
Ensnared By The Hybrid Alpha

escape while being pregnant
another world

“Give your body to me, Dandelion.” He drawls and Freya scowls at him, ignoring the way her heartbeat accelerates and the way her core throbbed at the sight of his wicked smirk.“Please stop calling me that, and I’d rather die before that happens!” She hurls defiantly and her captor and the bane of her existence, the dark alpha king, scoffs.“Perhaps try saying that next time with more conviction, and while at that, keep in mind that I can always tell whenever you’re aroused around me.”Freya splutters, cheeks pink. “How–”“Your scent always gives you away.”~~~ Freya’s unfortunate life went from worst to worst in a flash. Her only desire was to prevent her father from marrying her away, but an impulsive decision left her pregnant, which in turn got her banished. She thought fate shined on her when she crossed paths with the father of her child, who coincidentally turned out to be her mate, but fate had a darker plan for her when she got rejected and almost lost her life. Having nothing else to live for, Freya didn’t believe her plight could get any worse, but it did when she fell into the hands of Kane, an enemy of her ex-mate and her father. Pregnant and captured, Freya knew her life was doomed because she had nowhere else to run.How much worse can Freya's life get? How much more can she handle? And how is she gonna handle everything life keeps throwing at her?Kane Cyrus is a martyr, a prodigy and everyone’s worst nightmare. With a long list of enemies to tick off, along with deep scars maring his soul, his thirst for revenge and blood was frightening. A dainty, rebellious omega whose mouth was as sharp as her curves, if only her brains were that sharp.A hybrid alpha born by a monster and forged by a lifetime of loss and pain, whose presence makes kings fall to their knees.A mismatch made in hell.

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1: Hellhole
Freya If I’m ever asked to describe the devil, it would be the easiest thing to do in the world. I only had to take a look at Alpha Orson of the crescent pack, and the words would start to flow like water. And if it wasn’t enough, I’d take a look at my entire family. ​It’s not a secret that they hate me. In fact, my father would rather I wasn’t born at all. I agree with him, not being alive was better than this pain that I’ve been forced to live with. ​The strike of his hand on my cheek leaves me gasping for breath. This wouldn’t be the first time that he’s hitting him, but I’ve never seen him this angry. ​“Father,” I held my cheek, eyes wide with shock. ​“Don’t ever call me that, you godforsaken child!” He heaved, the veins on his neck straining against the smooth flesh. “What the hell have you done?” ​My step-sister, Hartley, has a sly smile on her face so I know she must’ve lied against me again. “I didn’t do anything.” ​“Oh, shut up! You act all innocent but deep inside you’re just a conniving slut!”Britany taunts from where she’s standing at my father’s side. “Teach her a lesson darling, next time she’ll learn how to keep her legs closed.” ​“What are you all saying?” I cried, but nobody was listening to me. ​“Repeat what you told me, Hartley.” My father grabbed my arm. “Repeat it!” “She snuck out to see her boyfriend last night after you and mum went to bed. I’ve heard about her sneaking around with boys from the pack, but I couldn’t confirm it until I saw her yesterday.” This time his fist went for my eyes. I screamed, and a searing pain shot into my skull. “I’ve taken care of you since you were a child to make sure you remained pure, and all the while you’ve been busy whoring around? What good are you to me?” What was even more taunting was how Hartley laughed while her mother encouraged her father to beat me. I’d made sure everyone was asleep before I left the house, I should’ve been careful now I was going to put Gray in danger. Last night we had concluded our plans on how to elope once I turned eighteen. We loved each other but our relationship would never bloom in this pack. The thought of escaping this terrible place was what kept me going. Father left me wheezing on the floor when he exhausted his strength. And all I could do was curl into a ball until the pain subsided. “Call Martha for me,” he instructed Hartley, which I found strange. He has never called for the pack nurse to tend to my wounds whenever he was done beating me. “Alpha Orson,” the nurse greeted when she came over. “You requested for her.” “I need you to check if Freya is still a virgin,” he said the words so casually like he was asking her about the weather. “Father! How can you even…” I couldn’t get the words out. “I’ve never been with a man before. Please, believe me.” This was the most humiliating thing he had ever done to me. “I need a report in the next five minutes or you’ll bear the consequences.” He looked sternly at Martha before he stormed out. I stared in horror as Martha and her assistant made their way towards me. “Don’t touch me! You can’t violate me like this!” I yelled until my throat was sore. All my protests were ignored, no one would defy the order of the alpha himself. I was helpless, tears rolling down my eyes as the nurse touched me and prodded me in places that violated my basic rights as a girl. “Alpha Orson, she’s still a virgin,” the nurse reported before retreating to her chambers. “You don’t know how lucky you are,” Father sneered. “I would’ve thorn you to shreds with my bare teeth if the result had been otherwise. I don’t need you here, you’re useless to me. The only thing you’re good for is breeding pups. You’re going to keep yourself chaste and marry your betrothed in a month, that is all you have to do. Keep your legs closed until you get married, then you can breed for Alpha Damon as much as you want.” “I don’t want to get married, father,” I said through my tears. “Especially not to a man as old as my own father.” That earned another slap. “Don’t talk about the alpha in that manner. I promised to give you to him, if anything you should be grateful that he agreed to welcome you into his pack. I’m doing you a favor here because no one else would ever want you!” My emotions clogged my throat, my sorrow turning to anger. “I should be grateful? If you’re truly doing me a favor why don’t you let Hartley marry him, she’s your daughter too.” It was my stepmom who slapped me this time. “Don’t mention my daughter’s name with that filthy mouth of yours.” “You don’t think she’s fit to marry the old man, but I am?” “Do I need to remind you that I clothe and care for you even though you’re not my daughter? Yet you stand there and slander my precious daughter like you could ever match her status. There’s no need to give him a jewel when we have an unwanted child that he could use as he pleases. He wants you a virgin, that is the condition of your marriage. I’ll beat some sense into you if I need to.” If only my mother was alive, she would never let Father treat me this way. Her defiance of his villainy was why he hated her so much—and he has kept punishing me all these years for it. There was no one to come to my rescue, not even Gray could help me. His father wasn’t even an omega, he was not in the position to protest my injustice. “I will not marry him,” I declared, “I’m already in love with someone else.” The silence that followed was deafening. We were standing outside the house, the full moon a witness to my misery. Will the moon goddess ever have mercy and shine her light on me. “A good whip would bring you back to your senses.” My night did get worse. He had his men tie me to the pole he used for executing members of the pack that went rogue, and flog me with thick leather like I was a criminal. Each stroke seeped into my skin and broke my heart. I sought solace in my memories of the past when my mother was still alive. She’d often protect me from the ruthlessness of my father, challenging him whenever he abused me. And that had led ultimately to her death. Then when my father remarried I learned what cruelty was. My stepmom and her daughter never failed to remind me how unlovable and useless I was. There was no leaving the pack, not until I turned eighteen. “Listen careful, this your only chance to do something meaningful for this family and this pack, you are the key to merging the two packs for us to become allies, do not f**k it up!” “You can’t force me to get married, my heart belongs to someone already. I love Gray, father, please don’t let me get married to that old man.” I could see his face harden with unrestrained anger, “Peter!” He called out to his beta. “Bring me that boy called Gray, it’s time I teach my daughter a lesson on obedience.” “No! Please don’t hurt him.” I rushed over to him, head bent down at his feet. “Punish me however you want but please don’t hurt him.” All my pleas fell on deaf ears. Soon, Gray was dragged in by my father’s men. His blonde hair was tussled, falling over his forehead. His eyes met mine, and I saw the fear in them. He knew my father had found out about us, all because Hartley couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Alpha Orson stood in front of the little crowd that had gathered. Gray was in a puddle on the floor beside him. “Today, I, Orson, Alpha of the Crescent pack, have banned Gray Morrison from the pack. From today onwards, he will not be a recognized member of our community and will be seen and treated as a threat to our wellbeing if seen anywhere close to our dwelling.” A soft murmur echoed through the crowd, but it couldn’t drown out the breaking of my heart. Gray was banned from the pack, and it was all because he had gotten himself involved with me. I tried to catch his eyes but he wouldn’t even look at me, he must have regretted the day he met me. I truly brought bad luck to whoever got associated with me. “Gray…” I called my voice already weak from crying. He didn’t give any indication that he was listening to me. “I’m sorry, I’m truly sorry.” That was when he looked up at me, the tears in his eyes mirroring mine. The tenderness that had been in his gaze last night as we planned for our future was gone, and in place of it was a justified hatred for me. He opened his mouth to speak but the men dragged him up and out to make sure he was out of the pack as Father instructed. “Father, please…” I cried as they took him away. “This is what you get when you disobey me.” He sneered. “Your wedding is in two months, keep yourself chaste until I hand you over. Now, get out of my sight.” Father took away what was precious to me, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him. In two weeks I’ll be turning eighteen and will be married off to Alpha Damon. ​But, I was going to show my father that he couldn’t control me. That virginity that they cherished so much will be gone and I won’t have to get married. ​I'd rather stay here than go to a strange land to be the s*x slave, and probably be treated worse than I was here. Without Gray by my side, I did not dare to run away by myself. I was physically strong enough to keep myself safe from the rogues I was sure to encounter on the way. ​A party was happening in the neighboring pack. They were my enemies but it made my plan perfect. I was going to attend with the sole purpose of losing my virginity, it was the only way to avoid getting married to that monster. ​Gray had promised to be gentle with me, and he loved me. But it doesn't matter anymore, I’m willing to take my chances when the first man crosses my path.

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