Chapter 3

1176 Words
Violently I sat up, expelling the dark water from my stomach. Someone patted my back gently as the cold air flowed through my lungs again. “Get it all out” I clutched my ribs, wheezing as pain started to set in. “Easy now,” the stranger supported my head as he helped me lower myself back to the ground, “I’m gonna take a look to see what’s going on okay?” His hands, already at the hem of my shirt. I smacked his hands and tried to scoot away, only causing me more pain. Lifting his hands up in surrender, his eyes lingered on me. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he placed a hand on his chest, “My name is Liam. I’m just trying to help,” his eyes looked straight into mine, waiting for confirmation. He sounded sincere. When I nodded he scooted closer and slowly pulled up my shirt, just up to my bra line. “s**t,” he lowered my shirt, “you’re gonna have to go to the hospital” He picked me up with such ease and carried me up the slippery slope to the road above. We passed a park bench to the left and I saw the local grocery store on my right. I floated about a mile and a half away from the bridge. Looking up at my rescuer. He had sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. His sharp features seemed oddly familiar. A gust of wind sent a shiver throughout my body, making me hiss in pain. His grip tightened, pulling me closer into his hard chest. “Sorry, just bear with me a little longer. The car shouldn’t be much further” A few seconds later I could hear the engine of a car approaching us. The windows rolled down. “What the hell happened?” A gruff voice asked. “She needs to go to the hospital” The back passenger door opened and soon we were inside the car, with me still cradled in his arms, as it sped away to the hospital. There was another man in the front passenger seat and another in the back with us. The very first bump in the road we hit rattled us and made me scream in pain. “What the hell is wrong with her Liam!” The driver asked. “I don’t know!” he shouted, holding me closer, to prevent me from being jostled around, “just pay attention to the road” “Christian, take a look at her” The man sitting next to us nodded. “Where are you hurt?” He asked, getting ready to reach over. Before I could say anything, another scream erupted through me as we hit another bump. “Leo! Pay attention to the damn road!” Liam shouted. Leo? I remembered the name, but the pounding in my head was making it hard to concentrate. “Do you want me to get there or not!” He shouted back. “All of you shut up!” The stranger in the passenger seat shouted, now leaning over the seat. He looked a lot younger than the 2 in the backseat with me, “Liam what’s wrong with her?” “I don’t know, but she’s struggling to breathe and it looks like a few of her ribs are broken” Christian leaned over again reaching for my shirt. I clutched Liam’s shirt and pulled myself closer, burying my face into his chest. “Hey, hey, calm down,” He ran his hand soothingly over my head, “Christian is my brother, he’s a nurse and is just going to take a look.,” I held my grip and refused to move, “Alright. Just leave her alone.” We pulled up to the main entrance. Leo had gotten out of the car first and opened the door. It finally hit me. The Leo I met at the shop the day before was the one who was looking at me with such anger now. “Here,” he reached in to pull me out of the car, but I was still holding onto Liam’s shirt. “You’re going to be fine,” he held my hand reassuringly, “I’ll go in-“ “We don’t have time for this,” Leo cut him off and pulled me from the car. My hands clutched my aching ribs. Leo had run inside with me, with such care that I didn’t even feel his rushing steps. Everything happened so quickly I was placed on a stretcher and wheeled off to a room. Leo and Liam by my side. The doctor had come in and was saying something to us, but I couldn’t focus on any of it. I was in such a panic mode that I lost it when the doctor started to lift my shirt. “Just hold her down!” Leo was shouting at Liam. “You’re scaring her!” He pushed Leo away and then lowered himself next to me, running his hand on top of my head, “the doctor here is just going to take a look at your ribs like I did at the river. Okay? He’s not going to do anything without asking you first,” he shot a look up at the doctor who nodded, “I’m right here,” he held my hand. His voice was so soothing to me. It all puzzled me, but I felt a sense of calm with him around. I nodded at him again and the doctor began his examination. “She definitely broke her ribs. We need to get her an x-ray. She could have pneumothorax” “Do whatever needs to be done,” Leo said in a serious tone and left the room. After the X-ray we were led back to the room where both Liam and I were asked to change into dry gowns. A nurse came in and gave him a great big smile that faltered when she looked at me, glowering. I looked over to Liam who was sitting in a chair beside my bed and only staring at me with so much concern that it made me a little uncomfortable. “We’re going to give you some medicine to ease the pain,” she sat down the small vial with clear liquid in it. She pulled out what looked like a rather large syringe, but in reality it was probably not as horrifying as it looked. Without warning she jabbed it straight into my arm. A little yelp escaped my lips. Liam chuckled next to me. I shot him a glare. He leaned over, elbows resting on his knees and his hands covering what was clearly a smile. “The doctor will be in shortly,” she quickly said, but when she turned around she put on a big bright smile again. “Let me know if there is anything I can do for you,” and she was gone.
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