
3279 Words
Raine (15) I panted, wiping the sweat off my face with the cloth and took a deep breath. I looked at the candles and crystals surrounding Aria’s blood in the small dish and shook my head. How was her blood so powerful? I couldn’t even get past the first round of experiments and I had been trying for the last week. I took a deep breath and picked up my phone, stepping back to sit on the couch. I was glad Anna had a room where we could do spells and it was secluded and furnished. Sinking deeper into the soft couch, I grabbed my phone from the side table and called Chris “Raine” He said, answering with my name “I can’t do it” I said, huffing out a breath “Do what?” Chris asked “The spell. Her blood is so powerful that when I spell it to try using it for the dagger, it doesn’t work” I explained “Doesn’t work how?” CHris asked. I could hear the frown in his voice “Her blood moves, Chris” I said “It’s like it is a living, breathing entity. It has a mind of it’s own” “Are you listening to yourself?” Chris chuckled “Blood doesn’t do that. You know as I do that it is impossible” “Then explain this to me” I said I got up and walked back to the table, letting him see what I was doing through our mind-link. Once again, I added my blood from the syringe into Aria’s blood. I performed the spell, my hands shaking as I then added the black cloves. Like the last time, as soon as I tried to add sage and had even tried to speak the spell, sweat started beading my forehead as my lips shook from being able to complete the sentences. I dropped the smaller cutup pieces of sage into the dish, only for Aria’s blood to slitter away. The blood, like water, moved and rolled around the dish as one. It moved away from the sage and kept to the outer part of the dish. I picked up the chopsticks, my hand shaking with extersion as I tried to mix the sage with the blood but once again, her blood moved. Regardless if I tried to mix it together in whatever direction I chose, her blood would move away from it. When her blood split into two parts to avoid the sage and gather together at the opposite end, i heard Chris gasp before swearing “Exactly” I whispered I moved back and watched the blood settle in the dish away from the sage, shimmering and swearing like the sea. I moved back and sat on the couch, my hand finally steady enough to move and place the chopsticks on the side table. I took the bottle of water and took a deep drink before feeling myself start to relax once again. “I need to speak to father” Chris said I jerked up in shock, the bottle slipping from my hand and spilling as I hastened to clean up the spillage “Chris” I breathed out in shock “You can’t go to him. What about the spies? The promise of not contacting them more than three times in the year?” “It’s the only way. My father has to know what this is” Chris said with resolve “I’ve only gone to him once this year” “And we both know how things crop up” I said “I don’t think it’s a good idea” “Or is it because you know he will ask after you and our mating?” Chris asked, nailing it on the head “I…Chris” I gulped “Right now, with so much-” “Three months, Raine” Chris reminded me I closed my eyes, squeezing them tight as if to shut out his words. I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me and I felt the tears slowly creep out. I sniffed, brushing them away and opening my eyes “What’s wrong?” chris asked in a gentle voice “Nothing” I replied “Do you just forget I can feel everything that you do?” chris asked with a scoff “tell me or I will come” “You’re in france” I whispered with a smile “I’ve been further and I still got to you a day later. You can go anywhere in the world and I will always get to you” Chris said haughtily I chuckled. When he sighed, I knew he was going to ask again “I just felt sad about all the changes that are about to happen” I said, saying half truths “Not all will be bad” Chris said “But not all will be good either” I reminded him “Only if we find out the truth” Chris said with resolve “This doesn’t make sense nor were we told about this” “I know” I agreed “Chris….How can I give them Aria’s blood if I can’t even control it?” “We can do this” Chris said with determination “The first thing I need to do is find out more about Lilly-Anna” “Lombard said she broke all ties” I said with fear “She was a dark witch. When she doesn’t want to be found. She won’t be” “She’s the only one who knows how to do this. It’s her spell” Chris reminded me “And she broke it all when Lombard refused to give her Haydren’s blood” I said, getting up from the couch “No one’s heard from her in years” “There has to be something” Chris said with frustration “We can’t give up on trying to find her” “What could we even offer her?” I asked with a sigh “We have nothing to exchange with” “Leave that to me” Chris said confidently “No Chris” I cut in “This is not your responsibility. This is on me. I was the one who broke the bond with her” “On Lombards say so” Chris reminded me “And mine” I sighed “It was getting too painful. Selling your soul to the dark side. Tearing your wolf apart and letting them chain her wasn’t something I was able to do. I was the one that let her down and then she turned away from us” “Because what she asked for was suicidal” chris said with anger “And yet it was something that could have changed everything a lot sooner” I said sadly “Do you really think it would have been that easy?” Chris asked “Raine, she wanted Haydren’s blood. That tells me she wanted that for something more. She was hiding things from us. She needed that power…needed you for some other purpose than just to help us” I sighed, knowing he spoke the truth. I felt a tear slip away again and I took a deep breath “It’s already been eight years” I whispered “Goddess knows what state she is in now” “Raine” Chris said gently “You can’t think like that. We will save her and we will make it better” I sighed, my eyes gritty from hours of work, my head now pounding as I felt a headache come on. I turned when the door opened and my heart almost came out of my chest when I saw both Sue and Anna come into the room Sue’s eyes widened when she heard Chris talk in the background. Anna had turned around and it was then I saw the omega behind her with the trolly of food. Anna pointed to the archway that she and the omega went through and both Sue and I let out a breath, as I smiled and nodded to her. I watched them go to the lounge and I saw Sue look at me, biting her bottom lip. I quickly let Chris know I had to go and let her know both Sue and Anna were here. Hanging up the phone, I turned to look at Sue who was watching me with curious eyes “He’s going to speak to his father” I whispered “Why?” Sue whispered back Her eyes darted to where Anna had gone and she slowly walked closer to me. I quickly went to the table, picking up the sage leaves and watching as Aria’s blood slowly covered the rest of the space as each of the small sage peeves was picked out. I turned around and watched a pale Sue look at the dish, her mouth opening and closing like a fish “I…is that…Aria’s blood?” Sue asked I nodded “It….moved” Sue whispered “I know” I answered back “H…how? Oh goddess Raine!” Sue hissed “This….isn't right” “I know” i said again Sue opened her mouth to speak again when Anna came back into the room, smiling. I saw the omega bow her head before walking away without the trolly; closing the door behind her “You’ve been in here since seven this morning. I figured you were ready for this” Anna said, walking towards me I smiled, walking towards her with a nod. We all walked towards the small living room and my stomach grumbled as the mouth watering taste of home cooked food hit my nose. I walked over to the table and turned around to look at Anna who was chuckling “Lasagna and garlic bread for breakfast?” I asked “Lunch” Anna said “Breakfast was four hours ago. It’s almost one pm” My eyebrow rose in surprise as I looked towards the wall clock and saw that it was indeed lunch time. No wonder my stomach spoke “You must really have been busy if you didn’t realise it was lunch. I’m already starving even though I eat an hour ago” Anna laughed “You are eating for two” Sue teased “Your allowed to get hungry every hour” “Yea” Anna laughed again “The only problem with that is, looking like a house” We all chuckled as we started plating up. I took a large portion of the lasagna, my mouth watering at the small of garlic as I put three pieces of the bred on my plate. I took a large portion of the side salad and topped it with the vinaigrette and glaze and grabbed my cutlery. Sue passed me a can of drink and I sat at the small dinning table, watching as Anna and Sue did the same, their plates piled just as high as mine. I groaned in pleasure, my eyes closing as my tongue severed the meat and delicious taste of what I had in my mouth. I inhaled my food. That's the only way to describe it because I only remember having the first bite. When I looked back down at the plate I realised two things. One, I had eaten more than half without realising and two, neither Sue or Anna had spoken in that time. “Sorry” I blushed “I guess I was hungrier than I thought” “Don’t be” Anna said with a wave of her hand “You have been at this for a while. Have you found anything?” “Yes” I nodded “Aria’s blood repairs itself” “What?” Sue asked with a frown “What does that mean”? “That Aria’s blood commands her body. Her blood has properties to repair itself” I explained “How is this possible?” Sue asked in shock “I know” Anna whispered “You know?” I asked, shocked “Yes. When she was little” Anna explained “Aria was playing on the stairs. I told her so many times to be careful but….she was a three. She fell, cutting her knee open. It wasn’t life threatening but it wasn’t small either. I screamed and almost had a heart attack and Aria sniffed and when the blood started leaking, she pointed to it and instead of crying - she said….boo boo, no! No out!” Sighing, Anna looked at us and then spoke “The blood started running back up towards the cut and back into her body. I watched in shock, sure my eyes were deceiving me. Kai arrived a minute later, gathered her in his arms and told her to be careful. He watched as her blood went back in and whispered something into her ear. Aria bent down and placed one finger on the cut. Right in front of my eyes, the cut closed up. Kai bent down and kissed it and within minutes, the cut slowly started to disappear. It left no scar” Anna said in a rush “H..how?” Sue asked, her eyes wide “Anna” I said, my body shaking “you understand that this isn't right….or shouldn’t even be possible. Right?” “I know” Anna said “We know. Deedee and I haven't spent years trying to figure out what this means and how this is possible. None of our history books have ever mentioned this ever happening” “They wouldn’t” I said “Especially if it means something. No doubt they would be scared of being targeted” “No one ever spoke about it either. We couldn’t find information on it” Anna said, sitting back against the chair “Not even Kai?” Sue asked, taking a sip of her Tango “No” Anaa said, shaking her head. “I asked him if he knew and all he said was that Aria was special. The way he said it, I knew he didn’t expect this at all” “What does it mean?” Sue asked “We still don’t know” Anna said “But we do know it is special…almost…devine and that means it needs to be kept a secret” Anna looked at me pointedly and I nodded, my body shaking inside with what this could possibly mean “Is this why I can’t take it out of this building?” I asked “A part of it. But it was spelled” Anna replied “Why? By you?” Sue questioned “By Kai” Anna said with a shake of her head “You can’t tell Ray or Jas you guys know this but…..Toby had a ike accident a few months after that incident with Aria. He was hurt bad. Aria came rushing out the house as Jason and I tried to untangle him. There was so much blood” Anna visibly shook, the memory causing her pain as her eyes held the terror or what happened. “We were losing him. I could feel it…we all could” Anna said as a tear slipped down her face “I tried to ease his pain with a spell but Aria appeared out of nowhere. She pushed us all aside” “Pushed?” I asked with a frown “As in threw her hands out and we all skidded back as if someone had swatted us away” Anna took a deep breath “She cut herself with the sharp piece of mettle from the bike and…goddess…it was like watching a move” I held my breathing, waiting for her to go on. I opened the link to Chris, letting him know what was being said even as I knew he had missed the first part of it; he would be shocked to know the rest “Her blood started running down in large quantities, that's how deeply she had cut herself” Anna sobbed a little “Kai appeared not long after but Aria kept him at bay. Her blood….she commanded it to help her brother. By the time we were able to push against her force…Toby was fully healed. His cuts were gone and the blood was returned back in him. Aria had used her blood to save her brothers life. Her blood had twisted and turned, going over his body as if it had a mind of it’s own” “Wow” Sue said I let out my breath, realising I couldn’t hold it in longer “When we had asked her how, Kai had told us we shouldn’t have seen that. He said that the only way to protect Aria was to spell her blood so others couldn’t see it do anything if she ever accidentally cut or hurt herself in front of people. It was then we smelt the difference in her blood. It was…sweet. Sugary and intoxicating. That was the first time I had seen Jason acknowledge Kai as superior and his worry for Aria had him agreeing to Kai’s action. So I bound her magick a little and Kai spelled her blood so others couldn’t smell or see the power within it….so no one could take it for ill gains” “Why did you give it to me then?” I asked “you knew I was going to use spells to figure out her blood” “Because no matter what you did, we knew you couldn’t harm her blood or use it wrongly. Kai’s spell is strong and….dangerous” Anna said “Dangerous?” I asked with a frown “Cursed” Whatever you want to call it” Anna sighed She got up and placed her plate on the trolly and grabbed the large chocolate cake and bought it to the table. While my mouth watered at it, I looked at her as she cut a small slice and put it onto a fresh new plate “What do you mean Anna?” I asked “How is it cursed”? “Kai” Anna said, sighing again, looking at me “Kai spelled it so not only can her blood not leave this building but…” Biting her bottom lip, she looked at Sue and I. My stomach twisted in knots and I had a bad feeling about what she was going to say next “You're not allowed to tell us?” Sue asked “It’s ok, if you can’t” “Kai….spelled it so Aria would be forever protected. So no-one can harm her, take her for her powerful blood” Anna went on “Kai, Deedee, Magnus, Kelsie and I have spent years trying to understand Aria’s blood. The properties in it and how it works and we are no closer to understanding but…Kai understood the danger Aria could be in if this information ever got out” “What did he do?” I asked, my heart thumping painfully in my chest “He protected her in the best way possible” Anna said, sitting down and forking a piece of the cake “He spelled her blood again but this time with a command of his own….a curse” “What kind of curse?” I asked, scared “That if anyone was to inject, touch or taste her blood….it would be poison to them and they would die” Anna admitted
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