10. Unexpected Apology

1160 Words
Avani's POV: "Yeah. I think so", I said, looking down. I and Dixxi were silent in our place not knowing what to tell. "Things are being complicated Avani. I think it's just a start. They are following you today, and I don't know what will they do tomorrow. God knows what was their plans of today if you don't hide yourself", Dixxi said becoming tensed. "What should I do now? Complain to the police again", I asked for suggestion to Dixxi. "You and your stupid ideas. What do you think police can stop Josh Hudson?", Dixxi said rolling her eyes. "Then what?",I asked again. "You stop going outside for someday until everything becomes fine", Dixxi suggests to me. "What are you saying Dixxi? You know it's not possible to off going to the bakery. Mrs. Roberts can't handle......", I stopped when I remind what happened today in the bakery. Dixxi give me a confused look seeing the expression of my face. "You won't believe what happened today in the bakery", I said exclaimed in shock. "What happened", Dixxi asked me in confusion. "Josh Hudson send an apology letter along with flowers bouquet to Mrs. Roberts", I said and Dixxi become surprised after hearing me. "Really! It sounds unexpected. What's the apology letter about", Dixxi asked me. "He said he is sorry about his past behavior, and also he doesn't want the bakery anymore, and many other sweet words", I told Dixxi. Dixxi was both confused and surprised like me. "Then what's all that? Why is he following you? Is he wants to hurt you?", Dixxi said. "If he doesn't cause any harm to the bakery, and Mrs. Roberts then it's okay. Nowadays I was tensed about the fact that he maybe does something bad with Mrs. Roberts as I slapped him. But his Apology letter to Mrs. Roberts clear that he doesn't want to harm her", I said with relief. "Avani that doesn't mean he will let you go also. He may be want to hurt you now rather than the bakery", Dixxi said in an afraid tone. "If it is like that then I don't care. I messed up with him and I must face the result", I said as it was enough for me not to see Mrs. Roberts in the problem. "Don't be so selfless. You have to care about your safety. I won't going to let you go out from tomorrow. I will work in the bakery until everything becomes fair", Dixxi said. "You talking like stupid. Do you know baking work? And you can't stop anything which is out of control. How many days, I can stay at home?", I said to make Dixxi understand. "I don't want to know but from tomorrow you won't going to bakery. That's it", Dixxi said like a stubborn. I don't give any important what was she saying rather I'm not going to stop to go bakery. In the morning, I woke up quite early so that I leave from the home before Dixxi caught me. But Dixxi woke up before my leaving and stand in my way crossing the path. "Where are you going today?", Dixxi asked like she doesn't know what I usually go every day. "Dixxi please understand It will be no use if I stay at home. I have to go to in my work", I said in an irritating tone. "But where are going today?", Dixxi again asked the same question, and it makes me angry. "It's Sunday today. Did you forget that?", Dixxi said, and I realized how stupid I am. I sat on the couch motionlessly thinking that I woke up my sleep so early like a stupid. Dixxi takes a seat beside me. "Where are you lost Avani? You didn't even realize that today is Sunday", Dixxi said being curious. "I don't know I totally forgot. I have no idea what's going on the mind", I said with a sigh. "Everything was perfect in the last week also. How things messed up within a few days!",I said, thinking about my normal days. "Yeah Josh Hudson became a villain of your life", Dixxi said, and it was disturbing for me to hear that man name in this morning. "Why are you bring that stupid name in this morning? Now I'm sure the rest day going to be bad for me", I said and Dixxi laughed on me. We are having our breakfast while talking about random things. Suddenly, our doorbell rang making us surprised. Usually, no one comes to our house, and it was quite surprising thinking that someone comes in the morning. I was going to open the door but Dixxi stopped me, and she went to open the door. I decided to go with her. When Dixxi opens the door, there was a delivery man with a parcel it is surprising. "What can I do for you?", Dixxi said in a normal tone. "Mam this parcel is sent in this address so here it is", the delivery man said. "I think here's a mistake. We didn't order anything. It will be better if you check the address one more time", Dixxi said which was true. "Isn't Miss Avani live here?", the man asked which left me surprised. Dixxi looked at my direction with her surprising eyes. "I also don't order anything", I replied Dixxi's unasked question. "It's not ours. So, you leave", Dixxi said and going to shut the door. "Mam it's from Josh Hudson, and he send for Miss Avani", the words of delivery man left both of us shocked. Without asking me anything, Dixxi accept the box from the man and closed the door. Dixxi turned around with the parcel in her hand. It was a medium-size box wrapping beautifully. "Why you accept it? We shouldn't accept anything from an unknown person", I said curiously. "We already pissed off Josh Hudson pretty much. And now if you didn't accept that he must be angry more", Dixxi said placing the box in the table. "But why he send it? I mean why he send me something? It's strange", I said. "You will find out after you open the box. Check it out what so important thing he sends to you in this early morning", Dixxi told looking at me. I went near the box and started to open it. I was curious as well as afraid thinking about what it can be inside. Ignoring the fact, I opened it and the unexpected things come out. It was a box full of delicious chocolates and it was a lot. I looked at Dixxi with a huge surprise in my eyes. "Chocolate", Dixxi said in shock. "Is he send it mixing poison?",I asked not knowing what to guess for this gift. "Are you crazy? Why the hell is he going to be mixed poison? All looking so expensive and delicious. I can't wait to take a bite", Dixxi said taking some chocolates from the box and suddenly a card fall on the floor. "What is it?", Dixxi said picking the card. She opened it and started reading it. "Hi, Beautiful Girl. I know you are angry with me for my behavior with you. I sincerely apologize for my words and behavior to you. And thanks for the slap, it's actually open my eyes to see how wrong I'm to think bad about someone low. I'm feeling guilty since I pissed you off. I will be very grateful if you accept my apology. If you are able to forgive me then please send me a text of accepting my forgiveness in this number. Have a good day", Dixxi stopped when she finished. I thought I was in a hallucination. I snatch away the card from Dixxi to check is it real or not and it was real. "Can you believe the powerful billionaire Josh Hudson asking for your forgiveness?", Dixxi said in a shocked voice, and her face was saying the same. "It's not believable. He is literally being happy for the slap", I said, looking at the card. "Yes. And I think it's time for you to forgive him as he asked", Dixxi said with excitement in her voice.
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