get to bang." I pause, looking back at the beach. "He sees me as a conquest and nothing else." "What does Charlie think?" She asks, her phone buzzing. Ignoring it, Franke awaits my answer. Shaking my head, I think of the boy who holds my heart. The first time I took him to meet my parents he greeted them with a joke, how he was 'a big fan of their work.' Their work referring to me. Right away he sold out, my parents loving him like a second son as Kace decided Charlie was the right one for me. "Charlie loves him," I mumble. "They have some weird handshake and even have inside jokes. I'm not telling Charlie it's the same Axel from years ago. Hell, Franke, my mom didn't even notice it was Axel." Franke nods, letting out a deep sigh as we sit in silence for another minute. "I have an idea." "What?" I ask, scooting up in my chair. "Get away for a week. Go have some fun with some friends or your parents. Maybe Axel will understand he needs to get over some silly crush and bang some other chick." For some idea, I don't like her proposal. I don't like the fact that she said he'd just bang some other chick. It's as if I've suddenly grown possessive over a male I should and do hate with a passion. "Just forget about him and come back as stronger." "I just don't want to leave for a week and- "And what? Not see Axel at every corner? That dude is just jealous that he could get back his old sweetheart from years ago. He has an ego for sure." "No doubt," I comment, a small laugh escaping my lips as Franke smiles. "Changing the subject, did you hear about the attack on a surfer last night?" "Attack? Like a shark?" I ask, looking towards the waters. If there's some deranged shark like Jaws here I'm not stepping foot in those waters again. "The authorities have ruled it out as an animal attack." "Amanda Potter, she died of the same cause," I state, remembering the death of a fellow classmate. Her funeral is tomorrow. "So that means there's some crazed animal around town." Franke shrugs her shoulders. "Something is happening in the woods. Both of their bodies were found, gashes everywhere, clothes torn, looking like they had just come out of a horror movie." My skin pales, not touching my smoothie again as I think of what their faces could have looked like when found. "All I know is that the authorities are urging people to take heavily used trails when walking and to go in groups of three or more." "Sounds bad," I begin. "I mean, two deaths in not even a week! That's really scary." "Some guys have taken it as a joke," Franke points out, nodding over to where a group of boys sit out on the pier, laughing about something. "Some have dared one another to go into the woods past might. To run naked through the woods as a joke." I'm not shocked. We have crazy people in this town and it's a matter of time before people start learning a lesson. "Some of the environmental freaks from school claim its some sea monster whose had enough of oil spills and is spilling human blood." I don't like the sound of that, picturing a white woman with dreads as she parades around the school with a massive sign about the animals. "To change the subject," I begin, "any big plans for the day? Parties or gatherings?" Franke nods her head, leaning back in her chair as she looks to the shore of the beach, nodding at a life guard stand. "Travis Denner is throwing a smaller party tonight. Your brother is rumored to be bringing some girl he met yesterday." If a life guard is throwing a party, Axel is bound to show up. However, the thing that catches my attention is my brother being seen with the girl. The last one he 'dated' or more like tried to date, was a train reck. She was sixteen as well as him, into partying, smoking, drugs, and drinking. He loved her, as did all of the boys, yet she broke his heart in the end and didn't bother to apologize. "Never heard of a girl from him," I mutter, watching the people pass bye on the pier. I watch everyone who stands out, whether the color of their clothes or their height. Just as a small girl in neon green passes bye, my eyes widen and I shrink down in my seat. "To the right, just under the sign for the restaurant," I point out to Franke, watching as her eyes follow where mine were to spot the devil himself. "I don't want him to see me at all." "You know half the population of girls at our school want to bang him, right?" Franke asks as I roll my eyes. "Believe me, some have confessed their dying love for him to me. It's just weird." I'm not shocked at any of this. Axel is one hell of a piece of eye candy and there's no denying it. What makes it worse is that he's at the pier, with two other guys, sunglasses on, swim trunks that hang low on his hips, and no shirt. I swear I could faint. Let's not get started on those God-like abs. Think about the best set of abs you've ever seen, now think of them ten hundred times as better. That, ladies and gentlemen, would be Axel. Yet my face scrunches up as I think of other girls looking at it. "Proof of why girls are dropping to their knees for him," Franke laughs, watching as my cheeks turn red. "Should we go?" "He'd see me and make my day five times worse," I mumble, crossing my arms as Franke nods. "Maybe it doesn't make it better than Charlie's with him." My eyes widen to the max as my head snaps back. There Charlie stands, before Axel, high-fiveing the other as my throat becomes dry. "Let's go right now, I told Charlie to meet me up," I explain, getting to my feet as I pull Franke with me. Heading straight for the exit, Franke has barely any time to say bye to a friend who works here. As we exit, I make my run, praying to God that no one will see me. As we pass bye another set of stores, I believe the coast is clear, Franke and I slowing down our pace to blend in better with the tourists. Just as we hit the popular ice cream shop of the town, I can hear Franke's name being called out. Of course anyone would notice her? Lilac hair and all. "Go and I'll catch up," Franke mumbles to me, looking over her shoulder. "Axel is with them." "Winifred!" Too late, Charlie has already spotted me as well, meaning I'm in for one hell of a day now. Looking back, I see Charlie pacing his way to me, a smile across his face as my heart skips a beat. Only, my stomach twists into a massive knot as Axel's eyes meet mine, a smirk plastered across his face. Just as Charlie reaches me and a kiss is placed upon my lips, I can feel Axel's eyes burning holes in my forehead. He's not happy. Pulling Charlie in for a short hug, I spot Axel once more, his jaw clenched, yet that smirk still there, one that tells me I'd better brace myself. "So, where we going?" Franke asks, watching the group as Charlie wraps his arm around my shoulder. "Beach? Diving pier? What's the plan since it looks like you douche bags are bored?" "We're going to Williamson," Axel informs as one of his friends start swinging a set of keys on his finger. "Taking the boards and do some surfing." Williamson is a two about an hour away, one with amazing waves for those who want a challenge. The only time I'm down there is when my mother wants to go to their mall or I go ice skating. "Wanna come?" Charlie asks Franke and me, almost pleading with his eyes for me to come. I'd be around Axel for quite a while, meaning my blood would be boiling. But I'd be with Charlie. I'm with Charlie a lot already. Yet I bet if I stick to him like glue I can avoid Axel quite a bit. "Love to!" Franke exclaims, looking to me for an answer. I'll forever regret saying this. "Sure." We head out, Charlie introducing me to Tanner, Axel's friend. As the parking lot is soon before us, Tanner heads off to get his Jeep. Sadly, Charlie goes with him to secure the boards. "How was Europe?" Franke asks Axel, deciding to end the awkward silence. "Entertaining or shitty?" "Quite fun actually," Axel responds, looking Franke over. With her Lilac hair and tattoo on her thigh of flowers, she's quite the character for this boring town. "Mainly school." His social media shows him constantly out of school, having fun, meeting beautiful girls, and having the time of his life. Hell, there's one picture of him and some friends on a yacht with five beyond gorgeous girls. One of the girls even a princess of some random country. "Sounds fun," Franke mumbles as she gets onto her phone. Already you can tell it's weird being here. As the Jeep comes up, Franke shoots off, climbing into the truck as she practically shoves Charlie into the backseat. Not good. Not good at all. "Wini, you're in the middle," Charlie informs as he holds out his hand to help me up. Taking it, my nerves pick up as Axel follows behind me. Taking my seat, I instantly want to hop off. But what will Charlie say? What will I even do? I feel like such a coward to not even let him know Axel is the one who destroyed me for a year or so and left me in the dust. Axel takes his seat, and as Tanner turns up his music all the way, I know this ride will be like hell. As Charlie takes my hand in his, Axel already makes his move, not caring for personal space as his fingers play with the ends of my hair, barely, not even for anyone to notice. Franke's eyes meet mine by the mirror, winking at me as my lips for a thin line. As we continue the drive, Axel gets closer, and I know for sure, that tonight, tonight is going to be one eventful night.
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