Raine (17)

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Raine (17) I knew my mouth was still opening and closing like a fish at Anna’s admission. I finally cleared my throat and spoke “How can Kai possibly know how to do that? I’ve never heard of such a thing” I said “We don’t know. Neither does Sophie. Magnus might but he’s been tight-lipped about it” Anna sighed “I just know that Jas and I almost had a heart attack when the cuts appeared on Aria and had it not been for Kai, I honestly don’t know what would have happened” “That’s why Jason’s been so different recently” Sue added “Because of what Kai did?” “Yes” Anna nodded “If nothing else, we know that for Aria, Kai will turn the world upside down in order to protect her” “Mates do that” Sue nodded “They are so young to know the are mates” I added “Maybe its a deep connection due to how powerful they are” “No” Anna said, shaking her head “If I hadn’t see what I have with my own eyes, I would have said the same thing - but deep inside….I know they are mates” “So young” I whispered “But i’m still confused as to how Kai know’s these things. You don’t think it is suspicious?” “I did at the beginning” Anna admitted, biting her bottom lip “But grandma Deedee and uncle Magnus seem to know things about Kai” “They just can’t say much about it” sue nodded “Why?” I asked “Don’t know” Anna shrugged her shoulders “But i’ve learned to not just accept it….but to stop worrying about it. Jas on the other hand, wants to know why and the reason for it” “So does Ray” Sue said with a chuckle “And he gets so frustrated when he doesn’t get the answers he wants straight away” “That’s not just Ray, that’s all men” Anna rolled her eyes before laughing I nodded my head, my mind swimming with this new information. When Anna yawned I looked over in worry “Are you ok?” I asked her “Pregnancy” Anna said, waving her hand “I was worse than this with the twins because of how active they were” “They must have depleted your energy” I said “Sometimes. Other times, I would be practising and just get drained so quickly. Soon, all I’ll have energy for will be to get up, go bathroom and eat before needing a nap again” Anna said with a soft smile “That doesn’t sound too bad” I added with a small smile “It is when that is ALL I can do” Anna chuckled “Do you feel movement yet?” Sue asked in fascination “Not yet” Anna shook her head “But no doubt I will soon. Aria made herself known quicker than her brother” “Are you going to decorate a nursery?” Sue asked “I don’t know” Anna said, her eyes wary “I…..want to wait a bit longer” I nodded as I saw the fear in her eyes “It’s not going to happen again Anna” Sue said She reached over and took one of Anna’s hand in hers and squeezed it. Tears escaped Anna’s eyes as she sniffed and a small, broken sob escaped “I just can’t help but count down to the time when things went wrong last time” Anna whispered “Yesterday, Jas went to Belfast for a meeting a…and-” She cut off. When I saw Sue pale, I frowned, looking between the two “It’s not a sign” Sue said “I know what you are thinking and it’s not a sigh Anna” “What isn’t?” I asked “Last time” Anna said “When Jason went to Belfast, that was the same day I had a twinge of pain. There were signs I hadn’t really thought about a..a..and then” Anna cut off as her tears fell fast. Sue and I both got up and hugged her as she quietly sobbed, her pain heartbreaking to watch. It took a few minutes for her to gather herself as she took a tissue to blow her nose. I stayed crouched down and by her side as I watched her struggle to gather herself. “The cord was wrapped around her” Anna whispered “None of us saw it coming, but they think it was started before that day. A..and now, Jas is going to B..Belfast again-” “Hey, hey - No Anna” I said, cutting her off as I understood where her mind was going “that’s not what is happening here. This isn’t a repeat” “It’s just a coincidence Anna” Sue added, rubbing her hands up and down Anna’s arm, trying to comfort her “It’s just a coincidence Anna” I added “Just a twist of fate that it’s happening in the same way but this time it will be different” “How do you know that?” Anna asked as fresh tears fell “It broke me but it almost shattered Jason. Especially after what happened with Tasha and Cody” I closed my eyes as I recalled my brother’s past that he told me about. We had all been sitting down after a BBQ and it resulted in everyone being relaxed and lethargic, laughing and talking well into the late night. It had been a pretty big BBQ and by almost nine pm most of the pack had left, leaving only us immediate family behind in the garden. Anna had eventually left Jason, Ray and I to talk as she yawned and went to put the kids to bed, causing Sue to volunteer to help us. I guess she must have sense my brothers had wanted some alone time because it wasn’t long before they both turned to me and apologised for not being in my life soon so I could have enjoyed this freedom before It had taken considerable effort on my part to make my brothers believe that I wasn’t upset with them. Somehow we had come full circle by talking about things they had also missed on as they were growing up. When they touched a topic I couldn't speak about, they would change the conversation until eventually Jason started telling me about his past….and his first mate. I had listed in both fascination and sadness at what he had gone through and his loss. Sophie and Kai’s support also made me realise how special they were and my admiration for them grew. I also realised how hard Anna had it and her background meant the vulnerability she showed wasn’t just a front to gather sympathy. That was the first time I understood my brother’s pain and that while they were not prisoners with four walls caging them in; they had been prisoners all the same. I hadn’t been there when Anna had lost child. In fact Sue had only been in the family a short while before it happened and Anna had kept that information to herself as Sue and Ray tried to establish their own relationship until they discovered that I was alive. I know both my brothers had been devastated to learn of Anna;s pain. I hadn’t been told of it until almost six months after the fact as I had still been adjusting to being newly freed. “Anna” I said, hugging her “It is not going to happen again, ok?” “And this time, not only is Aria old enough but Kai is here too. Didn’t he say that he was going to come stay for a few days?” Anna nodded, sniffing as she used the tissue “It’s going to be ok this time Anna, i can feel it” I said “The dates-” Anna whispered “Are just a coincidence” Sue repeated Anna sighed, nodding her head slowly. I still saw the fear in her eyes and watched as she twisted the tissue paper in her hand, tearing it into little pieces “Ok…so no nursery just now” I said, trying to lighten the mood “But what about a couple of day trips to the shops. Just to look” “And a pregnancy safe spa day at the hotel?” Sue added, smiling Anna smiled bravely, her eyes now light as the the pain had slowly receded “I could do with some new clothes actually. Last time, I blew up like a whale and nothing even fitted me. I couldn’t find anything to keep me cool in the heat” Anna laughed “I’m sure it wasn't a whale” I said as I got up and started sorting out the food cart with our dirty plates “Oh no, it was a whale” Anna said, shaking her head “A baby whale” Sue added “You were so cute” “See!” Anna laughed “Sue!” I said, shocked Anna and Sue burst into laughter with Anna waving her hand as she tried to explain what she looked like and how accurate their description was “But” I asked, sitting back down at the table “Wouldn’t that make it a penguin? Isn’t that what everyone says? That pregnant women waddle like a penguin” “Oh sure” Anna snorted “If the woman in question, before the pregnancy was a slim person. People who are generously curved and have meat on their browns like me are upgraded to a whale…or an elephant” “Elephants are so majestic and regal, so that’s a good thing” Sue said “And they don’t waddle” “I not only waddled but I because something that had it’s own orbit….it’s own gravity pull” Anna sighed “You did not!” Sue chuckled “that is grossly over exaggerated. You looked so cute and beautiful. Don’t you remember how stunningly shiny your hair got or how your skin shined?” “That was due to the several layers of sweat on top of the sweat after either constantly puking or being overheated” Anna scoffed again I grimaced and made a face, the thought of pregnancy sounding less and less appealing “Makes me not want to be pregnant” I whispered absent-mindnedly “You’ll change your mind when you find your mate” Anna said “It’s worth it…to see their face and whole demeanor change when a part of them is placed in their arms” “I can’t imagine it” I said In my mind, I saw Chris and I couldn’t imagine his reserved face changing with happiness at the thought of having a child. I couldn’t imagine him wanting to change a nappy. Immediately a small boy with a shock of black hair exactly like Chris was in front of me and my heart felt like it was beating extra hard. “A mini him would be cute with all that black hair” I whispered, more to myself than them “Black hair?” Anna asked, surprise written on her face “Wait, are you telling me you’ve found your mate? And you haven’t said anything”? “What?” I asked, shaking my head I looked at a paling Sue who’s eyes were wide and Anna who had now stood up and was watching me with an expression mic of hurt and shock “You said a mini him with black hair - Raine, have you found your mate?” Anna asked “And haven’t told us?” “No, of course not” I lied “Raine” Anna started to speak “No, I just like guys with black hair. I find that whole dark and dangerous look sexy” I lied swiftly Sue looked away, biting her bottom lip as she tried to not give away the truth she knew “You would tell us thought, right?” Anna asked with a tilt of her head “You know you can tell us anything, right? We wouldn’t judge….no matter what. Even if the he was a she or a they…..erm….plus” “Plus?” I asked, eyes wide Anna waved her hand again, her cheek blazing in embarrassment “You know…if it was inter-species or whatever you guys call it” Anna said, her embarrassment clear I burst out laughing “Inter-species! God, it sounds so…alien-like” I said “There’s alien’s too?” Anna squeaked, her eyes opening wider “NO!” I laughed harder “I mean…I don’t know. I just meant the word….it sounds so outlandish. But no…I don’t know who my mate is…yet” I saw Sue look at me with both sadness and anger, her cheeks reddening with the extersion to not say anything. I looked at her with determination, lifting my chin to let her know I wasn’t a fool and that I wasn’t sorry I said it. I met Chris at a time and place not of my choosing. Hell, even being with him at first wasn’t my hearts choice Lier The voice inside spoke I ignore it. I had to focus. I had to do what I came here to do so I could make the changes I needed. So I could met the mate of my heart You already have The voice inside spoke Again, I ignored it and was surprised when I saw Sue stalk to the trolly and start pushing it “Excuse me” Sue said with a hint of annoyance “I just realised I forgot to do something for Ray and his next meeting. I’ll just take this to the kitchen” “Oh” Anna said, getting up “Leave it, the kitchen staff can get it” “I need fresh air anyway, it’s gotten too stuffy in here” Sue said, looking at me I pulled in a gasp as I knew she aimed that at me and watched as she pushed the trolly towards the door. “Well, I guess its probably a good idea. We already took a lot of your time” Anna smiled. She slowly walked towards the door, Sue already now out of sight. I felt the hurt blossom in my chest and I almost wanted to let out a cry but I clenched my hand and let my sharp nails pierce my skin a little to keep from calling Sue back. “Thanks for the lunch” I said with a smile “Thanks for sitting down with us” Anna replied “It’s so nice to have a sister again that lives in the same home like you both” I felt my heart clench, knowing that I was going to be the same sister who was about to rock her world and when I did….it would be her world and her mate changing and the future she was seeing and currently living would cease to exist
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