Chapter 9 Dorian Harte is Here?!

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-Rose- Half a month has passed since I became a silkworm. Everything goes smoothly. Not only do I get along well with my fellows but I earn the respect from the harlots. After they heard what I did to Coral and Ruby, they nod at me with a polite smile when they see me. Some smiles are genuine while others are not. I don’t mind, though. I smile at whoever smiles at me. Madame Pink noted the change and asked me once if I would like to be promoted to be a butterfly. She saw strength and power in me and my disobedience might be attractive to some special guests whose hobbies are to conquer rebellious women. “Playing hard-to-get and eventually giving them what they want. You have a chance to make a big fortune, my little Rosy.”Madame Pink attempted to guide me but I politely declined her proposal, telling her that I am not interested in being a butterfly. “This is a great opportunity to socialize with powerful people and make them do things for you.”Emerald also tried to persuade me when she heard I said no to Madame Pink. “At the cost of selling my body.”I shook my head and muttered. “I’d rather not.” “Alright. Then you will have to wait more patiently.”Emerald sighed. “I’ve sought help from my clients. Some agreed to talk to their connections. But no one can guarantee that they can get you the pack bracelet.” “Anyway I appreciate your trying to help.” “Although I am a p********e, I am a woman of my words.”Emerald smiled and asked. “What about you? How was your work in the kitchen? I heard you’ve made friends with other silkworms.” “My work is great. I just love cooking. And yes, the silkworms are nice and easygoing. I feel comfortable working with them.” “Great. I am happy for you.”Emerald smiled as she gently tapped the back of my hand. She leaned closer and kept her voice down. “There is an important guest coming tonight. You may have heard about him, Harlot's Favor.” “Like I said, I don't want to serve any men.”I said in frustration. “I understand. And I am not asking you to serve him.”Emerald chuckled. “I just want you to know that he is a nice man and he might be willing to do you a favor.” “But I have nothing to reward him.”I frown. “Perhaps you may give him some cupcakes you made. He has a sweet tooth.” “Really? What kind of man can be bribed by cakes?”I ask incredulously. “Rich man could be quite eccentric.”Emerald smirked as she whispered to me. “Every time he came to the house, he randomly selected a harlot to serve him, but he never slept with any of us.” “What?”my curiosity boosted and I widened my eyes in shock. “Then what is he doing here?” “I don’t know. Maybe he wanted to open a brothel himself and he needed to do some research.”Emerald shrugged. “Fair point.”I nodded in agreement. “Does Madame Pink know such things?” “Of course not. We must keep the secret for our mysterious guest.”Emerald winked at me. “Madame Pink would ask the guards to throw him out if she believes he is a commercial spy. Then we will lose him forever.”Emerald said as she put on a pretentious pitiful face. “And his handsome tips.” I giggled and Emerald’s smile went wider. “I don’t know if your cake can be useful leverage. But it doesn’t hurt to give it a try, right?” “Yeah. I will consider it.” “Let’s assume you truly win his affection, I want a share of the tips.” “The highest I can give you is thirty percent. I need to keep the rest. ” “You’re already very generous,”Emerald said in amusement. “Just curious, what are you going to do with the rest of the money?” “I need funds to carry out my revenge. Someday in the future I will go home and send my ex to jail. It won’t be an easy task since he was already the Beta. By the time I return, he might probably become the Alpha. To take him down I’d better prepare enough resources.” “I adore the spirits in you as well as your farsightedness.”Emerald praised. “Thank you. Care to have a less share to support my revenge?” Emerald laughed and said, “Twenty-five percent is also acceptable to me.” “I was merely joking.”I smiled while shaking my head. I asked her, “Don’t you want to go back to your pack if someday you have the chance?” “No.”She replied without any hesitation. “But your sister…” “She can live a better life without me.”Emerald cut me off and smiled bitterly. “It will break her heart to know I’ve become a prostitute.” “But…” “I’ve made my decision and this is final.”Emerald declared determinedly. “You should go to prepare the desserts to win Mr. Mysterious’ affection. There are other things about him I can share with you. Would you like to know?” “Yes.” “Seemingly you are already attracted to his charisma.”Emerald smirked. I looked at her attentively. I planned to listen carefully and memorize all of the secrets so that I could make the best response. I would try my best to win this mysterious client’s affections and persuade him into helping me get the pack bracelet I need. Emerald cleared her throat and began. Her tone was serious, as if she was reading The Ten Commandments. “First, among all harlots, Mr. Mysterious orders Sapphire most frequently and he hasn’t yet ordered Ruby once.” I could tell how proud Emerald was when she announced this. Feeling curious, I asked, “Why Sapphire in particular?” “Nobody knows.”Emerald shrugged. “Sapphire is a sweet girl, yet her appearance is mediocre in the house. I have no clues why she could be ordered by Mr. Mysterious so many times. Maybe she is good at digging news for Mr. Mysterious. Anyway, poor Sapphire was already gone. May she rest in peace. Let’s continue, the second secret about Mr. Mysterious. Word has it that he is in his early twenties. He is a bachelor, young, rich, and most importantly, single.” “So he hasn’t found his mate?” “Yep. To be honest I envy the girl who can be his mate. He is so kind and gentle, gorgeous and graceful.”Emerald sighed. “We should treasure the time we can spend with him, for once he finds his mate, he will never come to the brothel again. I assure you that.” “Alright, what else should I know?” “Mr. Mysterious is an expert chess player. He has defeated Madame Pink several times.” “Didn’t she lose on purpose to please him?”I asked doubtfully. “No, Mr. Mysterious didn’t care about victory that much. In fact he will be more pleased if he can find a competitive opponent. But very unfortunately so far he hasn’t found anyone who can defeat him, or he may visit the brothel more frequently. Madame Pink was actually thinking about hiring an expert to teach us, advancing our chess skill.”Emerald said as she tilted her head to the side. “Can you play chess?” “I knew the basic rules but haven’t played it for a long time.” “I see. You may pick it up to better entertain Mr.Mysterious. Or you can choose to satisfy his desire……for food.” “Food?”I gulped at Emerald’s words, not sure if she is joking or not. “Look at your face.”Emerald laughed. “I know this is unbelievable. But it is true. Mr. Mysterious always said yes please whenever we offered him food. Cuisines, cakes, cookies, biscuits…” “What’s his favorite?”I asked. “Good question. He wasn’t picky and as he showed no preference, we haven’t figured out what’s his favor.” “Ok.”I blinked, thinking about what food I could prepare so that I could leave him a deeper impression. Snacks or main course? Main course. It will show my sincerity. What kind of meat should I choose? Beef, pork, chicken, fish? Ugh, do any wolves eat fish? Probably not. We are all sickened by the fishy smell and some of us are even allergic to fish. Come on, Rose, make a wise choice. I carefully selected the ingredients showing in my mind and finally decided I would do fried chicken. “Whatever you decide to do, make sure to save a plate for me. I just adore your cooking,”Emerald said. “Thanks.”I smiled, feeling so encouraged by her words. Just when I thought I had heard all the secrets about Mr. Mysterious, Emerald cleared her throat and beckoned me over. “The last secret for you to know, my dear Rosy. Our lovely Mr. Mysterious is a famous figure. I bet his name is known to every pack. You must have heard about him before.” “Really?”I arched my eyebrows and said in a challenging tone. “Do enlighten me. What’s this gentleman’s name?” “Dorian Harte.” The moment I heard the name, I widened my eyes and inhaled sharply. I hate myself for not being able to conceal my shock. I should have pretended to be calm and indifferent…but I just couldn’t help it. It is Dorian Harte. My old enemy. The asshole who defeated me in wrestling with his nasty tricks. So many years have passed and I couldn’t forget the heartless strategy he played on me. The jerk shouted aloud “I LOVE YOU” to distract me, causing me to lose the fight… Damnit. “I knew it! You heard about his name too,”Emerald smiled proudly and asked. “Have you decided what dish you will cook for him?” I thought for a moment. Then I gave Emerald a determined look and told her my decision. “Fish.” I said with a smirk.
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