10 | It's A Surprise

795 Words
Kane Augustus's POV I watched as her sexy ass swayed from side to side as she walked out of my office. I smirked, knowing damn well she wouldn't get far. Licking my lips, I started to walk after her. "Adelina!" My voice echoed off the walls. She stopped walking and turned around slowly. "Yes?" She asked innocently. "We're not done," I told her and walked up to her. When I neared her, her lips parted and she gasped. I cupped her face and kissed her gently before pulling away. "You taste so f*****g sweet. I'll see you soon, Adelina," I whispered, mocking her. I turned around and walked straight back to my office. I sat at my desk and smirked. "5, 4, 3, 2." Adelina busted through the doors with frustration written all over her beautiful face. "Kane Augustus!" She growled and I stayed smiling. "Yes, Adelina?" I questioned. "You f*****g stalking ass tease," she began saying. I jumped up and stalked over to her. "Excuse me?" I growled. She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Repeat that," I demanded. "You. f*****g. Stalking-" I slammed my hand on the wall near her head and leaned forward. "I'm not a stalker," I whispered coldly. "Could have fooled me," she spat angrily. "Well, you're a f*****g teasing seductive temptress," I said angrily. "Excuse me?!" She yelled. My eyes bounced around her face, taking in every inch. "You infuriate me," I growled. "That's not-" I slammed my mouth against hers and kissed her roughly. She kissed back with the same amount of angry passion. After a few minutes, she pulled away and stared at me. "I need to go," she said and quickly left my office. I sighed then licked my lips. I pulled out my phone and dialed Nic's number. "Kane?" He questioned when he answered my call. "Nic, hey. I need you to ask Sereia if she invited Adelina to the wedding," I told him. "Okay. I'll get back with you shortly," he said. "Alright. Talk to you later," I said. "Later Kane." I ended the call then walked back over to my desk. Time to make my little angel pay for that comment she made. I looked up her name and came across a link of her and her manager/cousin. I dialed his number and pressed call. After a few rings, he answered. "Adelina and Carlos Modeling. This is Carlos speaking. How can I help you?" He asked with a little bit of sass. I chuckled at the thought of him reminding me of Adelina. "Hello Carlos, my name is Kane Augustus. I would like to book Adelina for an appearance with me at a charity auction this Friday. Would that be okay?" I asked. "I'll pay 15 grand," I added. People think I'm just a lawyer. I'm way more than that. I'm a billionaire. I have money people know nothing about. I just chose not to associate in the glamorous living. I used my money wisely, invested and saved up. Adelina was worth every penny though. "Oh my god! Really?!" He asked in excitement. "Yes. Do we have an agreement?" I asked calmly. "Yes we do! I'll inform her after her shoot today," he said. "One favor, Carlos," I told him. "Do not tell her who she is accompanying. It's a surprise," I said with a chuckle. "You got it Kane. By the way, I seen your message this morning," he said before ending the call. Well damn, they really were cousins. I smirked, leaning back in my chair. "Here I come, Adelina," I whispered. I was going through my paperwork and scheduling appointments, when my phone chimed. Nicolas She said yes. Who is this Adelina? Kane My obsession I went back to busying myself, before I left the office to pick up Dallas. She had early dismissal from school due to spring break. She made sure to send several texts to remind me. "I won't be coming back Selene. You're free to lock up and go home as well," I told my secretary. She smiled and nodded. "Sounds good sir. Have a great day." "You too Selene." I made my way to my car and hopped inside. I groaned at the sound of my phone ringing. Dallas is calling "Hello?" I asked with annoyance. "I have a ride home," she said softly. "With who?" I asked. "Um, the guy from the other night." I growled into the phone then sighed. "Are you serious? With that f*****g prick?!" I asked loudly. "I'll explain when you get home. I love you," she said then hung up. "I love you too," I said to nobody. I started my car and headed in the direction of my house, eager to find out what was going on.
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