Unseen Bonds and Hidden Dangers

1372 Words
Navigating Through Cheap Motels and Lingering Threats of Reapers Stuck in this shabby motel felt like a punchline to a bad joke. At twenty-two, being under house arrest by my own parents was no laughing matter. Seth suggested we crash at a Super 8 off the highway. "They've got a free breakfast with coffee and stale leftovers from the Krusty Kream Bakery," he said, rolling his eyes. I clapped my hands in mock enthusiasm. "Yummy," I said, grinning. Seth chuckled, and I pulled him close, feeling the warmth of his body against mine. I told him to close his eyes, and with a quick spell, we materialized in a secluded corner of the motel. The relief was short-lived. As soon as we arrived, I realized we were in the territory of Reaper Cirdan—a reaper with a complicated past involving my mother, though I never cared to dig into it. I had Seth get us a room while I kept an eye on things. I saw a shady-looking man with a gun in his pocket. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized Cirdan’s presence nearby. I slipped through the motel wall and saw the man holding up the lobby. I swiftly wove a spell, binding him with golden threads and disarming him. I walked back to Seth with a smirk. "Can’t take you anywhere without trouble," I teased. Seth huffed, shaking his head. Cirdan glared at me but gave a nod of acknowledgment before vanishing. The desk clerk, looking dazed, got up from the floor. Seth turned to him, voice firm. "Can we please get a room?" The clerk nodded, still bewildered. I rubbed my temples, feeling a wave of unease. Seth placed a comforting hand on my back. "Are you worried about me trying something, Leia?" he asked with a playful glint. I shook my head, managing a small smile. "I have magic abilities; you do not. I have nothing to fear," I said cryptically. Seth smiled brightly, grabbed the room key, and led me upstairs. When he opened the door, I was relieved to see two separate beds. The room smelled musty, and the mismatched duvets were an ugly blend of brown, blue, and green swirls. "Wow, I'd forgotten how luxurious cheap motels are," Seth said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, too tired to argue. I waved my nightwear onto myself as Seth started undressing. I quickly climbed into one of the beds, pulling the covers up to my chin as he settled into the other one. He glanced at me with a grin. "Can I have, um… Oh, never mind. Goodnight, lovely lady," he said, his voice soft. I smiled, feeling content as I closed my eyes and dreamt of his kiss. I was jolted awake later by Seth's gentle touch. My eyes fluttered open to find him looking at me with concern. "You were talking in your sleep again. Lay down and let me hold you. I think I’ve figured out what your issue is," he said softly. I shifted over, feeling the bed dip as Seth lay down beside me. He opened his arms, inviting me to rest against him. I nestled my head on his chest, and he rested his chin on my head. Instantly, I felt my body relax, enveloped in his warmth. His embrace made me feel safe and cherished. It was the best night’s sleep I’d ever had, though Seth seemed to be having a rougher time. I could tell because, when I woke up, I felt an unwanted pressure against my rear. Seth lay there, gritting his teeth. I sighed and scooted away, accidentally brushing against him. "King dysmorphia had a bad idea letting me lay against him," I teased. Seth quickly grabbed me, flipping me onto my back and tickling my sides. "Stop! Ha ha, tickling, oh my! Weeeee," I squealed, laughing uncontrollably. He stopped, smiling down at me. I gazed up at him, feeling a deep connection. Seth lowered his head and kissed me deeply. My heart raced as he positioned himself between my legs. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal fervor. When he pressed against me, some of the tension between us seemed to melt away. Seth rested his forehead against mine, his breath warm. "You're killing me, Leia. I want to do so much with you," he murmured. I told him I wanted him too, but it wasn’t the right time. He climbed off me and suggested we get first pick of the stale donuts. I chuckled, waving clean clothes onto myself as he got dressed. Seth looked at me in amazement. "How do you snap clothes like that?" I explained my powers, showing how I manipulated fabric molecules to create different styles. He nodded, intrigued. "So, you're bossing around molecules. Impressive," he teased. I grunted and headed for the door, hearing him say, "Whoa." My phone rang. It was Alex. "Morning, sis. Damon's put out an open hunt on your mate. Reapers can now send him on without any card. You both could end up in the void if they don’t take off your heads and end you permanently," he said gravely. I sighed, thanking him for the warning. "Speaking of heads, just keep yours attached. I’d miss my sister if you perished permanently," he added sincerely. I grinned, feeling the warmth of our sibling bond. I told him I needed to figure out why Damon was so intent on getting Seth’s soul. Alex said he’d reach out to Rex, Damon's husband, for any insights. I thanked him and hung up as Seth joined me. "We need to be extra careful. Reapers can hunt you freely now. I don’t want to end up retrieving you from the void," I said bitterly. Seth nodded, looking worried. I rubbed my eyes, sensing another reaper nearby. Cirdan appeared in the hall, brandishing a long sword. I swore under my breath and pulled Seth behind me. "What's happening?" he asked, panic rising. I told him a reaper had shown up. He looked around frantically as I summoned my family’s scythe, a powerful weapon inherited from my great-grandfather Eärendil, once the king of all reapers. I wielded it with practiced ease as Cirdan swung his blade. "Damon’s offering a hefty reward for your human, princess. I don’t mind hurting you to get to him," Cirdan said coldly. I grinned, ready for a fight. Cirdan smiled and swung his sword. I blocked with my scythe. Seth growled behind me, and a knife flew past, embedding itself in Cirdan’s forehead. I glanced back at Seth, who was doing a fist pump. "You can see him?" I asked. Seth nodded. "Yeah, but he’s kinda blurry, coming in and out of focus," he explained. I realized our soul connection allowed us to share senses. If my powers were shared too, we’d be a formidable team. "Do you feel a warmth in your chest?" Seth asked, wrapping his arms around me. I nodded, feeling a powerful rush of emotion. "I feel a lot of things with you, Leia," he said softly, brushing his lips against mine. His kiss deepened, igniting a fiery passion between us. "Take us somewhere private. I think it’s time for us to be intimate," he whispered. I grinned, transporting us to the room I used during visits to the dökkálfar elf mound. We appeared inside, startling the two tiny brownies cleaning the room. They squealed and fainted. Seth and I went to one each. When Seth's brownie woke, she looked up at him and chirped, "ard rí." I raised an eyebrow and looked at Seth. "What does ard rí mean?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "It means 'high king.' I’m not sure why they’d call you that," I said, puzzled. My father wasn’t a high king, though Damon was. This whole situation was getting confusing. I wondered if Alex had learned anything from Rex. I asked the two brownies to fetch Alex, watching them scurry off. "I’m starting to think we have a greater purpose, and Damon’s trying to prevent it. He probably fears you’re his replacement and is worried about being reaped himself," I mused, frustrated. Seth simply smiled down at me, shrugging.
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