Chapter 10 Harlot's Favor

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-Dorian- “Lord Dorian! It has been a long time since the last time you came here.”The woman in pink greets me with a sweet smile. I smile back, feeling embarrassed because I don’t remember who she is. I have no difficulty memorizing people’s names, but I find it hard to match people’s faces with their names. “Yeah, it has been a while.”I manage to smile as the woman holds my arm, dragging me into the house. “The girls are very lonely when you’re away, Lord Dorian. We miss you so much.”She drawls dramatically, while eyeing the harlots to welcome me, which rings a bell to me that she is the manager of the brothel. “I am honored to be missed by you and your girls, Madame Pink.”I nod at her and the girls. They surround me like sharks smelling the scent of blood. In my case, what intrigues them could be the smell of coins. I have been very generous to the harlots and bartenders, for they are easily bribed. As long as you can give them enough money, you can turn them into useful informants. “Who would you want for today, Lord Dorian?”Madame Pink asks. I look at the girls and their body languages are all shouting “pick me!” I can’t recognize who they are. They look similar especially with their make-ups. It is really hard to make a choice, so I go for my favorite color, “I want Sapphire.” The harlots exchange looks and remain silent. Before long Madame coughs and gives me an apologetic smile, “Sorry my lord, Sapphire is not available today.” “Where is she?”I ask curiously. “Her mom got sick so she went back to visit her mom.”The harlot in red explains hurriedly. I know she is lying, since Sapphire told me once she is an orphan. I don’t see the benefits to nail a harlot’s lie, so I let go of the topic and simply state, “I am sorry to hear that. I want Emerald, then.” “Emerald is occupied.”The harlot says as she shoulders through other harlots and stands in front of me, bowing her head. “I can serve you instead, Lord Dorian. I have never served you before. It will be my great honor if you can grant my humble wish.” I lean forward and lift up her chin. The ambitious aura the harlot possesses reminds me of someone. Someone I will never be able to meet again. A weak laugh escapes me and I s***k her butt like a playboy, “Wish granted.” “Ohh!”She yelps dramatically and giggles, dragging me to the nearest room and shutting the door behind us. I scan the room, sitting on the edge of the bed, drumming my fingers on the bed sheet. The harlot starts to strip and I turn my head to the window side. I was avoiding seeing her naked body but she misunderstood me. She stops taking off her clothes, trots to the window, pulls the curtain together and gives me a soothing smile, “Don’t be shy my lord. We value the clients’ privacy. No one is going to see us.” I manage to maintain my smile as she climbs up on my lap. The perfume she uses is very strong. It explodes in front of my nose, making me feel a bit dizzy. “Do you like how I smell, my lord?”She asks while grinding her body against mine. “You smell good.”I reply flatly and signal her to get off my lap. “What…”She blinks at me and asks uncertainly, “Did I do anything wrong?” “No. You did fine. I am not in the mood today.”I explain. Seeing her stay on my lap, I repeat myself, “Off.” Sensing that I wasn’t joking, the harlot jumps off obediently. She bites her lower lip and suggests, “How about we have some pills to blossom our lust?” “Thank you but no.”I reject her proposal and direct her to sit beside me. “What’s your name?” “Ruby,”The harlot replies. “Nice to meet you Ruby. I know it sounds weird, but I didn’t come here for a night of pleasure.” “I can be your mistress if you can afford it. The charge will be a little bit higher since this is an exclusive deal. But you can f**k me every night.”Ruby proposes. “No, no.”I chuckle, “I am afraid you are too valuable to be bought.” At my words, there is a knit forming between her eyebrows. “A bird told me you’re a generous client, Lord Dorian, which is why I volunteer to serve you. If you’re not in the mood to spend money today, maybe we can meet someday in the future, when you’re in the mood.”Ruby smiles but the pretentious passion in her voice has disappeared. She stands up, making a false move as if she is leaving. I know she is playing hard to get and her sophisticated performance amuses me. I grab her wrist cooperatively, begging her to stay. “Wait, Ruby. I am not in the mood to get laid, but I am in the mood to chat with someone. I happened to be a talkative person.” “My time is valuable, Lord Dorian. If you want to talk to someone, you’d better find your old fellows.”She raises her voice as she puts her arms across chest, nostril in the air. “I did.”I look at her innocently, “It was you who told me Sapphire was sick and Emerald is occupied.” Ruby’s facial muscle twitches. She rolls her eyes and huffs, “Whatever.” She is about to leave when I ask casually,“What if I pay you to talk?” Her body stills. She slowly turns back and gives me a skeptical look, “What do you mean? Dirty talk without physical contact?” I chuckle and shake my head, “Not that sort of talk. I want you to tell me what has been going on recently.” “Nothing is going on. Life is boring, repeating itself day after day…Oh, we have a new silkworm, pathetic scarred face.”She says in disdain. "I tried to offer the girl some guidance but she is too arrogant to listen to me." "How ungrateful she is."I say in amusement. "This is not funny, my lord!" Ruby whines. "The rookie is very aggressive, threatening that she will beat Coral and me if we disturb her again. We never disturbed her. We just want to help her to get accustomed to her new home!” “Haha, it is so kind of you to offer help.”I fake a smile, “Just ignore the pathetic silkworm. Tell me something more interesting and important.” “Like what?” “Like your clients’ lives. The elite, duke, royal…anything interesting happened to them?” “Oh, you want that sort of information,”Ruby arches her eyebrows as she finally understands my hints. She elegantly sits back and says, “Madame Pink set a strict rule that we can never expose our clients’ information, as some of them are very important figures. Only when we make our clients feel they are safe here, will they come back to order our service again. Sorry, but to sustain the business I can’t leak my clients’ privacy to you.” “You’re quite farsighted and professional.”I praise her, intentionally adding, “Unlike Emerald and Sapphire. They answered whatever I asked. Guess the rule doesn’t bother them that much.” Ruby curses under her breath. She soon recollects herself and displays a more polite attitude, “Like I said, what we hold are very very dark secrets. And secrets are expensive. I can share some with you, on the premise that you are generous enough.” “I assure you the reward is handsome.”I assure Ruby and take out a piece of note, handing it to her.“All the people I am interested in are on this list. Keep an eye on them for me. I give you three grands for each.” “Three grands for each?”Ruby widens her greedy eyes. “That’s correct.”I nod. Without a second thought she happily accepts the deal. Unfolding the note, she leafs through the name list, reading their names one by one, “Fiona Grey, Giles Freeman, Mark Quinn, Hans Snow…Who are these people? I’ve never heard about them.” “You should work harder then, my lady.”I smirk. “I will not disappoint you, Lord Dorian. I hope you have had the money prepared, for I will obtain what you want very soon.”Ruby smiles confidently. “I hope so.”I nod and throw a bag of coins to her, “I would like to stay for a night with no companion and no disturbance. Will this afford my staying?” She opens the bag, peeking into it and beams at me, “Yes. You’re such a generous soul, Lord Dorian. You definitely deserve the title.” “What title are you talking about?”I arch my eyebrows. “The Harlots’ Favor.”Ruby giggles, “No offense, but this is the credit given by the house. I’ve heard about your reputation, my lord. Both my friends and opponents spoke highly of you, saying you are gentle and generous, unlike most Johns. They act like brainless barbarians.” “So I don’t look like a usual client?”I frown, worrying my disguise might be exposed. “You are anything but an ordinary client.”Ruby laughs and teases me, “What kind of client will get in the brothel and leave without getting laid? You’re special, my lord.” She may say so to nurture my ego, to prove that I am unprecedented and unique, which could be very touching to many clients’ ears. But that’s not in my case. The last thing I want is that I look different from other clients. “You don’t look happy, my lord,”Ruby observes, “You seem to be concerned that you’re unlike…” Ruby doesn’t get to finish her sentence as I pull her closer and kiss her. That’s the most efficient way to stop her talking. She blinks and giggles, cupping my face and kisses back. “You wanna f**k me?”She asks.
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