Chapter 4

1041 Words
We sat in silence for some time. I turned my head a few times pretending to just look around the room and each time Liam was still staring at me. Finally I plucked up the courage and turned my body slightly so I was facing him a bit more. “Thank you,” it pained me to say this. Not because I didn’t want to, but because it literally hurt to breathe. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m sure anyone would’ve done the same” The thought of anyone who cared enough to jump off a bridge to save me was laughable enough, but to have a stranger do just that made me feel… odd. I was grateful don’t get me wrong, but I felt like I was being lured into a false sense of security. “Where is John?” “The old man? He was brought to the hospital too. He’s getting the help he needs,” He moved the chair closer, placing his forearm on the bed and leaning closer. His eyes landed on my neck. His eyebrows furrowed, then his eyes traveled to my arms. He reached for my wrists which were covered in bruises. I hid them away quickly under the blankets. “What happened on the bridge? How did you get mixed up in all of that?” “I’m just very unlucky I suppose,” I began to pick at the blanket. “Why were you on the bridge in the first place? Shouldn’t you be in school?” “I was, but…” I hesitated. How far into this did I want to go? I wasn’t too keen on spilling my life story to a complete stranger. “I forgot to give John his breakfast” “John?” “He’s the homeless man that posted up on the bridge. I don’t know his real name, but it never felt right just saying ‘hey you’, so I call him John” “I see. So you turned around?” “Yeah, but Braxton, Owen, Jonas and Luis were bothering him” “So why not leave John alone? He’s a grown man. He seems like he could’ve dealt with a few teenagers” “Because he didn’t do anything to bother them so why should he be left to deal with them alone” “You’re very brave for sticking up for him” “Or a complete i***t,” Leo said entering the room. “Leo-“ Liam began, but went silent when Leo held up a hand. “Do you have any idea how dangerous it was to get involved in a fight between 4 teenage boys and a grown man?” “That was no fight! They just attacked an innocent man for no reason” “How do you know that? How do you know John didn’t provoke them?” I didn’t want to tell him that I was the cause of all of this. A hard lump settled in my throat. “Here,” he tossed a bag on the bed, “both of you have clothes in there. Liam, get dressed. We still have business to attend” “Can’t you…” Liam began, but sighed when Leo glared at him, “fine,” he got up and dug through the bag pulling out the set of clothes Leo had brought, “I’ll be out in a minute” Leo left the room, taking a lot of the tension with him. “What’s his deal?” I held my side, reaching for my clothes. Liam let out a small chuckle at my attempt to grab the clothes. “He means well. He’s just got a lot on his plate” “Like what?” “Well for starters he has to take care of all of our fathers business ventures now. So he’s very busy” “Must be tough. Especially with the stick” “Stick?” He stopped digging through the bag. “Yeah. The one up his ass,” I said, holding up the shirt I was given. A loud burst of laughter came from him. He nearly fell on the floor laughing. Wiping tears from his eyes. “Sorry to leave you, but,” he scratched the back of his neck, “would it be alright if I came back?” “Why?” I was confused. “I like you. You’re funny” I’ve never had anyone say they like me. He did just save my life so I didn’t want to be rude and tell him no. “Sure. I don’t know when I’ll be getting out though” “They’ll probably keep you overnight. Do you want me to call your parents? They must be worried” “No, that's alright,” Anne could careless, “If it’s just pneumothorax they’ll just send me home and tell me to rest for 6 weeks or so” He gave me a concerned and puzzled look, sitting at the edge of the bed. “How do you know that?” I didn’t want to tell him that this had happened to me before on a few different occasions. I don’t like people to pity me. “I just watch a lot of medical channels on T.V. They fascinate me” “You’d get along well with Christian. He’s really into that stuff too. That’s why he got into this field,” he got up and headed to the bathroom and when he came out, he looked handsome in black slacks and a white button up. The boyish look was replaced with a serious expression. “Take it easy and if there’s anything you need don’t be afraid to ask. Here’s my number,” he handed me a business card. “How old are you?” I laughed while grabbing the card. It was very simple. White with black writing. On it was his name and number. “I’m 18,” he grinned, picking up my hand and placing a soft kiss on it, “I’ll see you later” The blood rushed to my cheeks. “Eighteen!!!” I shouted. I could hear his laugh just outside the door.
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