+CHAPTER 10+ Power Play

2481 Words

Ines touched her jet black hair unconsciously as she recalled her vision again for the 100th time. She couldn't get the blurry image of the woman she had seen in her vision out of her mind. An Oracle older than dirt was jealous of a faceless woman~ She sighed softly as she mourned over her future. A future Aidan was not going to be a part of. Ines couldn't stop comparing herself with that woman even though she had only seen a glimpse of her physique and her shiny platinum white hair in the vision. The ache to know what kind of woman Aidan had chosen after her was driving her mad. At this moment giving up the clarity of her mind seemed too tempting~ She just wanted to get rid of her own thoughts. Her soul craved insanity to escape this pain~ Ines held her hand above her tired heart.

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