11. Text Him

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Avani's POV: "But I'm not understanding why he's giving so important for my forgiveness", I said find the matter a bit awkward. "He mentioned that he understands his mistake, and he is feeling guilty", Dixxi replied to me. "I think you must be proud of yourself now for slapped him otherwise he didn't realize his guilt", Dixxi said and laughed. I was so confused about his apology. I never thought he will be the one who will apologize to me where I was thinking to ask forgiveness from him. Honestly, my mind stopped working on this matter, so I don't want to drag this matter anymore. As he ask forgiveness from me that means he isn't anymore angry with me and it's enough for me. I don't want to be his forgiver when I also have fault. So, I decided to stay thing as it is not dragging it anymore. But Dixxi protested me to do that. She was forcing me to text Josh Hudson where I wasn't willing to do that. How can I tell him I forgive him when I'm also slapped him. But Dixxi wasn't understanding my point rather she was calling me arrogant. But I wasn't willing to hear her, so I totally ignored what she said. The rest of the day went as usual as other Sunday. In the night, I was going through on my phone and suddenly a text appeared on notification. It was from an unknown number. "Thanks Avani. You finally forgive me after all. Your forgiveness means a lot to me. I hope you're doing well. Good Night. Have sweet dreams", I read the text and feel likes a dumb. I understand it's from Josh Hudson. Next moment I saw a text that sent to him in the afternoon. But I didn't send him any text as I remember. "I forgive you already. It was also hard for me to be pissed off on you. And thanks for the delicious chocolates", I read the text which was sent to him at first. "What the hell? What is it?",I screamed seeing the stupid text and I can understand who sent it. I went to Dixxi who was watching TV. I take the cushion and started hitting her for her stupidity. "Wh.... what hap... happened? Why are you hitting me?", Dixxi said while giggling and snatch away the cushion from me. "Why you sent him the stupid text without knowing me? How can you be so i***t?", I said, fuming in anger. I was furious that time. What Dixxi did is really stupid. I never expected she going to be a text him without informing me. I decided not to talk with Dixxi anymore because it's now useless when she already sent him the text. But I thought to send a text to Josh saying that the text was from my friend because I was feeling guilty I did as I also slapped him and don't ask for an apology. "Hello. Actually, the previous message was from my friend, she sent it without my known. I think you understand:)", I hesitate to send it but I did. I just going to sleep putting the phone near me but all of a sudden a new message appeared on the notification, and it was from Josh. I never thought that he is going to reply to me this quickly. Maybe he was also on the phone like me. "You couldn't forgive me yet", I read the text. "Am I make him angry again? Sh*t Avani why the hell you decided to send a stupid message again to make him angry", my conscious mind said. "No. I didn't mean that. Honestly, I'm no one to forgive you. Besides, I also made a mistake, and I think it's me who has to ask for forgiveness", I text him back so that he doesn't become anger on me once again. I was eagerly waiting for his reply but unfortunately, there was no text again for him. Already 30 minutes past but still I didn't find any reply. I don't know what to do. I again messed up where he was being so sweet with me. "Hey, I forgive you. I think you don't going to be angry with me anymore", I again text him but this time also I didn't find a single reply. "Why the hell I'm waiting for Josh Hudson text? He has also other things to do rather than replying to a girl like me", I thought in my mind being sad. So, I fell asleep without waiting for his reply anymore. The next morning, When I woke up, my hand automatically find my phone to check whether he reply to me or not. I have no idea why I was being eager to get a reply to him. He was just making me impatient. When I saw there was no new text from him, I again feeling bad. "Avani are you dreaming or something? What do you think Josh Hudson going to text you every minute?",I said myself and throw my phone on the couch feeling frustrated. In my mind, there was only one thing, and that is Josh text. I couldn't have my breakfast in a good mood neither I can concentrate on my work in the bakery. I put my phone in the general mood, so that I can hear when he sent me a text, but there was no one. And I have no clue why I'm behaving like that. When I become too impatient, I decided to text him again. "I'm really sorry. I don't want to piss you off again", I send not thinking what he will think seeing my continues message. This time also I don't find any reply. I give up in my hope of getting his reply. After completing my day in the bakery, I headed to my home. Today, I leave early and it is not dark yet outside. While I was walking diving in my thought, I heard a sound of text from my phone. I never become too excited for anything as I become for his text. I hurriedly took out my phone and finally it was from Josh Hudson. "Don't think I'm angry with you. How can someone get angry on a beautiful girl like you?", I find his text and make me blush reading his text. "Thanks for not being angry", I sent him back not knowing what else I should send him. "Where are you?", I find another text within a few seconds. I was curious to see different types of text this time. "On the way of home. What about you?", I text back. "Looking at you", I find his strange reply but before I asked about it, I bumped with something. I become so stupid that I was walking while looking at my phone not caring about any surroundings. Suddenly, I hit myself with a pole in the roadside, and I hurt my nose. "Who concentrates on the phone while walking in the road? Today's people are really strange", A passer-by said seeing my condition. I was feeling ashamed at the same time for my stupidity. Luckily I don't get too much hurt and after a few minutes the pain gone. Adjusting myself properly, I looked back at my phone again stopping at the place. "Are you okay?", I find his text. It scared me thinking whether he is around me. I look around, but it was normal. People were walking on the roadside and cars are moving on the main road. "I'm on the road. Can I talk later?", I sent him. "Yeah, okay. Take care of yourself", I find his text and somehow it makes me very sad thinking that it is the last message from him or not. I really don't understand why I'm being sad. Two days ago where I become pissed off by his behavior, today I am feeling sad thinking that I'm not going to get a text from him again. My happy mood turned into sadness again. I reached my home and going to take a shower. I don't check my phone again as I thought his last text was goodbye text. After my shower, I made dinner for me and Dixxi. I was going to call Dixxi as she did not come home yet. But the notifications that appeared on my phone make me forget to call Dixxi.
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