Magnus (14)

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Magnus (14) I tensed when I felt her energy enter my room, my eyes closing in frustration at the intrusion “Keeping your back to me won’t make me go away Magnus” She said, her voice soft “Why are you here?” I asked, my back to her “You know why” She whispered “No, I don’t” I gritted my teeth “We haven’t spoken in decades” “Only because you didn’t want to speak” She said quietly “Won’t you turn and look at me?” “Why?” I asked “Whose face are you wearing now?” “It’s the only way to not be detected” She replied “We need to talk. This petulant behaviour is why you are still not at your go-” “Petulant?” I hissed, finally turning to look at her “Which is beneath the supreme, don’t you think?” She asked “I have done everything asked of me and yet” I started to say “And yet you still suffer? Are not where you should be?” She acut in, moving forward with her hands clasped in front of her “Do you not think to ask us, to come back to him?” “Why?” I asked “When he abandoned me” “He did not abandon you” She said, shaking her head “He gave you a task-” “An impossible one” I shouted, cutting her off “One that I had fulfilled over and over until I could do no more” “One, you did not complete Magnus” She said gently “One you did not fulfill until it was almost too late” “I still did it” I said in anger I walked towards her, looking at her bright eyes. When her soft hand touched my cheek, I closed my eyes as heat and light went through my body “And you had done so well until you abandoned it. He knew you would and that is why Kai has been selected to carry on” She spoke “He is just a child. Younger than Deedee and I were” I said, eyes still closed “But he is much wiser” She told me “As he needs to be for what is coming” “Does Auriga know you are here?” I asked, finally opening my eyes and stepping back from her “My sister doesn’t know I am visiting you, Magnus” She said, her hand returning to being clasped once again “These games you all play” I snorted “Is why the world is losing faith” “The world is being tested. It always is, as you know” She said “Raine” I said “I need to know who she is…what she is” “Then why haven’t you asked?” She asked me “Because asking anything always comes with a price” I replied. I went to the door and opened it quietly and poked my head out. When I didn't see anyone I closed it quietly and walked to the thin bookcase. Pulling out a brown leather-bound book, I drew a symbol on the cover, drawing the circle and using my pinky finger to place three strategically placed dots in the middle. The book started to glow a amber colour before dying down, the pages flipping open to the section I wanted. I turned around and held it out to her, point to the symbol that appeared in the blank page, glowing with it’s own blue colour before it changed to black…then blue again “Everytime I have any thoughts about Raine, this symbol appears. It changes colour exactly like this” I said in frustration “This means something” “It does” She said, nodding her head “Let me guess” I said with bitterness “If I ask, it will come with a price?” “A task” She confirmed “One which will work in your favor……and will alter the course” “In what way?” I asked with a frown “It will take away your powers, Magnus. You will stop being one of the supremes” I staggered back in shock as my mouth opened and closed like a fish. I shook my head, the book now on the floor as my body became numb “Not possible” I whispered “from the beginning, at least one supreme and one from the ancients has always ruled side by side to keep the balance. Without it, the world will be in chaos” I watched her face and knew that there was more to this story “Why are you telling me this? You all never give us a straight answer” I asked her, my thoughts chaotic and wild “Because my mistake decades ago has started to catch up” She said “And I do not have the luxury of coming up with a plan with my sisters to help deter it. The path has already been set Magnus and only you can help guide it to a less disastrous conclusion” “How does it affect my being a supreme?” I asked, picking up the book and putting it back on the shelf “You are right” She said, her hands now wringing together in agitation “There is more to Raine. While I can’t tell you everything, you need to know that Raine is not as bad as she seems. Her heart has been misguided by those closest to her in her childhood. She is on a course of destruction that could change the very fabric of time, Magnus. Her actions could cause a different timeline that will see the people you care about, disappear” “Disappear?” I asked “Ceasing to exist” She confirmed Once again, I looked at her in shock “How?” I asked, my voice hoarse and raw “She was gifted something. A wish granted, if you will” She said "And after much confusion, she convinced herself she had worked out all the eventualities and outcomes and nowhere did it seem like a bad choice. In her mind, her hearts desire was being granted - but” “But?” I asked, wanting her to go on “She didn’t know about Kai…or Aria. Or how her action could tip the scales one way and the world could be thrown into chaos” She sighed “What was she given? And why would I lose my powers” I asked her “A promise. She was given a promise for her hearts desire and to implement it, she had to use a dagger to take the blood of the new, stronger high witch. A high witch who’s mate would be the ultimate supreme and whose powers along with black magick; would be able to change the hand of time” I sucked in a deep breath, my eyes flashing as I tried to contain my wolf from howling out in pain and running to protect his family. “She has betrayed her mate for this very gift” She continued “Mate!” I gasped “She has a mate?” “Oh yes” She said, nodding her head “One she met when she was barely twelve. His power is what will help her get what she wants. But she is conflicted as deep inside, she knows that there is a large chance he won't be her mate if she does this” “A…and me losing powers?” I asked “A gift or a curse. It depends how you will see it” She said “And leave my grandpup to deal with everything that is about to happen?” I scoffed “Not like he has enough to deal with, a boy who shouldn’t even worry about such things” “Only one supreme is in power at one given time. Right now, there are three of you” She said “Only because we allowed you all to be so. Kai needs the guidance you bring him, but Magnus - even you must acknowledge that he is surpassing you in all ways” “And Deedee?” I asked, ignoring her words “You both are the last descendants of the ancient ones” She said, nodding her head “You both agreed to stay on earth until you both were willing to give up your powers and return or to lose them and stay on earth as normal beings. Deedee has already agreed to depart” “Without telling me!” I added “She broke our pact. I thought we both had to agree to each one leaving. What about the balance then?” “Deedee made a pact that I can not change nor am I a part of. In her heart, she approached him directly” She said with a sad smile “No” I whispered, my eyes closing in pain again “And he has accepted” She confirmed “Tell him no!” I said with clenched teeth “It will disturb the balance” “He has already accepted” She repeated My hands changed into claws and I turned around, slashing at whatever made contact with claws, my anger radiating out as I destroyed the side table, clawed up the wall and threw the laps and books around. After a few moments, my breathing shallow and deep, I started calming down “When?” I asked “I don’t know” She admitted “All I know is the pact has been made” “And me?” I asked, turning to look at her with heaving breaths “You will find the missing part and you will need to decide which one is more valuable, more worthy” She told me “What the hell does that even mean? Find what?” I asked, angry again “You will know when the time comes. Just know that I knew from that day that only you were worthy of this power and only you could do it justice Magnus. A way to right the wrong that was done to you” She said She walked towards me and took my clawed hand in hers, the sharp nails slowly receding back to fingers as it clasped her hand. Her green eyes big and bright and full of promise. “I never wanted you to suffer. And you have. For a mistake that was never yours. This is the only way I could think of to return to you what you lost. Along with a piece of me” She said slowly “It doesn't make sense” I said, shaking my head “It will” She nodded “But that’s not why you are here is it?” I asked her “No, it’s not” She said “Why are you here?” I asked, stepping back once again “Because Aria is coming into her powers a lot faster than we anticipated” She explained “And soon, she will need guidance - guidance of her own that can only come from you doing your job Magnus” “Your hiding something…like always” I tell her, my eyes flashing wolf “The word is hidden in shadows and secrets Magnus” She said, her soft voice creating a false sense of peace “Only the worthy are shown her true beauty” “And the ugly” I added “Is Kai or Aria in danger?” “No” She said “At least….not yet. That is something still to be seen. Magnus, you need to stop Dr Lombard from finding Pandora’s box. With it, not only can Raine cause havoc and problems, but Lance Lombard will be able to bring forth destruction unlike the earth is prepared for” “He already has Haydren’s blood. Something no one should have been able to find in this day and age” I said in anger “How has he been able to find it?” “He has had help. Help that my sisters and I did not see happening. Every being, good or bad; has the choice of selecting their path but this was one we were blindsided by” “He’s getting help and not just from the shifters” I said “Yes” She said, nodding her head “He is” She walked towards the window, her voice now sad and melancholy “From who?” I asked, folding my arms “From his father” She said, her body now trembling “His father?” I asked, confused “Who’s his father? How could he possibly know of something so ancient and old?” “Because he himself is older” She whispered “WHAT?” I asked, shocked once again. Then dread filled my stomach and I folded my arms once again, trying to compose myself “How is that even possible? Who the hell is his father?” “Because he was here long before us and will be here long after. Hell is exactly the right word to use” She said, her own voice now shaking a little “Because that is where he is from. Dr Lance Lombard is part demon and part shifter. His mother was a human who had a third of shifter blood. So he is part wolf” “Demon” I whispered, shaking my head “And his father?” “His father came from the depths of hell as you rightly said” She whispered “His father is none other than HIm…..the one who was disgraced, thrown out of heaven for challenging god and who promised him he will destroy mankind and turn all living thing against him” “Are you saying - “ Once again, my mouth opened in shock “Lance Lombard's father is Lucifer. The very devil himself” She confirmed
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