Chapter 21

1537 Words

I woke up to something brushing along my nose. I ran my hand along my face, hoping to remove whatever it was. Only to find the same sensation across my face. I shot up quickly. “Mia!” “I’m so glad you’re back,” she held me in a tight hug like a vice, “how did you get him to change his mind?” “I said I’d go apologize to Alicia” “What? After the way she talked to you?” “I’ve been called worse. Besides, what’s a stupid apology if it means getting Liam back here” “That’s unfair” “Well we’re back for now,” I jostled her with my elbow, “I have a full 2 months to wreak havoc here” “You know you could stay longer. I don’t think they’ll chuck you out the minute you turn 18” “Better to not get my hopes up. Where’s Liam?” “Leo, Dad and Carlos took off with him early this morning. He's been

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