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"Did you get the apples?" My mother asks as I step through the doors, grocery bags in my hands. Shutting the garage door, I let out a deep breath, setting the bags on the counter as my mother turns around. "How was the beach?" "It was okay," I reply, remembering Axel. To think he had the audacity to talk to me like he did only pisses me off. How he comes back and acts like nothing happened years ago. He's in for one hell of surprise and I hope he got the clear idea that I don't care for any relationship with him. "I just decided to come home early." "Trouble with Charlie?" She asks as I shake my head. "None, I just felt like coming home and Charlie understood," I explain, placing my keys on the counter as I slide off my shoes. "I'm just going to head on up." "Your brother is going to have a group of friends from work over for dinner." Damn it. "It's about seven of the guys he works with." Kace is a lifeguard in the small town, once a week a group of them gathering at one person's house for a dinner and board games or bonfire after. Nodding, I make my way up the stairs, trying to push Axel out of my mind. I for sure do miss the old him, the goofball who was geeky, the glasses that did not suit his face, and the way everyone questioned why I even hung around a boy not even the most desperate would dare to date. And now, now he's just a full flip of the male he used to be. Cocky, the cliché boy that returns even hotter than a model, the horrible attitude, and blind to the fact I've put him behind me. I miss the old him for sure, the one who would throw pebbles at my door when everyone was asleep just to get to see me. Grabbing my phone, I see a text from Charlie, one telling me Kace and him are now on duty. Charlie is one of the lifeguards that will be here tonight, meaning that I won't feel completely uncomfortable with seven other guys in the house. As I look to my window, I just see the ocean nearby, the waves crashing down as they soon meet the sand. Closing my eyes, I concentrate on the sound of my mother chopping food downstairs, the sound of the radio as well, a song from the sixties playing as she sings to it. Before I know it, I'm pulling on a clean shirt, a breezy white blouse that shows off my shoulders, and a pair of light denim shorts. Pulling my hair back in a ponytail, I hear the doorbell ring already and I head to the opposite side of my room where a window shows me a car in the driveway. Dinner is about to begin then. "Winifred, come on down," mom calls, making my heart skip a beat. I'm always excited to see Charlie. As another person at the door can be heard, I head on down, a smile crossing my face as Charlie walks through the front door. Right away I run up to envelop him in a hug, gaining a peck upon the cheek in return. In ten minutes six others have showed up and we are taking our seats at the table. I know all the guys here, many of them friends from over the years of Kace kneeling them and also them attending school with me. Charlie sits beside me as I scoot in my chair, mom asking where the last one is. "Who is the eighth, there's usually just seven?" I ask out of curiosity. If there's a new lifeguard on duty, I wouldn't know. "Does he work with you guys too?" "Just began yesterday," Charlie explains, popping a piece of pineapple into his mouth from the tray. "What's his name?" "A- Th doorbell, rings cutting me off as Kace gets to his feet. "I'll go and get it." As the door opens three rooms away, a certain scent floods my nostrils as it becomes potent, causing my heart to beat faster than ever. I can hear Kace greet the guy, the two laughing at something as Charlie takes my hand in his, settling it upon his lap. Just as I smile to Charlie, I catch a glimpse of the male who has just entered and my blood boils. Not even four hours ago did this male piss me off to the max. Those beautiful blue eyes meet mine and I'm lost in some daze as a tug pulls at his lips. Cocky already. My mom would not recognize him at all, the young version of the boy she loved gone completely. I scowl, watching my mother invite the devil himself in with open arms as she leads him right to a place I feel like I'm going to vomit. Axel sits right beside me, even greeting Charlie as if they've been friends for years. Already I've lost my appetite as Axel glances at me briefly, saying hi to everyone else. Once he's done with that, I feel his eyes upon me, gazing over every detail as I suddenly feel extremely revealing in my clothing for the night. Right away we begin to eat, and wanting to seem normal, I place some of the food onto my plate, wanting to only head up stairs or just see Axel leave. "You have a beautiful place, Mrs- "Oh, don't do that," my mother interrupts. "All of Kace and Winifred's friends call me Mrs. Brenna, don't be too formal." Her words make me sick to my stomach, Axel only agreeing to it as he continues a chat with her. As Charlie let's go of my hand to grab another object off the table, I scoot my chair further to the table, the white tablecloth sliding over my legs as my feet begin to shake. "How was work today?" I ask Travis, one of Kace's friends as he greets me. "The same boring job." I know what that is code for. If it was a boring day he would say it was okay, but when he puts it like how he just did, it signals to the rest of the guys he got to check out some hot girl for a very long time. Just as I got back to my food, a hand lands upon my thigh, one that causes sparks to fly through my skin. Instantly I know by the position it is not Charlie, and right away one of my hands land on his, trying to pry it off. Only, it stays there, the only movement being it sliding up closer and more inner as my blood boils. I spot Axel from the corner of my eyes, a smirk dancing across his face. He enjoys playing games. I'll show him a game. I slam my heel as hard as I can without making a scene into his foot. Not even a wince, his only reaction being his fingers beginning to draw patterns upon my skin. Right away I almost choke on air, Charlie raising an eyebrow as he becomes curious to my sudden actions. Soon enough the main meal is finished and mom brings out the desert, a cheesecake she spent yesterday cooking. As Axel's hand leaves my thigh, I feel relief wash over me. Relief until I notice something that makes my heart almost stop. He got me turned on, he was able to do so just with his hand right on my thigh. My blood boils for the tenth time of the night, wanting to take a pan that once held food and bang it upon his head. "Very excellent cooking," Axel comments, the others agreeing as I want to see his mouth shut like some sick and crazy person. As dessert comes to a close, the guys all decide to head on to our backyard, a private beach back there like all the rest on this street. They each are excited for a late night swim, Charlie parting with me as he lays a simple kiss upon my lips. "Don't drown," I shout as he runs off past the pool, a quarter of a mile down and to the ocean where the rest are already in. "So cute," a sarcastic remark reaches my ears. Right away I turn around to face him, a scowl upon my lips. "I want you to leave." He chuckles. "Come on now, Winifred," Axel begins, c*****g his head to the side as he gets too close for comfort. "I'm way more fun than your little boyfriend over there is." I want to slap him. "After all, I know how I affect you," he says, taking a step closer as I try and stand my ground. "I know I can get you turned on with one little touch. I bet lover boy over there, all he needs is one little kiss and he's released like some inexperienced preteen." His words cause my eyebrows to knit together, my hands becoming fists. "I want you to leave. Now." He chuckles. "You can't boss around the big, bad wolf." He words cause my to raise an eyebrow. Why the metaphor to a child's story? "Goodnight, Axel, and I hope, for both of our sakes, we never talk again." I head back inside, past the pool as I practically run into the house. Up the stairs and into my room I go, shutting the door behind me as I let out a deep breath. Right away I head for the shower, grabbing some clean clothes for bed as I turn on the water. By the time steam comes from the shower, I step under, letting out a deep sigh. Maybe this time Axel will listen to me. But I doubt he will. For some reason I get the hints that he enjoys messing around me, to make me get all angry. As I hop out of the shower I wrap the closest towel around my body, another to go around my hair, and I open the door to my bathroom to grab the clothes I had put upon my dresser. Picking up the clothes, just as I'm about to drop the towel, I shirk. "Charlie, not now," I comment, his chest pressed against my back as I feel a yawn make its way past my lips. "I'm tired right now." "And I'm not." I turn around, slapping him right away as my skin pales. "I'll scream." Axel chuckles. Grabbing my arm, he tugs me with a violent jerk towards his body. "My dearest Wini," he begins, his lips getting closer to my skin. "The only thing you'll be screaming is my name for the whole town to hear." "I doubt that," I snap, my lips forming a firm line. "You wouldn't last a second." "Are you daring me to try, because I love playing games." I push the male away, heading back into the bathroom to change. Something tells me we are about to have a talk. As Axel sits down on my bed, I slam the door, making sure to lock. Changing fast into a pair of shorts and t-shirt, I think of Charlie. If Charlie showed up I doubt Axel would even be in here. Entering the room, I meet Axel's gaze, already hating how he looks at me, taking in every detail I possess as if I'm something he has to memorize to save his life. "Please leave," I mumble, switching on the lamp of my room, staring him down as my blood boils. "I don't feel like it now. Just leave." Axel c***s his head to the side, laying down upon my bed as my nostrils flare. "Come on, love, don't be that way. Let's like like how we used to." "You're not the same Axel I knew," I snap, right away knowing I've hit a spot. "What?" He growls. Growls? What the hell. "It's as if I'm talking to a stranger that I have somehow known for my entire life. I don't feel like putting up with your annoy- Axel gets to his feet, waking straight over to me as his lands on my face, cupping my cheeks. "You used to laugh with puns of Star Trek and be one hell of a person to be around, Axel, now you're someone I can't stand." His eyes searching my face as I cross my arms. "Leave." "You don't truly like Charli- "Don't bring him into this!" I snap. "He's not your type." "What the hell is my type? Please inform me because somehow I don't know! You've been gone for years, Axel, and people change. Clearly you have." Pushing the male away, it's as if I've felt the loss of a part of me. "You don't know that I've changed," Axel defends. "I know enough to know that's not true. Just look at you!" I exclaim, taking in a deep breath. "If you're just trying to get into my pants, which you are, you're really having no luck here." My back hits the wall, his arms caging me in as a small shriek leaves my lips. "You know nothing." I frown, my lips forming a firm line as Axel pulls away, storming off to my door. Just as I think he's going to leave, I'm proven wrong. Axel charges for new, my skin paling, only for arms to wrap around my body as a light yet passionate kiss is placed upon my own. My body feels alive, energetic, my heart jumping. Axel pulls away, pushing away as he heads right back to my door. "I'm going to get you back, Wini, I swear," Axel proclaims as he exits the room, leaving me breathless. Leaving me breathless just like before when he left for four years. Yet, this time, this time I know he will be coming back. Although he has changed, something deep down tells me he will not let me leave him again. Never again.
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