2: The Stench Of Arrogance

1838 Words
Freya No one has ever considered me a beauty, but I knew I was easy on the eyes to get myself a man if I wanted. I’d cleaned up as much as I could, combing out my hair and putting it into a single plait. ​Leaving the house wasn’t as hard since everyone knew my boyfriend had been banished, and no man was willing to risk his place in the pack for me. ​The loud music from the party could be heard from miles away. And as I got closer, I let the loud beat take over the rhythm of my body. Tonight, I wasn’t Alpha Orson’s estranged daughter—I was Freya, and goddess help me I was going to get f****d tonight. ​A small space with sweaty bodies was not my scene so I walked straight to the bar and avoided the dancing floor. I spotted a man, well away from the others. He gave the vibe that he wanted to be alone, it would be easier to talk him into leaving here with me. ​Dark brown hair was half covering light brown eyes. His gaze drilled into me as I took the chair beside him, grabbed his drink, and sipped it like it was a scene that happened daily. I fluttered my lashes and tried to imitate the f**k me eyes. ​Instead of drooling all over me, he looks surprised and almost annoyed before getting up to change his seat. Not a single word said to me. I’m not going to back down easily. ​I followed him, grabbed his new drink, and gulped down the liquor, the alcohol was going to give my courage a boost. ​This earns a chuckle from him. He put his elbow on the counter and looked at me with amusement dancing in his eyes. “Do you know who I am?” ​I tapped my index finger on my chin like I was giving his question a thought. “I don’t think strangers that are about to f**k need to know themselves, takes away the thrill of it all. Don’t you think so?” ​He scoffs like what I said was the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard. “Better go build a sandcastle or something.” ​“What do you mean by that?” ​“That’s what children like you do, is it not?” ​I hit my palm on the counter. “I’m not a child, I’m 18.” ​“Definitely a child,” he muttered and signaled the bartender for another drink. “Look here baby girl, I’m not here to f**k. And even if I was—I’ll certainly won’t be f*****g you. I’d find myself a grown woman with some meat on their bones.” His eyes scrutinized my body with no shame like he was shopping for meat in the market. ​It was very insulting that someone was rejecting my offer for them to f**k me, for free at that. Like my pride couldn’t be trampled on even more. I tried to remind myself of the reason I was there, but this stranger, hot or not, was getting on my nerves. ​“I’m pretty sure no woman is going to let you in their bed with that rotten attitude of yours.” ​“Don’t worry that little head of yours, I can assure you there’s a pretty long line of women begging me to take them to bed.” Then he looked at me with a smirk, “Like you were doing just now.” ​I gripped the edge of the counter so hard I thought my bones could break. “You’re the type to not be good in bed and use women to soothe his ego.” ​“I’d over to show you, darling,” he used the endearment a bit too sweetly I knew instantly that he was being sarcastic. “But I wouldn’t f**k you even if you paid me.” ​It was hard to contain my outburst. “Why not?” I sprang up from my seat. “What’s wrong with me?” ​He considered it. “For one, you’re still a virgin. Must be here to—” he put his index finger in the corner of his mouth and dragged it out with a pop. “The cherry.” ​“Of course not!” The lie slipped easily through my lips. “If I wanted to have s*x for the first time, it would be with someone who cherished me and understood the intimacy of that moment.” ​He raised his brows. “Are you sure? Because I hate virgins.” ​“And why do you hate them.” ​“They’re inexperienced and clingy, that’s the worst combination on planet Earth.” ​I cleared my throat. “I can assure you I’m nothing like that. I’m going to give you the best night of your life.” That was going to be far from it but he didn’t have to know. All he had to do was f**k me and save me from this doom of a marriage. I’ll deal with the consequences later. ​“I do not care baby girl.” He stood up and cleared his bill. “Go find another stranger to f**k. Cause this man here is not the man you’re looking for.” ​It was tempting to throw the glass in my hand on his retreating form. But he’ll overpower me in a fight, I haven’t even gotten my wolf yet. ​I sat there, wallowing in self-pity and stuffing myself with food and drinks. The party was going on in full swing around me but all I could think of was Gray. How was he doing? Did he join another pack? ​This matter would’ve been resolved so easily if he were still around. He was the one I had planned to be with because I knew he would care for me after. He must hate me now. I was about to get up in search of my next target when a boy in skinny jeans walked up to me. ​“Hey, want to get out of here and have some fun?” His breath reeked of alcohol but at least he wanted me. ​I gave him my brightest smile and put my hand in his. “Sure.” ​He took me to the back of the building where people weren’t loitering and immediately started kissing me. I closed my eyes, imagined he was Gray, and kissed him back. ​His hands pushed under my shirt, he pushed down my bra and started to grope my breast. I forced down the disgust that started to creep in and reminded myself I only had to endure this for a couple minutes. ​I felt his finger tugging the band of my pants when a gunshot suddenly rang out. I yelled when I saw blood splatter on the wall beside me, and the guy who was kissing me dropped to the floor. What the hell? I checked his pulse, my blood running cold when I realized he was dead. ​I looked up to see the stranger I’d approached first, a sly smile was dancing on his lips. I rushed over to him in horror. ​“Were you that jealous another man was kissing me that you killed him? Are you insane? Wipe that smile on your face, you just killed someone!” ​“Don’t flatter yourself, darling. I told you I wasn’t here to f**k,” he pointed at the dead guy. “I was here for him. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” ​“No!” I grabbed his arm. People were beginning to run everywhere because of the gunshot. It was a mad house and I didn’t want to be lost in the midst of it. “Please get me out of here.” ​He peeled my hand off of him. “Do I look like your knight in shining armor? Get someone else to play that role, I’m a busy man.” ​“I’m no damsel in distress, but it’s all your fault. My night wouldn’t have gone to s**t if you hadn’t killed him. There are more than a dozen men here, why did it have to be him?” ​“I know you’re desperate for a f**k, but you can do better than a dead man.” ​I’ve never had someone get on my nerves this much. “Are you always infuriating?” ​“Are you always horny?” he retorted before turning and leaving me in the middle of the stampede. ​I didn’t even know how to get back out front from here. Everyone was running in whichever direction they deemed safe. It didn’t help that it was dark out and I could barely make out a thing. ​People were shoving me on all sides, it felt like my life was being choked out of me. I didn’t have enough body strength to push people out of the way. This was it. I’d get trampled to death and no one would even be able to find my body. ​I felt the tears on my cheeks but didn’t bother cleaning up. If only my father hadn’t betrothed me to Alpha Damon, I wouldn’t have come here and left at the mercy of strangers. ​Worst of all was—no one would look for me, they wouldn’t even care. It was best this way, my torture and pain would finally come to an end. At least no one will miss me, or mourn, not my family, not my non-existent friends. ​I let my body go, not bothering in what direction I was being shoved. Accepting my faith would make it easier. ​Not until someone grabbed my hand. I started to scream at the top of my lungs. It was easier to die out here than be dragged off to goddess knows where and killed. ​“Hey, it’s me.” ​I recognized the voice right away. It was the hot stranger. ​“Calm down baby, I don’t want you passing out on me. Hang in there, I’ll pull you out.” ​I was stunned into obedience. “I thought you didn’t save damsels in distress.” ​“I don’t, I’m doing this for my own selfish interest. How about I save you in exchange for a f**k? It’s what you wanted, right?” ​My forehead crumbled in confusion. “I didn’t you wouldn’t f**k me even if I paid you.” ​He laughed, but there was nothing funny about this. “You’re in luck today darling, because I get horny after a kill. Deal?” ​The smile on my face was the answer for both of us.
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