
Seasons of Chances and Love 2: Perfect Love In Summer

second chance

Fuji/OC. No matter how long it had been, no matter how short he could have this moment with her like this, it would always come down to one realization. He would always find himself smiling at her, despite the sadness that lurks around her as her past begins to unravel in front of him...

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Waiting And Wishing
The sun was beginning to set... The wind was starting to blow forth, making everything cold around... Her heart was beating fast as she continued to run heading towards a certain direction. She knew where she should head since that was the only place she could think of-a place special to both of them. It was the place where he first told her he loved her, after all. It was a place of their memories, where their love story first began. It would always be a place that would remind her to believe in the love that she has for him. Her body was screaming for her to stop running but her mind wasn't complying to that. She has to reach him before her finally gave up on her. She has to let him know that she finally remembered him and their love. She has to let him know that she would never leave him and forget him again. She has to let him know that she could fulfill her promise to him that she would always love him and only him. Letting him know that was the only way she could think of. It was her way of asking his forgiveness for forgetting him and their love. She was panting heavily when she reached the place. Luckily, no one was around except for him when she let her eyes roam the place. The place was a seaside cliff where they would always watch the sunset as it tainted the world with its red orange color. There was never a time she didn't admire and feel amazed at the breathtaking sight. But no sight was far more breathtaking than the sight of her beloved watching the sun slowly went down to the horizon. His light brown hair was being blown by the ocean breeze as he watched the breathtaking site. She then realized that she would forever admire her beloved's calm and handsome face. It would always be her greatest regret if ever she really ended up eternally forgetting this man. "Syuusuke!" she called out loud, catching the attention of the aforementioned person. Of course, she expected the surprised looks on Fuji's face as soon as he turned around and faced her. He heart was beating fast as she approached him slowly. It was always like this whenever this guy was concerned. But then she soon realized that her heart was beating like this because it was an obvious reaction from her since she loved him. In fact, she loved him so much and she feared that she would never feel her heart beating this way again if ever she lost him. She couldn't afford to let something like that happen. "Miyako..." Fuji uttered in sheer surprise and happiness upon seeing the woman he loved in front of him. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to head out to the coliseum to perform tonight?" "Do you really think I could perform any song if I know you're out here probably crying all alone because I hurt you?" she asked in return instead of answering his question. "Besides, I could never perform anymore..." Fuji was surprised to hear her answer but he couldn't ask her why even though he wanted to. "...I'll never be able to perform anymore if I know that I'm about to lose you..." she said in a soft tone. Her voice was cracking because she was about to cry. "I can't afford to lose you, Syuusuke. I love you so much that it pains me knowing I hurt you because I inadvertently forgot about you and our love. But when you gave me the music sheet with our song written on it, that's when I remembered everything. I even managed to finish it because of that. But I can't afford to lose you and ending our love in the process. I want to be with you forever, Syuusuke. This time, I'll make sure I could fulfill it. Just give me a chance for me to do so. I'm not going to leave you again, I promise..." But she didn't hear anything from him at all after that. It was something she didn't expect. Maybe he finally gave up loving him and she came too late. The thought alone hurt her to the core and made her cry. She soon felt warm arms wrapped around her that froze her for a few moments before she felt a familiar warmth that made her cry even more. She returned Fuji's tight embrace in the same degree, as if she was afraid of losing him if she let him go. "Our song really possesses magic like what you told me before... You came back to me because of it," he said softly. "But I could never give you up, Miyako. I want you to remember that. There's no way I could do something as impossible as that. Yes, I walked away since I couldn't force you to believe me. But I want you to remember that I love you. No matter how many times I walk away, I'll always come back to you since walking away doesn't really mean I don't love you anymore." "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for forgetting you..." was all she said in a muffled tone since her face was buried on Fuji's chest. A tighter embrace was the reply she got. She didn't know that she was already smiling as he continued to embrace her. But it wasn't a sadistic smile. It was a grateful and gentle smile for he was thankful of what was happening right now. He was thankful that Miyako's lost memories returned and it made her return to him. "You never really forgot about me once you realized it, Miyako. I've always been inside your heart even after you suffered from amnesia. Our song only became a path for our memories to return to you. I never left you, Miyako. Our love never did..." he stated as he slowly released her from his embrace. "That's how strong our love is. Now it will be even stronger than how it was before since you returned to me." Before she could say anything else, he lowered his head and gave Miyako a deep, breathtaking kiss that she had come to love. That kiss made her believe what he said was true. It then made her believe in a love far stronger than what she had first felt for him before. She knew that only Fuji could let her feel that love for the rest of her life. Only he could let her fully understand it as they spend the rest of their eternity together. His kiss was only one of the proofs that he had for that. The kiss ended and she looked at him lovingly. He smiled at her as he touched her cheek. "You're the one I'm really meant to be with, Miyako. At the very least, I want you to remember that. I'll stay with you and love you forever..." he said emotionally and he embraced her with so much love. "I love you too, Syuusuke..." xxxxxx ...or at least that's how I wanted to end this love story. Unfortunately, that wasn't exactly how my love life went wherever I look at it. And I, Yumemiya Miyako, could only do this in the romance novels that I wrote. This kind of love life could only exist in my imagination and I could only convey it in papers. I sighed after I read my finished manuscript from my laptop. Yes, I did another habit of basing my story's hero on the Seigaku's tensai Fuji Syuusuke. Of course, only I knew that fact. And should I state who I based his leading lady with? Probably not. It was already obvious, anyway. Why was I doing the same thing every time I write a novel? This novel-once approved by my editors-would be my 9th novel. I was surprised on how my story turned out to the readers. My first novel was a huge hit-it was a bestseller. It didn't only appeal to the girls but also to the boys, as well. I was surprised when I learned that. But unknown to all, one of my 8 published novels' hero wasn't based on Fuji. I based it on Tezuka Kunimitsu and the whole story was somewhat parallel to his and my friend Hondou Kazumi's love story. Many people were saying that it was a heart-wrenching and at the same time, a really romantic story. But only I knew that I based it on their story. I wrote another story-and luckily managed to finish it in an even faster rate-to kill the time so that I could finally sleep. Stupid insomnia struck me again! I guess this was the only advantage of this sleeping disorder to me. Writing novels was also a way for me to divert my attention and for me to stop thinking more about Fuji again and again. But in the end, I was wrong. Who was I fooling, anyway? This novel I just finished writing made me think about that sadistic tensai. This story made me wish that a love story as beautiful as those in my novels would somehow happen to me. If Aino Nadeshiko (that's my pen name, by the way) could write a really beautiful happy ending to the couples she created in her novels, why couldn't my fate do the same thing? It was weird for me to wish that I could have a happy ever after specifically with Fuji Syuusuke. But it wasn't bad to wish for something like that, right? After all, I could only wish for it. Not like it could actually happen... unless a miracle could rewrite my destiny and would actually allow the quiet, aloof and quite unsociable me to be with the handsome and amazing genius like Fuji. Sheesh! I never thought Kana's romantic belief and Aika's romantic "cheesiness" despite their tough nature could be this contagious. But I guess I could understand why they were like that. Just like me, those two were also liked someone (or love would probably be the best word to describe their emotions). Kana loved her childhood friend Oishi Shuichiro since sixth grade. Aika loved her best friend and a family friend Kawamura Takashi since the start of middle school. As for me, I liked Fuji Syuusuke since third year middle school even though he had no idea I exist. Yup! I've been loving him for that long. Wait... Did I just say I love that sadistic genius? That fast? I sighed once more and this time, it was a heavy sigh. Of all guys that I should love, why him? Why did it have to be Fuji? I mean, I could love other guys, right? But my heart ended up having feelings for him even though I knew it would be impossible for me to reach him. I guess romance in real life would never be as easy as the romance in novels. After all, it was hard to manipulate the characters of the real world unlike the characters in my novels. And I won't be able to manipulate my feelings for him once I finally fell hard for him. But with the world we were living in right now, could I really let him know that? Could I just let myself be satisfied on wishing to have his love and wait until the fated day that I could call Fuji Syuusuke mine? I knew I sounded possessive but I couldn't help it. I want him... all of him... That, unfortunately, was something I could say which was next to impossible... ...at least for now... How I wish my novels have the power to make that wish of mine come true... ...or maybe I should just sleep since insomnia was finally leaving me after making my brain go whacked. Yeah... maybe I should just do that... xxxxxx Fuji read the novel Till The Day I Can Call You Mine by Aino Nadeshiko for the fourth time that day (or should I say night since it was already 11:54 pm). He couldn't help but to be fascinated by that romance novel. Ever since Aino Nadeshiko's release of her first novel, he had become a fan of her works. Her writing skills had captured his attention (and probably his heart, as well) that he always waited for the release of her novels. Till The Day I Can Call You Mine was her third novel. Though he knew the author was a woman, he has no idea about what could she possible be looked like. Aino Nadeshiko never made a public appearance even though her novels were always becoming a big hit to many people. But by continually and repeatingly reading her works (even though it was only a few), he could already decipher that Aino Nadeshiko was someone who knew both Tezuka and Kazumi's love story. He based that hypothetical guess on Aino Nadeshiko's novel entitled Music, Love and Promise because only a few people (very few, to be exact) knew Tezuka and Kazumi's love story. Even if the characters' names were changed so that it would appear like it was fiction, Fuji could still see the parallelism of the novel to the real life-his friend's love life, to be more precise. But even if he already had that guess, he still need a few more data (now he was beginning to think and act like Inui) in order to find out who Aino Nadeshiko really was. He would take his time in doing so. After all, it wasn't only Aino Nadeshiko's novels that captured his attention. There was another person-a girl around his age with slightly long golden hair and ice silver eyes who has a really beautiful and captivating voice. And her name was... ...Yumemiya Miyako, the academy's "Siren of the Silver Wind". What would happen is he discovered the fact that the singer Siren of the Silver Wind and the novelist Aino Nadeshiko were just aliases of only one and the same person? But then, how long would it take him to discover that fact? Of course, this would be told in another story...

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